Altar Rail

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Definitions and meanings of "Altar Rail"

What do we mean by altar rail?

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The word "altar-rail" in example sentences

And there were two little spruce trees, one at each end of the altar-rail, with their cones all on. ❋ Frederick Vining Fisher (N/A)

We went on tiptoe towards the altar-rail, and knelt upon the topmost step. ❋ [pseud.] Vera (N/A)

How beautiful it looked, showing above the evergreens covering the altar-rail! ❋ Frederick Vining Fisher (N/A)

Hanging from the altar-rail, directly before the statue of Our Lady, was Joe's handsomest May-basket, just as he knew it would be; for he had fastened it there himself the first thing in the morning. ❋ Mary Catherine Crowley (N/A)

In his earnest pleading his voice would rise from a conversational tone until it rang penetratingly through the hall, and he would emphasize his words with a startling resound from his open palm upon the altar-rail. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

Just before his death, while leaning on the altar-rail, he said to his followers: ❋ G. R. Wilson (1923)

It awaited Gaetano's coming to carve the choir chairs, the altar-rail, the pulpit, the lectern, and the shrine. ❋ Unknown (1915)

On Palm Sunday Clare, arrayed in all her finery, attended high Mass at the cathedral, but when the others pressed forward to the altar-rail to receive a branch of palm, she remained in her place as if rapt in a dream. ❋ 1840-1916 (1913)

The offering was voluntarily, and each one brought what he had to give to the altar-rail. ❋ 1840-1916 (1913)

Later on, about the fifteenth century the practice was introduced of receiving Holy Communion kneeling, and so the altar-rail gradually came to assume a form better suited to its modern use, and like what it is at present ❋ 1840-1916 (1913)

He nevertheless visited the sick, and preached in Indian and Spanish while seated in a chair at the altar-rail. ❋ 1840-1916 (1913)

As we have said, the curtains are used instead of the altar-rail or iconostasis of those rites, and the vestments are also peculiar. ❋ 1840-1916 (1913)

Harty did not close the door behind her until he had seen her kneel at the altar-rail. ❋ Unknown (1912)

We knelt at the altar-rail, and Gervasio knelt above us upon the altar's lowest step. ❋ Rafael Sabatini (1912)

Manuela bought a candle from the keeper of the little lodge at the entrance, and pausing one instant by the great sun-dial to see if the heavens and the hour were propitious, glided into the tiny chapel, dim and stifling with heavy air from myriad wish-candles blazing on the wide table before the altar-rail. ❋ Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson (1905)

He rose from his chair behind the altar-rail with an evident effort to throw off his weariness. ❋ Thomas Dixon (1905)

Jack, watching her uplifted profile as she stood at the altar-rail, found himself trivially, spitefully, irrelevantly murmuring: -- "Her nose _is_ too small." ❋ Anne Douglas Sedgwick (1904)

The months and the plans were profitable, it seems, for one splendid evening saw him at the altar-rail beside the fairest girl in all the ❋ George Barr McCutcheon (1897)

As soon as the newly wedded pair had received the exhortation, Aristide, darting to the altar-rail, caught Jean up in his arms, and, to the consternation of the officiating clergy, the verger, and Anne's conventional friends, cried out exultingly: ❋ William John Locke (1896)

Yet it had its evening tendernesses too, its subtle fragrance when the breeze fell, its sweet colours and outlines -- Beatrice too could pray; and Margaret's spiritual instinct, as she knelt by her at the altar-rail or glanced at the other's face as she came down fresh with absolution from the chair in the sanctuary where the chaplain sat, detected a glow of faith at least as warm as her own. ❋ Robert Hugh Benson (1892)

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