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Definitions and meanings of "Allegiances"

What do we mean by allegiances?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word allegiances. Define allegiances, allegiances synonyms, allegiances pronunciation, allegiances translation, English dictionary definition of allegiances.

The third and final installment in Divergent trilogy. Written by Veronica Roth. Urban Dictionary

A book I would have considered good until I got to the terrible ending Urban Dictionary

Loyalty and or commitment Urban Dictionary

The 3rd book in the divergent series (many consider it the last book some count four) The meaning of allegiant in the book is the group that is against the factionless and want to go outside the fence it is also hated for SPOILER ALERT not ending in "gent",and killing tris. (Allegiant also means loyal or faithful) Urban Dictionary

Low cost airline based out of Las Vegas, NV. With their history of frequent emergency landings and aborted takeoffs, they will make sure that your destination will either not be the one you selected on the website, or back at your home where you started, $250 out of pocket. Urban Dictionary

Daily address read throughout public schools in America every morning. Used to be just fine and dandy until President Eisenhower added 'under God' in 1954 to spite the communists. Now that 'under God' is a clear violation of the Establishment Clause of the federal Constitution, as defined by the Supreme Court in Engel v. Vitale, people push to remove the words from the Pledge. Others, such as fundamentalist Christians, claim we are a country of God. Whatever. THIS IS NOT A THEOCRACY. Urban Dictionary

That irritating moment in the morning of every school day when we are forced to worship a peice of cloth in the classroom. Urban Dictionary

A type of brainwashing invented by the government of the United States and crammed down your throat by schools since preschool. Translated into simpler terms, the pledge means this: "I promise my complete loyalty to the flag of the United States, and to the government of the United States, which is a country in which everybody believes in and is ruled by 'God' and human rights are honored, with freedom and due process of law for everybody." Although it promises human rights, there is no evidence of this elsewhere in the country, and half of the people who recite it every day probably do not know what it means. They just say it because they were told to, like good little subordinates. Urban Dictionary

The phenomena or awareness that occurrs and need to express it in some form or fashion, when a black person at a meeting, event, gathering, or in a large crowd feels that they are the only black person in attendance and then sees another black person. Urban Dictionary

Daily address read in public schools. Instated by Congress. Later, Congress adds "under God" to the Pledge. Somehow fundamentalist Christians believe Congress passing a law respecting an establishment of religion doesn't violate the whole "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" thing. Urban Dictionary

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The word "allegiances" in example sentences

That blurring of allegiances is also undermining the already weak hold Mr. Saleh has over the country, Yemeni officials and analysts say. ❋ Margaret Coker (2010)

Surveys of voters as they left polling places nationwide also showed shifts in allegiances among young people, Hispanics, upscale voters and others that could reverberate through future elections. ❋ Unknown (2008)

It is just that their long-term allegiances are more usually based on personal, familial and tribal connections rather than beliefs in institutions or political systems. ❋ Doug Beattie MC With Philip Gomm (2008)

Regardless of our "allegiances" - the difference in our "fanships" is VERY simple. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Cameron spoke to a very modern mood, widely shared across traditional party allegiances, that is not backward-looking but self-consciously contemporary, not coarse but sophisticated. ❋ Unknown (2011)

And a more prosperous Scotland might prise Scots away from their long-term allegiances to Labour and Liberal ‘Democrats’. ❋ Unknown (2007)

He cited past US "allegiances" to corporate interests and colonial powers and Washington's relations with South Africa during the apartheid era, but said times have changed. ❋ Unknown (1997)

Ms. Palin's critique has been expanded upon by members of the Tea Party movement, who often use the accusation as evidence that Mr. Obama has "allegiances" to other nations because he sees America as, fundamentally, no better. ❋ By MICHAEL D. SHEAR (2011)

That is, as an older generation whose partisan allegiances reflect the coalitions of a previous political era die off, they are replaced by political newcomers who came of age in a period of new political alliances. ❋ Robert D. Putnam (2010)

On the contrary: “I prefer the edge: the place where countries, communities, allegiances, affinities, and roots bump uncomfortably up against one another”. ❋ Unknown (2010)

On the contrary: “I prefer the edge: the place where countries, communities, allegiances, affinities, and roots bump uncomfortably up against one another.” ❋ Unknown (2010)

Something to think about if the corporations ever get some nut job with heavy foreign allegiances in as president in the future. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Syria is a highly unpredictable country, in part because of its sizable minority population and the regime's web of allegiances to powerful forces including Lebanon's Hezbollah and Shiite powerhouse Iran. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The cast of three – including founder member Mark Long – switch between numerous roles, dipping in and out of character to reveal spats and allegiances within the real-life team. ❋ Elisabeth Mahoney (2010)

Both are being played in the fast-riffling pack of allegiances forged and destroyed by the war on terror. ❋ Cathi Unsworth (2010)

There are deeply divided opinions and shifting allegiances over whether unions are helping or hurting people who have been caught in the recent economic squeeze. ❋ Unknown (2011)

But by wiping out allegiances to anyone besides himself, Col. ❋ Angus Mcdowall (2011)

Childhood poverty, shifting racial allegiances, and a "psychology of want" helped construct the many "houses" of race and identity he imagined. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Person 1: "Hey! Did you read [Allegiant]?" Person 2: "My life is ruined. Why [Veronica]? WHY?" *throws [the book] at the wall then quickly rushes over to see if it is okay* ❋ DSM. (2013)

Allegiant has [the WORST] ending [ever]. ❋ 20paphonies (2016)

You [never] [have to] [question] my allegiance. ❋ Rlene323 (2016)

To find out more read allegiant it starts on page [19] "Because they are [allied]" [Evelyn] ❋ Wordverse (2016)

I [flew] Allegiant Air once... [Might as well] have driven because I know I didn't choose to fly to [Denver]. ❋ Captainlaforest (2016)

I [pledge allegiance] to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, [indivisible], with liberty [and justice for all]. ❋ Don't Mess With Texas (2004)

"I [pledge allegiance] to the cloth hanging in the classroom, and to the brainwashin for which it stands, [one nation] under canada and above mexico." My [pledge of allegiance]. ❋ Glokwerk (2006)

[Yolanda]: "Have you recited [the pledge of allegiance] today?" Richard: "No. I do not believe in such foolish [brainwashing]." Yolanda: "This is not brainwashing" Richard: "Uh oh, they have already infected you. Now you must be destroyed." ❋ Jason Q. Dedrickston (2004)

[DeMichael]: "When I went to the convention, I saw [Deon] from accounting", I didn't know he was going so, (due to Black Allegiance) I went over and talked to him. At the political rally, I saw another black person. (Due to Black Allegience) I didn't know her so I gave her the [Sup Nod]. Can be used when a white person and a black person are together in a place where there are seemingly very few black people and the white person sees the black people acknowledge each others presence. Steve to Keisha " I saw you smile at that black girl over there, do you know her?" Keisha, " No, [B.A]." ❋ TheMammaK (2011)

America was founded [on God] and not freedom. If you disagree, I invite you to [move out] of our great [theocracy]. ❋ The Eyes Of Texas (2005)

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