
Character 13
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Definitions and meanings of "Cheerlessness"

What do we mean by cheerlessness?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word cheerlessness. Define cheerlessness, cheerlessness synonyms, cheerlessness pronunciation, cheerlessness translation, English dictionary definition of cheerlessness.

Synonyms and Antonyms for Cheerlessness

The word "cheerlessness" in example sentences

For all its cheerlessness, the novel is anything but grittily realistic. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Rain-soaked colors convey the soggy melancholy of the Pacific Northwest as distinctly as the thin, smeared palette in "Quiet City" reflected the dim electric cheerlessness of New York subways and diners at night. ❋ Richard B. Woodward (2011)

I, for one, found no joy in the work, colored as it was by his cheerlessness and dispassionate industry. ❋ Christian Bell (2010)

Much fiction that looks backward upon Jewish life in Eastern Europe is fatally infected with nostalgia and cheerlessness. ❋ Unknown (2008)

No doubt they are meant to represent popular culture, but they are characteristic of the cheerlessness and sententiousness of municipal Labourism. ❋ Unknown (2006)

It's a joy to come in from litter-strewn streets and graffitti and the general cheerlessness of much of today's London, and find a school buzzing with a sense of purpose and small children. ❋ Joanna Bogle (2008)

Unlike in Congressional corridors and across the civilian landscape of the country, there seems far more support than outrage, more cheer than cheerlessness, and a hope that maybe this will do it. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Hallinan! constables unsuccessfully cheerlessness Colby inciting ❋ Unknown (2004)

Scrooge is skeptical that many would prefer death to the workhouse, and he is unmoved by talk of the workhouse's cheerlessness. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Such a companion for herself in the periods of anxiety and cheerlessness before her! — ❋ Unknown (2004)

There was habit to fight against — habit which could still give her hours of self-forgetfulness — and one could not forgo, all at once, and under no pressing necessity to do so, this means of escape from the cheerlessness of life. ❋ Unknown (2003)

Such a companion for herself in the periods of anxiety and cheerlessness before her! ❋ Austen, Jane, 1775-1817 (2001)

I, for one, found no joy in the work, colored as it was by his cheerlessness and dispassionate in - dustry. ❋ McCaffrey, Anne (1986)

White hair on the head, cheerlessness and relaxation of the nerves, wrinkles all over the body, deformities, weakness of the limbs, emaciation, incapacity to work, defeat at the hands of friends and companions -- these are the consequences of decrepitude. ❋ Kisari Mohan [Translator] Ganguli (N/A)

Dispelling this cheerlessness that overspreads thy face, listen to me with undivided attention. ❋ Kisari Mohan [Translator] Ganguli (N/A)

Whatever state of consciousness exists united with any feeling of discontent or cheerlessness should be regarded as occasioned by an accession of the attribute of Passion into the mind. ❋ Kisari Mohan [Translator] Ganguli (N/A)

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