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Definitions and meanings of "Agentives"

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Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word agentives. Define agentives, agentives synonyms, agentives pronunciation, agentives translation, English dictionary definition of agentives.

The Agents are a big federal organization which hunts down outlaws and paranoid teenagers or adults For a normal and sober person they are fictional or blend in very well in our world but actually they are rouge creations made by the ushevite The only real way to know if the agents are hunting you is to be tripping balls. When you finally see them it is common to experience intense panic or paranoia for a few seconds, thinking that they will bust yo ass but this symptom can be easily avoided if you rush to a safe house If you start to see The Agents even when you are completely sober it is likely that you suffer from the agent disease which can lead to non-stop paranoia, fear, nausea or the feeling to be non-stop high so you can sense the agents from a larger radius Urban Dictionary

Sentient programs within the Matrix, the law enforcers for the Machine organization. They all resemble tall white males in suits and sunglasses. They can move in and out of any hardware directly connected to the Matrix, which means that anyone who's mind has not been liberated is potentially an Agent. They have amazing abilities not limited to super strength, speed, accuracy, and masterful skill of all martial arts. Only one human has ever been able to defeat any Agents who attempt to oppose him: the One, Neo. Now that he is deceased, Zion operatives can do only one thing when they see Agents: run. Urban Dictionary

The Agent is a game where you have a group of people and one person is instructed to pretend to be a close friend of a target. The goal is to obtain specific personal information and report back to the group. It is usually much more easier on instant messenger. Urban Dictionary

In the film The Matrix agents are computer programs that resemble humans charged with hunting down anyone who poses a threat to the Matrix including rebels and those affiliated with them as well as renegade programs. Agents masquerade as government agents resembling the Men In Black of UFO conspiracy theories, always dressing in dark suits and sunglasses and wearing earpieces that can be used not only to communicate with each other but to tap into the matrix and locate abnormalities. With the exception of Agent Smith, Agents seem to lack personality as they talk in monotone voices and never express any form of emotion. Agents have superhuman abilities. They are capable of dodging bullets, punching through stone and taking over the body of anyone who's mind is imprisoned in the matrix. They are also seeming unable to feel pain. They also have pinpoint accuracy and always carry concealed desert eagles. Agents can never truly die as when the are killed they are sent back to the Machine mainframe leaving the body they were inhabiting and can respawn using their earlier mentioned ability to take over one's body. The only way an agent can truly die is if they are deleted by the Machines or some other entity. The Machines have influenced the government into doing the Agents' bidding as the agents operate under the guise of investigating computer crime and terrorism and are able issue orders to the police department. The agents from the first Matrix film were deleted and replaced with upgraded agents who were larger, stronger, and faster and appeared in the second Matrix film. Some agents are granted authority over others, such as Agent Smith who commanded two other agents before betraying the Machines after his programming was disrupted, or Agent Johnson who led three upgraded agents in The Matrix Reloaded. Neo is the only person to ever defeat an agent without the help of the environment. To date, Agents are still active in the Matrix universe. Urban Dictionary

A parasite living off the endeavours of others. Urban Dictionary

The Agents (code names: H, L, and E), founded in early 2007, hold PHd's in kicking ass and taking names. They are rockstars of the highest caliber and pretty much pown everything. The Agents are adored by all, understood by few, and sexed up by whomever they choose. They save children, but not the British children. Urban Dictionary

A citizen of another country (non-US)who provides information and/or services of importance to the CIA. The country's government generally remains unaware that the agent is working with the CIA. Urban Dictionary

Leaving a comment on someone's journal that is actually meant for someone else. Urban Dictionary

What conspiracy theorists like to call the people who don't believe in their wacko theories and who will argue against the theorists with reasonable arguments and evidence. Theorists will claim these people are working for the government and a part of the conspiracy. Urban Dictionary

Creatures that can take over anyone's body that is still hardwired to The Matrix. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Agentives

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The word "agentives" in example sentences

And we'd have to work the IE -ter agentives in there somewhere too. ❋ Unknown (2005)

[Doro]: I am hungry wanna go grab something to eat? Mario: Nah bro I think that the [agents] are [coming for me] I'm going home ❋ Bradorko (2019)

"I've seen an Agent punch through a [concrete] wall, men have emptied entire [clips] at them and hit nothing but air. Yet their [strength] and their speed is still based in a world that is built on rules..." ❋ Clowmanus (2005)

[Agent] 1: Lets play The Agent Agent 2: Okay Agent 1: Your [target] is Sarah and you must find out why she broke up with Jack Agent 2: [Challenge accepted] ❋ Agent Troll (2011)

Those are Agents [holding] him, [three] of them. ❋ Redcommander27 (2007)

He is a an agent, he [offers] [nothing] to [society]. ❋ Xui (2003)

1) Creepers should never mess with [the Agents], lest they they get powned like Cyrano de [Bergerac] powned Montfleury. 2) Agent L is so sexy, a greek man asked for a picture with her to prove she was real. 3) Every barista in the greater Pacific Northwest is infatuated with Agent E. 4) Agent H has been begged by the Queen never to return to the British Isles because of the flood of broken hearts she leaves in her wake. She is currently considering the plea. And planning another trip. 5) "Dude, I'm not going to mess with the biker guy with a rifle! He went to Harvard, and he's [strangely sexy]. He's way too Agent." ❋ Jujubear (2007)

I'm not an agent working for [the CIA], I'm an Officer working for the CIA! There's a [big difference]. An officer is generally a United States citizen trained by the CIA. An agent is just some bozo we hire to [backstab] his country. They're 2 completely different positions! Now that I've told you this, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you. ❋ Inane5 (2005)

[This guy] [keeps] totally agenting me, and it's only making himself look [silly]. ❋ AceTracer (2004)

Those [conspiracy theorists] called me an agent because I actually provided a reasonable explanation why a [purple elephant] didn't crash into [the Pentagon] on 9/11. ❋ Castun (2008)

[When you] see an [agent], [you run]. ❋ Pat (2004)

Cross Reference for Agentives

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