
Character 6
Hyphenation cheek y
Pronunciations /ˈtʃiːki/

Definitions and meanings of "Cheeky"

What do we mean by cheeky?

Impertinently bold; impudent and saucy. adjective

Impudent; brazen-faced; presumptuous; self-confident: as, he is a cheeky little fellow.

A Brazen-faced; impudent; bold.

Impudent; impertinent. adjective

Offensively bold adjective

Impudent; impertinent; impertinently bold, often in a way that is regarded as endearing or amusing.

(of swimwear, underwear, etc.) tending to reveal the cheeks of the buttocks.

(Australian Aboriginal) Poisonous (of animals such as snakes), dangerous, cunning, violent, potent.

Indulged in.

It is a concept from the UK not particularly shared by the US. It's basically sly and artful disrespect. Oscar Wilde, John Lennon, Jarvis Cocker , Noel Fielding, and Morrissey all come to mind with respect to being "cheeky". Having lived in England, I recognize this as a particularly British cultural phenomenon. There are always those in pop culture in the UK who aspire to be seen as quick-witted and cheeky. It's their way of "sticking it to the man" with a nudge and a wink. Being an American, I really don't see anything in the US that has quite the same tone. Sure there are plenty of smart humorists in the US, but they don't traffic in "cheek" quite like the Brits do. I think American humorists are more direct somehow. Cheek is done with a sly look in the eye because you know you're trying to get one over on the man, and the smile says that you know, and they (the man) know too, but you're allowed to get away with it anyway. It's very subtle. I'm guessing it has something to do with the more entrenched class system in the UK vs the US. Most Americans feel as if they are on par with the best of them (at least in their own minds), and don't humble themselves very readily in the presence of people from higher classes. They don't feel the need to be subtle in their scorn of "their betters" as they say. I think there was (and maybe still is) more at stake when you trash-talked up the chain in the UK. Just a guess. Urban Dictionary

Cheeky is a word used by english people like myself. 1. it is a word used to describe someone who does something or says something sort of disrespectful and sometimes rude, but says it in a cunning way. 2. can also be used in a more serious way i.e if you found out that one of your friends has been talking behind your back, you might say that she is a "cheeky bitch" Urban Dictionary

Harry Styles. Urban Dictionary

A word used mostly by people in the UK. It's a word that gives normally casual things an inappropriate feeling Urban Dictionary

Another term for quick or sly. Urban Dictionary

Someone who has no shame in doing something shameful or low class. Urban Dictionary

~I way someone acts that is cute and disirable. ~An annoying person who plays sneaky tricks on people. ~A bit on the mischievious side. Urban Dictionary

Verb; to be i. clever ii. sharp sighted iii. wise beyond your years iv. sassy v. intellectually challenging and captivating cheeky can be seen interrogating grown adults who shit their pants scared out of their screw ups by choice of weapon; words Urban Dictionary

Someone who can be overly rude and roast people in roast battles Urban Dictionary

1. A popular Family Guy line that can be overused, referring to Stewie's lines on PTV special "Cheeky Bastard" 2. Having the most luscious cheeks of the buttocks, well-deserved of poems, ballads, and passionate nights with or withour covers on bed. 3. A cunning genius or thing that even Superman is fond of. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Cheeky

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The word "cheeky" in example sentences

He's been called -- i've heard the term cheeky used. ❋ Unknown (2005)

"Nothing at all, captain, only that I have my eye on them; and I've been thinking that they must somehow or another have held communication outside; and I don't like it, for those people don't get what we call cheeky without cause." ❋ George Manville Fenn (1870)

A reformed professional librarian, she also owns several hamsters and has been known to engage in cheeky cross-stitching. ❋ Unknown (2009)

What struck some as shameful about the movie eight years ago, and might seem especially irresponsible now, if it weren't so cheeky, is that the threat of a nuclear holocaust is a McGuffin — a device to keep the characters running from place to place in what is really a bedroom farce. ❋ Unknown (2002)

I think the song's by someone called cheeky git, but its pretty funny talking about Wayne ❋ Unknown (2010)

I think the song's by someone called cheeky git, but its pretty funny talking about Wayne Rooney, Michael Owen and Frank Lampard. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The expression is also used when someone is being what I would call 'cheeky' - that is, being presumptuous or expecting too much, for instance: ❋ Roger Sutton (2007)

It would have been very impertinent -- what English people would call 'cheeky' -- of me to do such ❋ Marie Belloc Lowndes (1907)

You've got to love his cockiness, especially when there's so little basis for it: In Case You Didn't Know is an unapologetically lightweight product by a chappie born to be labelled "cheeky", and that's about the size of it. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Secondly: an ever increasing indifference towards severe, noble and conscientious schooling in the service of art, and in its place the belief in genius, or in plain English, cheeky dilettantism (— the formula for this is to be found in the ❋ Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1872)

Nevertheless, when she had spoken her last words and was leading the way out of the room, Logotheti felt a little like a small boy who has had his ears boxed for being too cheeky, which is a sensation not at all pleasant or natural to an old hand. ❋ Horace T. [Illustrator] Carpenter (1881)

The end result was almost inevitable: Overly aggressive and reckless officers, backed by a Board of Directors Paulson described as "cheeky" and uncooperative. ❋ RJ (2011)

Both teams aren't heading to the playoffs this year, which could lead to a more exciting match, but United will sneak a cheeky 1-0 victory against Houston. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Sarah Clark: bollywood movies are nice and cheeky, that is all i have to say *, ' ❋ Unknown (2010)

For the last in the current run, the duo forever doomed to be known as cheeky welcome High School Musical's perky Zac Efron into the voiceover box, where he'll get to say things like: ❋ Richard Vine (2009)

Stephen William Blacklock, of Alder Close, has been described as a cheeky, genuine gentleman by his friends, family and colleagues. ❋ Unknown (2009)

When the Beatles were performing for the [royals] and John Lennon said... “For our [last number] I’d like to ask your help. Would the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you’ll just [rattle] your jewelry.” A perfect example of being cheeky. Poking at power with humor. ❋ Phydeaux2000 (2017)

1. student says: miss, i like your [sweat] [patches], i think they look nice against that lovely [brown] dress you are wearing today... Teacher says: "dont be so cheeky" ❋ English Gal (2003)

"Who's the cheeky ([est]) in [the X factor] house?" Immediate answer: "[Harry Styles]." ❋ Dedicated Directioner (2012)

Human - wow that was a cheeky [handshake] *other human [runs] away and never [comes back]* ❋ Newtie_ismy_cutie (2015)

"[Do you fancy] a [cheeky drink] down the pub while the [missus] is busy." ❋ Helm Cheese (2003)

That cheeky hoe just walks right up and starts [sucking his dick] under the [fukin] table at the restaurant and the bitch didn't even know [the nigga]. ❋ Chris " Bitch Booty Licken" Parker (2006)

The [Cheeky] little [puppy] ate little Johnys arm off Hey dude look at that [fine ass chick] over there, she seems so damn [cheeky]! ❋ Cheekybiatch (2003)

cheeky is my [cheekiest] BEST. [suck a nut] [bitches]. ❋ InLovew/cheekie (2009)

[What are those] are a [very cheeky] [comment] often made on others shoes or clothing ❋ Alizae_2002 (2015)

1. Brian: "Where are those pork rinds?" Stewie: "I don't know. They might be up some close crevice full of flavor." Brian: "You [cheeky bastard]." 2. My Juliet, tis the [cheekiest] maiden That I have been blessed to smack My hands on...Twas a wonderful night Of [romping] and thomping with you, my dear... 3. Superman: "I love Kryptonite so much, man, for all its drug-filled hipsters that whoop me around. Is that the shit or what! What a cheeky! ❋ Hipster Sweetness (2006)

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