
Character 9
Hyphenation am bi gu i ty
Pronunciations /æmbɪˈɡjuːɪti/

Definitions and meanings of "Ambiguity"

What do we mean by ambiguity?

Doubtfulness or uncertainty as regards interpretation. noun

Something of doubtful meaning. noun

The state of being ambiguous; doubtfulness or uncertainty, particularly of signification. noun

An equivocal or ambiguous expression. noun

The quality or state of being ambiguous; doubtfulness or uncertainty, particularly as to the signification of language, arising from its admitting of more than one meaning; an equivocal word or expression. noun

Something liable to more than one interpretation, explanation or meaning, if that meaning etc cannot be determined from its context. noun

The state of being ambiguous. noun

An expression whose meaning cannot be determined from its context noun

Unclearness by virtue of having more than one meaning noun

Something, particularly words and sentences, that is open to more than one interpretation, explanation or meaning, if that meaning etc cannot be determined from its context.

The state of being ambiguous.

A word to describe someone or something that is difficult to understand, see or find. Can also refer to size. Negative. Urban Dictionary

Very vague. A person who avoids answering any questions ever, even avoids the most direct questions. Urban Dictionary

When someone describes something loosely, either due to a lack of more descriptive vernacular, or more commonly, they are being vague because they are afraid to confront a person or situation with how they actually feel. People are sometimes ambiguous because their true opinion is brash, rare, too personal, and they either simply haven't the confidence to share it, or sharing it would result in Too Much Information which could prove damaging for either party in the conversation. Ambiguity is common today in things like status messages and news headlines where the writer wants to paint a topic with a broad brush. Politicians are often ambiguous on talking points that they may wish to later flip-flop on. Urban Dictionary

Mysteriously unclear. Urban Dictionary

Likely to describe a furtively unclear person whose personality is indistinct, usually making it difficult for many people to understand them. This can cause these individuals to have little or no friends. Urban Dictionary

Having a double meaning pertaining to a person. If talking about a girl meaning that she doesn't get what is really going on and what you're wanting to do. Sort of like misleading. Urban Dictionary

About or full of imbigue Urban Dictionary

The quality of being ambiguous with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. Urban Dictionary

To describe the style of someone who is a mixture of the stereotypes punk, goth, emo, scene, & girlie. Urban Dictionary

A adjective meaning overly, very, extremely, absoultly. Normally used in an exclamation sentences. Mostly used as a fifty cent word, to make yourself sound smarter. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Ambiguity

The word "ambiguity" in example sentences

Being willing to play in ambiguity is much more fun and interesting than coming to a firm and unmovable decision. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This ambiguity is also becoming part of US policy toward Israel. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The key to ambiguity is to fight that urge and leave a few of the pieces of the puzzle out, or figuratively turn them 90 degrees. ❋ SVGL (2009)

An example of this ambiguity is the E-Data patent on "point of sale location." ❋ Venky (2008)

Perhaps most representative of this ambiguity is the kiss that concludes the wedding ceremony, permission for which is granted only after bride and groom have been legally transformed into man and wife. ❋ Unknown (2001)

Real ambiguity, the right kind of ambiguity, is when there's absolute clarity about what happened -- and very little about what it all means. ❋ Deanna Fei (2010)

Among Anglicans, there's a continuing fear that this ambiguity is going to be resolved one way or the other. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Moral ambiguity is a tricky road for a network drama to navigate, and it seems Lone Star asked too much, regardless of the undeniable charisma possessed by James Wolk. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Mr. Flynn keeps us guessing, and that ambiguity is riveting. ❋ David Mermelstein (2010)

Frankly, I think its ambiguity is part of its genius. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The sense of ambiguity is important because there are many readings an image can trigger. ❋ Kate Kellaway (2010)

That ambiguity is part of what appeals to me, and what makes her character more complex and compelling than a simple poster child for historical misogyny. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In any event, any ambiguity is cleared up by the guarantee of freedom of speech immediately preceding. ❋ Unknown (2010)

PROS: Cole's previous moral ambiguity is finally addressed; thoroughly engaging from start to finish; a quick read thanks to Resnick's smooth prose. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This ambiguity is due to the blurred distinction between good and evil in dualistic Eastern religions .... ❋ Unknown (2010)

Eg. "Dude, I'm over her ambiguity. I never know where I stand." "His [dimensions] were all a bit [ambiguous] [if you know what I mean]..." ❋ Tinydancer10 (2010)

[Phil]: "Do you want to hang out?" [Kathleen]: "Ummm maybe." Phil: " Do you ever answer questions?" Kathleen: "[Probably not]." Phil: "You are being very ambiguous." Phil later picks up on this rejection tactic. ❋ Madhatter_ismad (2015)

i.e. status message: "I [strongly dislike] [arrogant people]", denotes a value that could use some elaboration, but would probably be too divisive or damaging to share, and so it is purposefully ambiguous. i.e. "the massage [parlour] bill had an ambiguous charge added to it" ❋ Tangledweb (2013)

[The reason] why anyone would want [George] Dubblya' as [president] is ambiguous. ❋ Cyrusticity (2003)

[Severus Snape], the sexiest [professor] at [Hogwarts] ❋ Uffielemna (2005)

"[Damn bro] she keeps acting [ambiguous] when I want to [have sex] with her". Don't be so ambiguous girl ;) ❋ Chillinbrah (2011)

[Grey] not being a [color] is [ambiguous] ❋ Ambiguous (2015)

[I don't know what] these people believe in. They call it [spirituality], I call it [ambiguality]. ❋ August Jay Cabal (2017)

[Hannah] & [Carly] are [ambiguous]. They are the shit. ❋ Contagious_Lust (2010)

"You can't [miss] [Gladys], she is ambiguously huge!" "I am ambiguously angry with [you right] now!" ❋ Darthtigger69 (2008)

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