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Definitions and meanings of "Arming"

What do we mean by arming?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word arming. Define arming, arming synonyms, arming pronunciation, arming translation, English dictionary definition of arming.

The act of pleasuring the female vaginal region by use of arm, when one's arm has been amputated Urban Dictionary

Literal perfection and amazing gets all the boys even tho she’s sad and cries over spilling her popcorn Urban Dictionary

Arme is an amazing girl but theres like 1 person in the whole word who is called that. She is a very shy girl but when her friends are around her she can be the total opposite !! Arme is most likely to be a ship name of your parents. She is one who can NEVER EVER find her name in a keychain or a magnet. Also her eyes are probably the prettiest thing ever. If you ever find an Arme, which is not likely to happen, be nice to her cuz she's pretty amazinggggg, sometimes, hehehehhehehehhehe!!!! Urban Dictionary

1. An upper-body limb on a human. 2. A weapon, typically a gun of some sort. 3. Apparantly, a very under-appreciated word on the Urban Dictionary, seeing as how this is the first post under this word. Urban Dictionary

Getting something free of charge. Police lingo for free. Urban Dictionary

1. adj. Of or relating to an occurrence of any event or noun having put one's mood down; esp. by ways of rudeness, bitchiness, or acts of being mean to another. "He got punked today yo, everyday dis man gets punked--holee dat's arms!"; also {derivative from the hostility of a firearm when held at gunpoint, thus making one feel incomprehensible fear that would induce a 'pissing in the pants'; (1947: soldiers lined up for execution by way of arms)}. 2. n. Any of the limbs connected to shoulders or midriff of any body. An arm, forearm, or upperarm; also lowerarm. "Both his arms were torn off in the accident." 3. n. pl. Any gun, handgun, pistol, auto or semi-automatic, (projectile)firing weapon held at one's side near arm; esp. that used in combat or war. A firearm. "Arms ready!" (command issued to prepare for gunfire) 4. v. To Arm. To prepare or put into readiness; esp. placing armour before moment of combat. "He arms himself with two large pistols." 5. v. To be held in arms or one's arms. To be loved. To be given grace. "The child was held in arms." Urban Dictionary

Someone doing something that is considered mean Urban Dictionary be considered mean..something that happens that's not right 2.armz howse iz somthing that is really mean.. Urban Dictionary

"I got armed" | "Don't arm me" | "Doh! I got armed" To be left hanging in the middle of a conversation on IRC Urban Dictionary

Things on the side of your body Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Arming

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The word "arming" in example sentences

And the government has an essential role to play in arming consumers with good information. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Syria and Iran partner closely in arming and financing the main Arab groups fighting Israel — Hamas in the Palestinian territories and Hezbollah in Lebanon. ❋ Jay Solomon (2010)

China may not be facing a widespread Olympic boycott for its human rights abuses, and complicity in arming the Sudanese genocide, but that doesn't mean the China gets a pass. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Obscuring the role that corruption and ineptitude have played in arming and equipping our foes in the interests of drumming up another war just makes me sick beyond belief. ❋ Unknown (2008)

All of this is contingent on the banks passing these rate cuts on, of course, which might need some strong-arming from the banks new owners: us. ❋ Unknown (2008)

I do think something should be done about MI and FL, but blackmail and strong-arming is exactly what puts off so many of Obama's supporters from supporting Clinton. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The US Army are interested in arming soldiers with weapons that can be switched between lethal and non-lethal modes. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Remarkably, no-one seems to be mentioning the role of Russia in arming Iran and the possibility of an independent Israeli response is not being discussed either, although it must still be on the cards. ❋ Richard (2006)

And the first one is simply the thuddingly obvious point that we are, as George has demonstrated, now engaged in arming both sides of a situation where there have been major conflicts in the past and major recent crises that threatened serious violence and conflict. ❋ Unknown (2006)

This dreadful exhibition made me feel that probably there was some justification in arming one's self with a club. ❋ Unknown (1890)

There were rumours that the Confederate Government was about to begin arming negroes for service against the Federal armies. ❋ Unknown (1863)

He determined, therefore, to leave with her one of the banker's notes he had just received, of five-and-twenty pounds, and to pass these last moments in arming her against every possible contingency, which might happen during his absence, and, as far as he could, instructing her how to act if they occurred. ❋ Unknown (1793)

Russia has been critical of Israel’s role in arming Georgia before their attack on South Ossetia. ❋ Unknown (2008)

You can see from the looting on Wall Street how effective Mr. Bush’s strong-arming is at keeping unscrupulous opportunists in check. — ❋ Unknown (2008)

Nor did the US, in arming the mujahideen, set out to create Usama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda. ❋ Unknown (2005)

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland dismissed the idea of arming the Syrian rebels. ❋ Unknown (2011)

[Damm] that guy with only one hand was arming me so good last night till i [squirted] [all over the place] ❋ One Armed Pussy Fucker (2019)

[Arme] is [amazing] ❋ Sadgal7 (2020)

'Who in [the world] is [called] Arme?' 'Idk but she has really [nice] eyeeeeessss!!!' ❋ Bombellavibessssss77 (2020)

1. I just [spilt] [hot wax] on my arm. 2. The guy who robbed the bank was armed. 3. [Nubluva] found an old word that many people use, but no one has yet defined on Urban Dictionary. ❋ Nubluva (2006)

[Dunkin Donuts] girl: That will be $1.[56] for that coffee officer. Police Officer: You must be new here. This ones [on the arm]. ❋ Uncle Dewey (2005)

"He got [punked] today yo, everyday dis man gets punked--holee dat's arms!"; "Both his arms were torn off in [the accident]."; "Arms ready!" (command issued to prepare for [gunfire]); "He arms himself with two large pistols."; "The child was held in arms." ❋ Mb (2003)

"Yo [your arms] for leavin [your sister] in [the cold] like that" ❋ Tishia (2002)

1."my teacher iz so [armz]..he made [punked] me the whole class" 2."he beat him up for no reason!! [daz] armz HOWSE!! ❋ Scar (2003)

Armegeden, one of our clan members will pm you in [irc] and then never asnwer back and you [ask him] whats up. Or, he''ll just [disappear] in the middle of a conversation. ❋ Vortex (2003)

'Wow [thats] a [fine] [pair of] arms' ❋ Kaine (2004)

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