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Definitions and meanings of "Barbeque"

What do we mean by barbeque?

A fireplace or pit for grilling food, typically used outdoors and traditionally employing hot charcoal as the heating medium.

A meal or event highlighted by food cooked in such an apparatus.

Meat, especially pork or beef, which has been cooked in such an apparatus (i.e. smoked over indirect heat from high-smoke fuels) and then chopped up or shredded.

A hog, ox, or other large animal roasted or broiled whole for a feast.

A floor on which coffee beans are sun-dried.

A framework of sticks.

The act of placing gasoline on a motor vehicle with incriminating evidence of a crime that was commited by yourself inside and lighting it on fire Urban Dictionary

Euphemysm for cybersex, commonly used when trying to not confront the subject directly Urban Dictionary

When after sex the body temeratures are so high that a piece of shit can bake right on the woman's chest Urban Dictionary

Smokin bong after bong of dro is where it starts. Then after it starts, you will know. and you will know when it is happening after it starts. and you will take out the apostraphe b/c its too confusing with it in (it's). anyway, barbequed is a state of mind, effecting people diffrently, some people it makes them laugh, other it makes them cry, sometimes it even makes people CRAZY. barbequed is being high past the point of, lets say, "toasted", "baked", "grilled" etc. barbeque is also a great way to cook your pork. and then you will google whether they are pork ribs or beef ribs. off the topic again, barbequed happens after inhaling smoke from marijuana buds(thc!!), aka the fruit of the plant. HAVE FUN! Urban Dictionary

Smoking marijuana with your friends; a good sesh. Urban Dictionary

This term was originally coined the day after the burning of Barbara Que, then thought to be a Witch, in 1700's New Jersey. Barbara had been seen counting mice one day, which is pretty weird, her trial was swift. After her burning, the local flute maker wanted to have a pig roast, and when describing the size fire he would need to cook the pig, he referenced the flame size that consumed Ms. Que. After saying her name a few times in reference to the pig roast, the words began to run together and became synonymous with grilling outdoors. Urban Dictionary

Absolutely and 100% high. Every inch of your body is on another universe type of baked. Urban Dictionary

A gay pride rally involving steak, usually cooked on an outdoor grill. Urban Dictionary

1. When one slaps thier own meat on someones grill.Hence the name, they now become the Barbeque. Urban Dictionary

Gay Sex party involving Right Wing Hungarian Diplomats. 20 or more Patrons shout "diplomatic immunity" at each other when police arrive. See : Sausage Festival. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Barbeque

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The word "barbeque" in example sentences

And this past week, the company announced that on November 2nd, the McRib is coming back nationwide - the pork patty shaped like a rib and slathered in barbeque sauce and onions. ❋ Unknown (2010)

All of a sudden all these people interested in barbeque that you had never predicted are following you and talking to you and checking out your blog. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Better types of wood (such as mesquite) will cost more, however these are usually used in barbeque situations. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Steampunk Barbeque Dreadnought: 1. 5HP International Harvester Steam Tractor, with built in barbeque grill (complete with rotisserie), a built in steam powered ice cream maker, and hot dog launching air cannon run off a compressor, also powered by the steam engine. eBay Link. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Favorite dish: two tire irons, with a side of cabbage and a small nest of baby eagles in barbeque sauce. ❋ Unknown (2007)

But then, the dotted line on that deal had been signed long ago, in barbeque sauce if not in blood. ❋ Rabid1st (2005)

Leaving aside her probable misuse of the word barbeque I suspect she means grill I don't know if I'm in a rut or not. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Well, with due respect for my Texan and Tennessean amigos here, any true Alabama boy knows that a barbeque is by definition a pulled pork sandwich made in the vicinity of Bumin'ham in a shack and served with cold beer. ❋ Unknown (2003)

Like Pennsylvania or Massachusetts. or any of those other places that are hard to spell where they dont know what barbeque is and drive badly. ❋ Unknown (2002)

A deep-pit barbeque is held to give thanks for the sustenance provided by their animals. ❋ Unknown (1998)

For instance, cooking a one inch steak medium rare on the barbeque is NOT done slowly. ❋ Unknown (1919)

[Yo bitch]! We [gots] to barbeque this ride les the [po-lice] be finding all of all our stash. ❋ Shinobo And Dark Rage (2003)

Like, [do you] and [Lisa] [still]... barbeque ? ❋ Nickolas1999 (2007)

why go to yo parents barbeque when we be [havin] one right [heah] [bizach] ❋ The Shalom Shankster (2003)

nick, [coco], and sarah are extraordinarily "barbequed" [at the moment]. [hehehehehehehe] ❋ Missy Smelliot (2006)

"I've got some [steak], lets go have a [barbeque] in [the third floor] bathroom". ❋ Chefboyardee (2007)

"I need [a Barbara] [Que] sized fire to roast this pig" "You need a Barbaraque sized fire?" "Ya! A Barbeque sized fire, like that [mice] countin witch we burned!" ❋ Rijiboo (2013)

[Dude], [I am] so barbequed [rn]. ❋ Ahoyboi (2019)

[yesterday] i [went] to the [wildest] barbequeer ❋ Joey Rosano (2010)

1. I asked your mom if she was going to the [Barbeque] and she said " what [barbeque]" and I said " the one where I slap [my meat] on your [grill]. ❋ AROND (2007)

Well looks like we have ourselves a good [old fashion] [belgium barbeque]. Makes a mans eyes water [thinking about it]. ❋ GordonBennett (2020)

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