
Character 14
Hyphenation ac knowl edged ly
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Definitions and meanings of "Acknowledgedly"

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The word "acknowledgedly" in example sentences

If Obama wins, racial issues will be openly, directly, and acknowledgedly part of the national discourse for untold years to come. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Now, Kerala, most in India would readily agree, is a state ridden with a Communist mindset of blame, entitlement, zero accountability, and zero industry–that party has dominated the state politics for decades–and consequently, while people from Kerala acknowledgedly and deservedly work had as coolie labor and more in the oil-rich Gulf countries and other states of Kerala, they lapse back into the blame and entitlement game in Kerala. ❋ Unknown (2008)

So, there was your glimpse inside the mind of a Christian, one who tries hard to follow Jesus but still stumbles, and who is self-acknowledgedly foolish. ❋ Unknown (2007)

More positive and more succinct than Medina was T.E. Retana whose earlier researches [48] into the history of the Philippines Medina acknowledgedly made use of, and who in 1897 published his _La Imprenta en Filipinas, Adiciones y Observaciones a La Imprenta en Manila_. ❋ Anonymous (1951)

We have not cited here in detail the account of Juan Lopez [24] in the fifth part of his history of the Dominicans, because, although it was printed nineteen years before the appearance of Aduarte's work, the information therein contained regarding the Philippines was acknowledgedly obtained from the unfinished manuscript which Aduarte had with him in Spain. ❋ Anonymous (1951)

In the Colonial Conferences which have been held at intervals in London since the first Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887, Canada has been acknowledgedly first among the self-governing colonies. ❋ J. G. Bourinot (N/A)

From reptiles we advance to birds, and thence to mammalia, which are commenced by marsupialia, acknowledgedly low forms in their class. ❋ Anonymous (N/A)

Now all of you know that Naziism is acknowledgedly entirely opposed to any self-expression, any individualism, and any freedom. ❋ Unknown (1940)

To walk across China, over roads acknowledgedly worse than are met with in any civilized country in the two hemispheres, and having accommodation unequalled for crudeness and insanitation, is not easy. ❋ Edwin John Dingle (1926)

Thorpe later, however, sent over two bear skins, which were acknowledgedly an improvement. ❋ Stewart Edward White (1909)

Thorpe later, however, sent over two bear-skins, which were acknowledgedly an improvement. ❋ Unknown (1902)

All this, with the kindly nature which is acknowledgedly ours -- with gifts of freedom vouchsafed us by the ❋ H.G. Adams (1854)

Often had I passed whole days in climbing the steep and precipitous crags which overhang the sea in the neighbourhood of Morton Castle, ostensibly in the pursuit of the heron or the seagull, but self-acknowledgedly for the mere pleasure of grappling with the difficulties they opposed to me. ❋ John Richardson (1824)

What I think Jeff G. and some of your more vocal (and acknowledgedly unrestrained) detractors are concerned with is that you'll take your desire for moderateness, a good and necessary quality, and you'll hold back in calling Obama's policies honestly for what they are. ❋ Unknown (2008)

All this, with the kindly nature which is acknowledgedly ours -- with the gifts of freedom vouchsafed us by the Almighty in this land, in part, and in the West Indies, -- with the intellectual desire everywhere manifesting itself -- and the exceeding interest exhibited for Africa by her own children and by the Christian nations of the world -- are indications from which we may not gather a trivial meaning nor a narrow significance. ❋ Unknown (1848)

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