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Definitions and meanings of "Bourgeoise"

What do we mean by bourgeoise?

A woman belonging to the middle class. noun

A female member of the bourgeoisie; a wealthy woman noun

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word bourgeoise. Define bourgeoise, bourgeoise synonyms, bourgeoise pronunciation, bourgeoise translation, English dictionary definition of bourgeoise.

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The word "bourgeoise" in example sentences

The bourgeois is avaricious, the bourgeoise is a prude; your century is unfortunate. ❋ Unknown (1862)

As to the poor orphan, buried in Paris, educated as a "bourgeoise," she will never see her face, save perhaps, as a passing stranger. ❋ Richard Savage (1874)

Lewis hastened to the "bourgeoise" in their barge close by, to give the alarm. ❋ Unknown (1846)

LC: I think we were very overt in making this film about a kind of bourgeoise, middle class, conventional couple so that we weren't doing something "radical" on the surface. ❋ Unknown (2010)

She belies her origin only by her talent; but, when she is outside her talent, she becomes once more her mother's daughter, that is to say 'bourgeoise' and 'Gay' thoroughbred. " ❋ Frederick Lawton (N/A)

"I have got my portion!" she cried at once; (Ginevra ever stuck to the substantial; I always thought there was a good trading element in her composition, much as she scorned the "bourgeoise;") "and uncle de ❋ Charlotte Bront�� (1835)

No. 5: In greater afraid … within thinking machine operative me, this agent ponder if entire being operative me pitted for destroy American, annihilate homosexual, crackpot Methodist religion, Lutheran and Baptist cult, extinguish all decadent bourgeoise – subsequent successful total such destruction: Render this agent obsolete? ❋ Unknown (2009)

I came of age in a section of Queens where many of Haiti's bourgeoise elite skittered to when their patron saint, dictator Jean Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier decided to break out like the chicken pox when it became clear in a post-Marcos, post-Pinochet world that despots were on the way out whether they liked it or not. ❋ Unknown (2010)

She falls through the co-ordinate system across which she climbed from a field of molten self-loathing away from a reality she did not choose and did not deserve that she replaced with that of a preoccupied bourgeoise who confirms guests for dinner with the help of an assistant on her way to a heliport after traveling to a new city in order to shop in the same stores. ❋ Stephen Hastings-king (2010)

The anti-market bias is on the part of Bush who distorts markets to reward his political supporters, such as steel and especially the petit bourgeoise. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Thomas de Keyser's feisty little Dutch bourgeoise, c. 1630-33, hand on hip, with a "don't mess with me air." ❋ Karen Wilkin (2011)

In her deft portraits, the coldly arrogant French aesthetes and aristocrats, two-faced pious bourgeoise and sly villagers often suffer by comparison to their conquerors. ❋ Wendi L. Adamek (2011)

Babe Walker, the fictional ultimate white girl with problems, is a medium by which three young writers poke fun at the new generation of the young, trendy, bourgeoise girl. ❋ Nicole Brookman (2011)

And Latin America, in general, was under the thumb of RW and/or military dictators (and the landed bourgeoise and their U.S. company buddies; “banana republic” came about thanks to U.S. machinations in Honduras and other countries) for a good part of the 20th century. ❋ Unknown (2010)

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