
Character 11
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Definitions and meanings of "Concretized"

What do we mean by concretized?

To make concrete, substantial, real, or tangible; to represent or embody a concept through a particular instance or example.

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The word "concretized" in example sentences

The majesty of the bridge and the enormity of the river finally gives dignity to the crime the Army Corps of Engineers inflicted upon Los Angeles when they concretized this magnificent river and turned it into a flood control channel. ❋ Aaron Paley (2011)

There is still a level of abstraction (you're manipulating something removed from the screen) but it's more concretized now. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It is common to human beings everywhere throughout time; and it is this that has been concretized and systematized into different belief systems around the world. ❋ Roger Housden (2012)

What is it to touch the ground in marriage, not in the sense of being married to the concretized ideal of marriage, but in terms of a genuine process of intimacy? ❋ Dr. Robert Aziz (2010)

Brian O'Connell's meticulous columns of compressed dirt, nearly unrecognizably organic, complemented David Brooks 'concretized trees and operated as a neat olfactory and visual index of its production. ❋ Jelena Kristic (2010)

Then, the process begins again, where the reforms become doctrine, are concretized, made extreme, and reformed again. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This time, the crime of mohareb has been concretized into the formal charge, for which there is not a scintilla of evidence, that Ahari is an agent of the bizarre religio-Marxist cult known as the Mojahedin-e-Khalq. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The Tonight Show itself was an institution, and although it went through many changes from it's inception in 1954 when it was launched by Sigourney Weaver's father Sylvester "Pat" Weaver who was an executive at NBC, Johnny concretized it's current highly emulated structure .. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Meanwhile, Mobius, the Orthodox Anarchist reacted tothe (presumably) same panel, calling it “infuriating” and that it “further concretized my belief that Jewish leadership is completely out of touch with the greater Jewish public.” ❋ Unknown (2008)

I'm thinking especially of what's sometimes called slipstream, and stories where the otherworldly mixes with the all too real (like Leah Bobet's The Girl from Another World or Aimee Bender's amazing surreal tales, such as the ones in Willful Creatures), and stories with concretized metaphors (like Elena Gleason's Escaped). ❋ Willowfagan (2008)

In One Dimensional Man he examined, by way of analyzing acronyms, the change from conceptual to operational that occurs when, for example, North Atlantic Treaty Organization becomes repeated and concretized as NATO. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Lies be told, my nightly wet dream is set on the concretized banks of an artificial river taking in torrents the waters of the Great Lakes to awaiting megasprawls, Olympic-sized swimming pools, vast golf courses and newly arrived teeming masses in the Southwest. ❋ Unknown (2008)

In 1959, she concretized her commitment to the training of social workers in the gift of a million-dollar endowment to found the Florence Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare at Brandeis. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Newsom concretized his violations of federal, state and local laws in January of 2005 by signing into law as mayor the Hunters Point Shipyard redevelopment measures he sponsored before the Board of Supervisors and accepting, in an official ceremony, the transfer of Shipyard Parcel A from the Secretary of the Navy ... for one dollar. ❋ Unknown (2009)

We learn in a concretized, factual way to let go of behaviors that don't serve, and aim to attentively live in our hearts as consistently and elegantly as we can. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Called the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, it will essential graft into the country's present hydrology three new major rivers — concretized, subterranean, gravity defying — which together will funnel more than 12 trillion gallons northward every year along three routes from the Yangtze River basin, where water is more abundant. ❋ Unknown (2007)

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