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Definitions and meanings of "Copyediting"

What do we mean by copyediting?

The correction of the spelling, grammar, formatting, etc. of printed material and preparation of it for typesetting, printing, or online publishing.

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The word "copyediting" in example sentences

I would also add that copyediting is a profession that is very different from writing. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Also, just to prove that copyediting is never truly finished, that it merely reaches a point where one has to stop because the presses must roll, I spotted a grievous typo in the author's note of B is for Beginning (the cover illustration, which Rick Kirk did for "Hoar Isis," was attributed to "Persephone"), and I emailed Bill at subpress about it. ❋ Greygirlbeast (2008)

Doesn't Horn Book get books as arcs, before the copyediting is finished? ❋ Roger Sutton (2007)

Line editing also known as copyediting is all about clarity and presentation, and is thus a great choice for a writer unfamiliar with the norms of submission or in question about grammar. ❋ Unknown (2008)

It continues to be the week of 6,000-word copyediting jobs and deadlines. ❋ Asakiyume (2007)

I was still paying attention to the horror field at that point and was a member of HWA, and aware of the many micropresses that would pop up just long enough to publish the publisher's friends before fading away again, while eschewing things a reader tends to take for granted, such as copyediting, consistent font choices, competent layout, and cover art that doesn't make you want to claw your eyes out. ❋ Jlundberg (2007)

Some readers value the copyediting which is part of the traditional process. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Sorry, for the spelling error (lack of copyediting) – ‘enlightening’. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The editor, Fred Coppersmith, wanted me to approve his copyediting changes, which I always appreciate and his were spot on. ❋ Marshallpayne1 (2010)

The penultimate Repairman Jack novel, FATAL ERROR, has begun the in-house copyediting process. ❋ Unknown (2010)

To the entire Atria team, from copyediting to sales to promotion to publicity, my eternal gratitude for every little thing you continue to do. ❋ Kelly Simmons (2011)

My tasks include cover design, interior layout, occasional copyediting and proofreading, and the aforementioned author support. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I was pissed off to have encountered such literalistic, tone-deaf copyediting. ❋ Lev Raphael (2011)

She greatly appreciates Alison Velea and Valerie Shea, who made the copyediting process a joy, and Debra Sfetsios-Conover and Elizabeth Blake-Linn, for making the book look so beautiful. ❋ Frances O’Roark Dowell (2011)

I've heard horror stories from industry colleagues about authors who feel that copyediting and proofreading is somehow beneath their concern. ❋ Anis Shivani (2011)

Then a large woman copyediting department, you think explodes into tears, hands cupped over her face, and rushes out of the room. ❋ Max Brallier (2011)

For example, I could totally use a course to straighten out that sentence I just wrote (clearly my copyediting persona is on vacation). ❋ Unknown (2009)

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