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Definitions and meanings of "Aborts"

What do we mean by aborts?

A miscarriage; an untimely birth; an abortion.

The product of a miscarriage; an aborted offspring; an abortion.

An early termination of a mission, action, or procedure in relation to missiles or spacecraft; the craft making such a mission.

The function used to abort a process.

An event involving the abort of a process.

To wholly and instantly abandon your immediate action or plan Urban Dictionary

A legal and safe procedure that is there for a woman in case she, the person in control of her own body, makes the decision to terminate a pregnancy. Don't let hateful, misinformed people scare you. Urban Dictionary

A word no one is allowed to joke about. Urban Dictionary

An awsome Belgian deathgrind band. Urban Dictionary

The ending of pregnancy by to removing an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. This should be safely done in an abortion clinic, or it can be dangerous. Many people who get pregnant by accident seek out abortions so they don't have to carry a baby. Urban Dictionary

The termination of a pregnancy, whether wanted or unwanted. There are many reasons to have an abortion, some are: -The woman isn't ready to be a mother. -The woman's health is in danger. -The embryo/fetus' health is in danger. -The embryo/fetus has something wrong with it. -The woman is a survivor of rape. Many Republicans (conservatives) feel that abortion is wrong, yet they support the war in Iraq and our president, who doesn't seem to be doing much about the genocide happening in Darfur. Urban Dictionary

Yeetus the feetus Urban Dictionary

Abortment is the next level for disappointment for children and adults of all ages, it’s when your family wishes they would have aborted your ass Urban Dictionary

Code for any reproductive rights that conservatives like to use whenever liberals try to prove that Planned Parenthood does more than that Urban Dictionary

1) A medical procedure, a women’s right to end a unwanted pregnancy or planned pregnancy. Abortion is health care 2) Not murder. Many people incorrectly believe abortion involves babies. 3) the procedure only involves ONE person and that’s the one who is pregnant. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Aborts

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The word "aborts" in example sentences

Just show in the books that he performed 2 late term aborts that day, one just much later than the other. ❋ Unknown (2011)

During the eviction Wikus confiscates alien weaponry and "aborts" their eggs with the use of flamethrowers. ❋ Unknown (2010)

And if the liberal "aborts" stop breeding, there is less chance of babies being tainted with teh gay. ❋ Unknown (2010)

If the "aborts" don't reproduce (love the use of the verb) and multiply, that means the world is safe for babies because the wimmins who are ❋ Unknown (2010)

Regnante points out that this is in complete contrast to the seasonal timing of heart attacks, which tend to occur during the winter months, and says this finding fuels the debate about what actually causes the weakened muscle in broken heart syndrome. heart attack that 'aborts' itself early and therefore doesn't leave any permanent heart muscle damage. ❋ J Charmer (2009)

"Some believe it is simply a form of a heart attack that 'aborts' itself early and therefore doesn't leave any permanent heart muscle damage. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Fortunately for pro-life people, the pro-aborts made such a noise about this ad, that it got attention and helped the pro-life issue. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The program gets a certain way and then aborts, complaining that there are too many files. ❋ Jean (2009)

Now, any man with a 100% rating from NARAL (to highlight just the tip of the iceberg of Teddy's decades-long campaign against natural rights) has, to put it mildly, the burden of proof in seeking a Catholic funeral (okay, technically, his executors have the burden of proof, but you see the point) in that notorious pro-aborts seem to be "manifest sinners who cannot be granted ecclesiastical funerals without public scandal of the faithful." ❋ Unknown (2009)

If a woman aborts because she is poor and uneducated, an abortion is not magically going to solove those problems. ❋ Unknown (2009)

So a birth mother might apologize to a baby for giving it up, but a woman who aborts has “no one to whom to apologize”? ❋ Unknown (2009)

And a year-and-a-half later, he takes those accusations and aborts them, just stuffs them. ❋ Unknown (2010)

And no pro aborts …. they are not better off dead …. .no child is. ❋ Unknown (2010)

When a woman aborts, plenty of times the only people who know that fetus ever existed are the woman and her doctor. ❋ Unknown (2009)

It still aborts the fertilized egg however, no matter how you call it. ❋ Unknown (2010)

You can BET that the pro-aborts are making their views known and politicians who stick their necks out on these and other issues like the recent euthanasia victory NEED TO HEAR FROM US! ❋ Unknown (2010)

Guy 1 (talking to Rufus' girlfriend): So, any [plans] this weekend? Guy 2: Yo, [Rufus] is coming - [abort], abort. ❋ 4dm1n (2008)

Maybe the condom broke. Maybe you were raped. Maybe you're just not ready to be a mother. Your life is not ruined; you can have [an abortion] if you really desire to [terminate] the [pregnancy], and no one has the right to judge you for it. ❋ America Lover 🇺🇸 (2019)

Person 1: Why can't we joke about [abortion]? Person 2: Because [by definition] there is no [delivery] ❋ Electronicz?Nahm8 (2021)

[Woah], Aborted is so [awsome] [I just shit my pants]. ❋ Mikebmetal (2006)

The condom broke when [Felicity] and [Greg] had sex, so now Felicity is looking to have [an abortion]. ❋ Jellynessa (2019)

Abortion is something that can help a woman in tremendous ways. And it is not murder. A fetus or [embryo] is not a child since in most [aborted] cases, it can not live outside of [the womb] and is not viable in any sense. ❋ KGA (2005)

[Hey mom] [i had] a A-bort-ion [abortion] ❋ Dumb Beeeech (2020)

[Savanah] and [Stacy] are examples of abortments. There parents should have [aborted] them, since they are huge disappointments ❋ Stuce And Sav (2019)

No matter how many times [liberals] say that women have the right to do what they want with their own [bodies], [conservatives] still think they are talking about abortion. ❋ Chad'srockergrrrll (2015)

Abortion has [too much] [negative] [stigma] ❋ Rvn (2018)

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