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Definitions and meanings of "Coonasses"

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Coonass is a controversial term in the Cajun lexicon: to some Cajuns it is regarded as the supreme ethnic slur, meaning \"ignorant, backwards Cajun\"; to others the term is a badge of pride, much like the word Chicano is for Mexican Americans. In South Louisiana, for example, one can often see bumper stickers reading \"Warning — Coonass on Board!\" or \"Registered Coonass\" (both of which generally depict a raccoon’s backside). The word’s origin is unclear: folk etymology claims that coonass dates from World War II, when Cajun GIs serving in France were derided by native French speakers as conasse, meaning \"dirty whore\" or \"idiot.\" Non-French-speaking American GIs allegedly overheard the expression, converted it to the English \"coonass,\" and introduced the term back in the United States. There it supposedly soon caught on as a derisive term among non-Cajuns, who encountered many Cajuns in Gulf Coast oilfields. It is now known, however, that coonass predated the arrival of Cajun GIs in France during World War II, which undermines the conasse theory. Indeed, folklorist Barry Jean Ancelet has long rejected this theory, calling it \"shaky linguistics at best.\" He has suggested that the word originated in South Louisiana, and that it derived from the belief that Cajuns frequently ate raccoons. He has also proposed that the term contains a negative racial connotation: namely, that Cajuns were \"beneath\" or \"under\" blacks (or coons, as blacks were often called by racists). Despite efforts by Cajun activists like James Domengeaux and Warren A. Perrin to stamp out the term’s use, coonass continues to circulate in South Louisiana and beyond. Its acceptability among the general public, however, tends to vary according to circumstances, and often depends on who says it and with what intention. Cajuns who dislike the term have been known to correct well-meaning outsiders who use the epithet. Urban Dictionary

1)derogatory term for cajuns 2)term embraced by some cajuns 3) language used by such,more prominent in older cajuns Urban Dictionary

There is much debate to the origins of the word, but one fact is known. the term in no way shape or form came from anything having to do with raccoons! get it through you heads people! it morphed from a phrase in cajun french. those who are poser cajuns, of acadian decent but grew up in the city and think their shit don't stink, think of it as an ethnic slur no matter the context in which it is spoken. other cajuns that still have a sense of humor, see the name as a badge of honor except when uttered by a fucking red neck. then it becomes a racial slur. def. - a person typically of Acadian decent that grew up in the rural areas of what is now known as Acadiana that doesn't make apologies for his simplistic lifestyle nor does the coonass put on heirs simply to satisfy the sensibilities of others. also, coonasses believe rednecks look and sound stupid. Urban Dictionary

Coonass is a derogatory term for a person born/raised or still living in the bayou regions of Louisanna, usually Cajun folks, which were canadian settlers that settled in Louisianna especially in its southern regions. Urban Dictionary

1) What East Texans call a Cajun. 2) What East Texans call an East Texas Cajun, as opposed to a Louisiana Cajun. 3) Any Cajun, though increasingly term is considered derogatory. Urban Dictionary

People who can cook better then a redneck stumpjumper yankee hillbilly and kentucky freaks Urban Dictionary

A cajun person, usually of the backwoods variety. Urban Dictionary

Redneck Urban Dictionary

NOUN: A cross between a bowlegged New Orleans whore and a mullet-eating marsh alligator with bad breath and a dime in his pocket, hatched somewhere in the Atchafalaya Basin in Southwestern Louisiana in an underwater catfish hole, the boudain skin used for a condom having busted during intercourse the previous summer. Some have asserted that General Andrew Jackson, who is famous for the command given to his entrenched troops during the War of 1812, "Hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes," fathered the first coonass after a leave of absence taken in New Orleans immediately following the war where he had a hurried tryst with an English officer's wife in a privy behind a hotel in the French Quarter. However, this cannot be true because of the fact that coonasses all have bloodshot eyes and cannot therefore be related to the English. Others maintain that the first coonasses were actually shipwrecked, scurvied Moroccan pirates, their galley slaves, French Canadian whores obtained in a raid on the shores of the Arcadian Province, and AWOL French legionaries who blew into the salt marshes of Louisiana running before a hurricane. In their attempts to survive without the convenience of toilet paper and mouthwash, they took to trapping raccoons in the swamps and trading with the Native American tribes in Southeast Texas for corncobs, pine tar and ground sassafras root. Soon, they became infamous among these Texan tribesmen for wearing their raccoon hats backwards with the tail dangling in their faces. Already known for their anti-social dispositions and failure at proper taxidermy, they quickly became known as "coons' assholes," but the epithet was soon shortened to "coonasses" because of the infestation of mosquitoes in the salt marshes that necessitated saying what one had to say quickly while swatting varmints. Still others assert that the epithet was completely off base since the shipwrecked foreigners didn't trap raccoons; but rather, nutria rats, crawfish, poke salad and alligator gar; therefore, they simply should have been called weird. ADJECTIVE: Uneducated; ignorant, pedestrian in the meanest way, uncouth, obnoxiously crude and boorish. Urban Dictionary

The dumbass LSU fans. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Coonasses

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The word "coonasses" in example sentences

Okay, I can understand most of your post. .except the part where you said "coonasses" ... ❋ Unknown (2010)

Only real coonasses suck the heads; the pansies like me just eat the claw and tail meat. ❋ Steve Perry (2009)

Thank God I hunt with coonasses and rednecks who care only about making damn sure whatever they shoot at dies quickly, if for no other reason than to make sure it doesn't get away so they can eat it. ❋ Unknown (2006)

The building was new and had the cool, neutral, refrigerated smell of a modern office, which was the image it was intended to convey, but the deputies still looked like the raw-boned rednecks and coonasses of an earlier time and they still kept cuspidors by their desks. ❋ James Lee Burke (1988)

And for days now I have been saying that with 300,000 coonasses employed either directly or indirectly by pig oil Louisiana's politicians, both Democrat and Republican, would throw all those oil soaked seabirds and turtles, which have been breaking the hearts of us dumbass yankees, literately under the bus. ❋ Unknown (2010)

❋ Pastorchik (2003)

tha thur gir dun sha sum [tidi], i [trew] da beads den she dundid [drop trow] fo meh ❋ Cory (2005)

as a [badge of honor]: You could tell that [Fontenot] boy was a real coonass by the way he grabbed that logger head and flipped him in the boat! as a slur: Stuuuupid coooonaasss, he prolly taint never hear thaat [theys] other food than riiiiice and graaaavy. ❋ They Call Me The Coon (2010)

A: "Did you hear that [accent], [I bet] he's from [Louisianna]" B: "Yeah, he's a Coonass" ❋ Some_Random_Asshat (2018)

-- Did you know that Cajuns in [East Texas] are called "coonasses"? -- "Who says?" -- "My cousin [Bubba], from [Beaumont]." ❋ Al-in-chgo (2013)

coonass [coon] [racoon] [ass] ❋ Scorpion633 (2009)

"That coonass bastard [clumb] [up that] tree [yesteryear]." ❋ Fennypop (2019)

From [The Charlie] Daniels Band song, [Trudy]: "But it took half the cops in Dallas County Just to put one [coonass] boy in jail" ❋ Jkroberts21 (2020)

NOUN: A young [crawfish], while taking a stroll with his mother through a ditch after a thunderstorm, looked up and excitedly exclaimed, "Hey, Maw, what's that?" to which his mother shouted, "Run, son, that's a coonass! He'll eat anything!" ADJECTIVE: "What a coonass way to do things! You can't paint an "X" on the bottom of the [pirouette] and expect to come back out here on the [bayou] next week and find your perch hole." ❋ BaileyWuXiang (2009)

I beat up some coonass [at last] [year's] game at that hole called Tiger [Stadium]. ❋ Kevin (2004)

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