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Definitions and meanings of "Conceptualism"

What do we mean by conceptualism?

The doctrine, intermediate between nominalism and realism, that universals exist only within the mind and have no external or substantial reality. noun

A school of abstract art or an artistic doctrine that is concerned with the intellectual engagement of the viewer through conveyance of an idea and negation of the importance of the art object itself. noun

The psychological doctrine that the meaning of a general class-name, as horse, red, etc., can be fully represented in thought or be actually present to consciousness: opposed both to realism and to nominalism. noun

A theory, intermediate between realism and nominalism, that the mind has the power of forming for itself general conceptions of individual or single objects. noun

The art movement towards conceptual art. noun

A theory, intermediate between realism and nominalism, that the mind has the power of forming for itself general conceptions of individual or single objects. noun

The doctrine that the application of a general term to various objects indicates the existence of a mental entity that mediates the application noun

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word conceptualism. Define conceptualism, conceptualism synonyms, conceptualism pronunciation, conceptualism translation, English dictionary definition of conceptualism.

C++20 concepts enable complete conceptualization of the C++ language. No longer does your code have to actually do anything. Rather, it can conceptualize concepts into abstract templated classes purely for aesthetics with no functional value. Urban Dictionary

A word artsy people use when they don't actually have an explanation or strong idea for what they did. Basically in this sense, conceptual can also mean "my bullshit" Urban Dictionary

Conceptuality is a combination of complex creative, critical and concise conceptions. Urban Dictionary

To make concepted. Conceptuation- The process of becoming concepted. Urban Dictionary

Conceptual art is a newer form of art that focuses more on ideas than on pleasing visuals or traditional beauty. it is a response to older forms of art. People will label it modern art. Conceptual art is not always abstract art but sometimes is. Conceptual art is often labeled pretentious because most mainstream people have trouble understanding it. a conceptual album for instance is an album that may tell an overall story. post modernism Urban Dictionary

Adj. concepts concerning sexual intercorse usually sexual role play (i.e batman and robin) or when holding a fidget spinner Urban Dictionary

A wild goose chase. Urban Dictionary

Rated-E for everyone Urban Dictionary

A concept in which you think about multiple times, and each time you think about it, you think about it in the same steps to reach a conclusion. Urban Dictionary

A concept which you think of, but only in one context or location. This is something that you only think of briefly in a specific context or location because you have no reason to think of, or remember it outside of such circumstances. Urban Dictionary

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The word "conceptualism" in example sentences

So we might cautiously admit to the correctness of "conceptualism" -- that anything we say about the objective or real features of the world in inevitably couched within a set of concepts or categories, and there is no uniquely best set of concepts on the basis of which to analyze experience. ❋ Daniel Little (2008)

A leading figure in the movement known as conceptualism, Kosuth sought to give the idea of a work of art and how it could be presented (in language or in reproduction) a status that was equivalent in value to its realization in material form.

Such a technocratic approach indicates to me doctrinalism (maybe even formalism) run amok; there's a crying need for some "conceptualism". ❋ Unknown (2007)

If you suggest a movement in the arts please try to narrow it down a little bit - 'conceptualism' is far, far too broad, for example. ❋ SebastianKnight (2009)

If your ears go back, like a frightened horse, at the word 'conceptualism' when applied to modern art, you may not be very pleased to know that this is a hot topic in landscape design at the moment. ❋ Unknown (2008)

"conceptualism," and ready, like Protagoras, to show us how man is the measure of all things and how the individual is the measure of man. ❋ John Cowper Powys (1917)

That kind of conceptualism is of a piece with the various "philosophies" mathematicians ” and scientists ” espouse not as a result of argument and reflection but as, one suspects, a means of deflecting them. ❋ Farrell, Robert (1982)

In their stark conceptualism, Cheng's paintings appear anything but sentimental or unifying. ❋ G. Roger Denson (2011)

Just as daunting is judging whether Cheng's paintings and drawings successfully conflate the artistic conceptualism that informs her work with the vibrantly painted forms through which her conceptualism is realized. ❋ G. Roger Denson (2011)

But what it says to me, in an era when conceptualism and language and words are very important, in the '60s and '70s, African-American artists were doing it. ❋ Dr. Tukufu Zuberi (2012)

They can manage arched eyebrows and knowing smiles, of course, and possibly hike up a few prices as a result, but proper full-on guffaws at the absurdity of it all – at the prospect of flogging recycled Warholia and half-cocked conceptualism to Chinese industrialists and impeccably orthodontured hedge-fund managers – that would never do. ❋ Tim Adams (2010)

The conceptualization brought about by C++20 [concepts] demonstrates how C++ is becoming less of a "practical" language and more of a "toy" language. You literally spend most of your fucking time creating the most [contrite] complex way to represent an otherwise simple object using templates, [enums], [const], constexpr, and other stuff. It's fun and it gets you high, but you ultimately waste most of your time figuring out the most expressive possible way to write code and totally lose sight of the end goal of actually getting stuff done and making things happen. ❋ Bad C Dev (2021)

Art Professor: So what [are you interested] in doing? [Art Student]: I'm thinking about doing a film, but not narrative or documentary or performance piece. Conceptually it's abstract and, uh....It's just a very [conceptual] piece. Art Professor: You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Art Student: No, no I don't. ❋ DizzySnazzle (2011)

[Conceptuality] is like when you meet a girl, you think [about all] the possible things that could happen, or need to happen in order to get with her and/or have a future relationship with. Pretty much I met a girl and wrote a sweet definition, hope [you enjoy]. ❋ Apratt_30 (2007)

I'm [currently] atempting to conceptuate my [concept]. My concept is currently under conceptuation. ❋ Datreefrog (2007)

conceptual [ideas] are found everywhere. [pink floyd's] [the wall] is a conceptual album. ❋ Eazy-X (2008)

I had conceptual sex after looking at that horse. [Pennsylvanian]: I think I just had conceptual sex. New [Jerseyian]: you thinkin about [your cousin] again lol . ❋ Yar Big Daddy (2017)

The boy went on an Abstract Conceptualization [hunt] for a [snipe] and was [unsuccessful]. ❋ Red-panther (2010)

Hym "I don't give a shit if I agree with you or even like you; Anyone can catch [these (conceptual) hands]. And catch them you will. In direct response to perceived slight. Or if I get disgruntled by a thing you've said that is entirely unrelated to me. Or a thing that reminds me of something I don't like that also reminds me of you. There are 0 reasons for which I will [not slang] these (conceptual) 'thangs'. 'Thangs' meaning 'hands'. But not actual hands. Conceptual ones. It might even be over something as little as me thinking you think a thing that I don't like people to think. Blam! Conceptual hands! Just like that. [It's that easy]. It happens that fast. 'Why is that (conceptual) fist flying at me?' you'll ask. But you're asking the wrong guy. You'd better ask my therapist because even I don't." ❋ Hym Iam (2022)

A time I experienced [recursive chronological-conceptualization], (this was before [the Nintendo Switch] [OLED] came out) I thought about ways to improve the shitty stand the Nintendo Switch has, and every time I thought about it, my brain went from a single stand on one side, to two on both sides, to an entire panel across the back and bottom half. ❋ VictoryGuard (2022)

I get [geo-locational conceptualization] in the shower, which is a fear of putting [Nair] in my hair instead of shampoo [on accident], but I never think of it outside the shower, and I've already forgotten about it before I get out. ❋ VictoryGuard (2022)

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