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Definitions and meanings of "Backpedals"

What do we mean by backpedals?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word backpedals. Define backpedals, backpedals synonyms, backpedals pronunciation, backpedals translation, English dictionary definition of backpedals.

When you say something that you dont mean but then you say something else to cover it up Urban Dictionary

Backpedaling is used when one is proven wrong in an arguement and don't want to get their ass whooped! Jessica: Why are you spreading rumors about me? Janice: I'm not spreading rumors about you! Jessica: I seen it on your Facebook! Janice: That's all a misunderstanding.... Jessica: Don't start backpedaling now that you've been caught! Urban Dictionary

I tried doin that shit on my bike when i was a kid and i fell and broke my fuckin hand. so i punched my bike and broke my other hand! couldnt play cod for weeks! Urban Dictionary

The act of running backwards at either normal or high intensity Urban Dictionary

When an idiot says something stupid, then tries to cover it up by saying something stupid again. Urban Dictionary

That shit i did on my bike wearing flip-flops and scraped the shit out of my ankles as a child. Urban Dictionary

When a decision or statement is reversed, or attempts are made to make it look like it is being reversed, after it has been passed. Usually done after decision or statement in question is observed to have been received poorly, in an attempt to preserve one's image and reputation. Urban Dictionary

1) Jen Psaki's favorite activity in the Biden Administration 2) what you aren't supposed to do in an intellectual argument after being proven wrong Urban Dictionary

Backpedaling is a fun, but dangerous activity. To backpedal, one must run backwards. That makes it dangerous because you can't see what is ahead of you in the direction you are running. The writer of this definition broke his wrist while preforming this exercise on the day this definition was written. Urban Dictionary

To reverse to an earlier part of an argument and alter and reuse it later on in the argument. Kind of like how literally backpedaling on a bike makes it reverse, so you can change directions after going the wrong way. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Backpedals

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The word "backpedals" in example sentences

He could have stopped the media onslought by simply apologizing; instead he backpedals and says he could have 'callibrated his words more carefully.' ❋ Unknown (2009)

Of course,as she madly backpedals, Chua protests that she wrote a memoir, not a parenting manual. ❋ Wendy S. Grolnick (2011)

White House backpedals from military intervention in Libya ❋ Unknown (2011)

She maybe backpedals or breast strokes or something and says she messes up everything and then whines that when she gets out of the house, everyone's going to hate her more. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Bozo The Neoclown says: this ought to be interesting. how long will it be before the teabagging queen slimy sarah backpedals on her endorsement? ❋ Unknown (2010)

Your title states "Obama backpedals" but your actual comments are that he's sticking by his campaign statements. ❋ Unknown (2009)

He kind of takes her for granted and as soon as he gets the orders to go and switch up, Deeks immediately backpedals and says how much he'd rather just go off with Kensi. ❋ Unknown (2011)

He replies with that “okie dokie” pointer finger to the nose gesture, then backpedals to rejoin his flock. ❋ Roger Weaver (2011)

With voter turnouts due to change as Obama backpedals into lame duck status ..... listening to constituents is the difference-maker. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Then, today, the DNC backpedals and totally invalidates themselves (or maybe that happened way back in winter, right?) by settling for the compromise that we've just seen. ❋ Unknown (2008)

'MythBusters' co-host backpedals on RFID kerfuffle ❋ Unknown (2008)

And then this: On Tuesday Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid backpedals, indicating that the Democrats will probably consider climate legislation before immigration, after all. ❋ Unknown (2010)

My mind frantically backpedals: I wish I had met her before that final day in the hospital. ❋ Daniella Brodsky (2010)

As the military backpedals from attacking Kandahar, his surge has pretty much failed before it even began. ❋ Unknown (2010)

And then, in perhaps the quickest turnaround ever seen on Project Runway, Gretchen completely backpedals from her earlier staunch belief in the collection and the team and goes all Judas Iscariot on everyone, saying, "We very late in the game realized that Grandma had arrived." ❋ Unknown (2010)

Yeah, but even if he backpedals later, or even never mentions it again, it's important to make the news with a story that explains to America that Fox Noise Nutworks has taken over the Journal and flushed its credibility. ❋ Unknown (2009)

A single viewing of any of the Stooges 'trademark symphony of snores, stammers, and/or frightened backpedals affirms their anarchic brand of lunacy can never be recreated. ❋ Unknown (2009)

[james]: you are hot [sam]: what? james: i mean, every woman says so sam: stop [backpedaling] ❋ Hugry (2014)

[Janice] started [backpedaling] her story when Jessica [threatened] to beat her ass! ❋ Englandpunk (2020)

[dont] try backpedaling [on your bike] [kids] ❋ BillBollock (2020)

Today [Coach Rob] [showed] us how to [backpedal]. I will never be the same again. ❋ Jleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (2011)

Person 1: [ur gay] Person 2: I love you too. Person 1: Just kidding man, [you're cool]. Person 2: Quit [backpedaling]. ❋ Bumerhoomorr34 (2019)

backpedaling can [result] in [serious] [injury] ❋ Sullybuckets (2021)

Twitch is [backpedaling] once again after yet another [greed] fuelled policy change threatens a mass [exodus] of it's userbase ❋ Big Timer69 (2023)

if [you don't want] to make a total [fool] of yourself please [don't go] backpedaling definition 2) ❋ Sexydimma (2021)

In [P.E], we were [backpedaling] around the gym. I [tripped], and broke my wrist. ❋ Iggsman (2013)

Person 1: The [PS4] is selling more than the [Xbone]! Person 2: But it doesn't have many games. Person 1: Your Xbone is still selling less than the PS4! Person 2: Keep [backpedaling]. ❋ DoNotEatMyBacon (2014)

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