Cost Accounting

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Definitions and meanings of "Cost Accounting"

What do we mean by cost accounting?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word cost-accounting. Define cost-accounting, cost-accounting synonyms, cost-accounting pronunciation, cost-accounting translation, English dictionary definition of cost-accounting.

Person Having expert knowledge in Costing, accountancy, management affairs, taxation, finance and Study with huge sacrifice and practical knowledge Urban Dictionary

A cost accountant or CMA( Cost and Management Accountant ) is a person experts in the field of commerce , Cost , and cost audit. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Cost Accounting

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The word "cost-accounting" in example sentences

One of her closest friends told me my mother even offered to give Hy her weekly salary from the cost-accounting job so he could afford to hire someone else. ❋ Unknown (2010)

So it fell to my mother, the eldest of the children, to drop her day classes in favor of a full-time position doing cost-accounting for an engineering firm. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The Cost Surge: This is a difficult subject to pin down in part because the Pentagon is, in cost-accounting terms, one of the least transparent organizations around. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Core courses, taken by all students, would have a business-school flavor, including cost-accounting, organizational behavior, and navigating regulatory and patent laws. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Introducing the cost-accounting techniques of the railroad industry and hiring trained chemists, he ruthlessly adopted procedures that cut per-unit costs and soon emerged as one of the industry's dominant forces. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Federal specifications and cost-accounting rules make it virtually impossible to produce military and commercial products in the same plant, let alone on the same line. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The Wall Street Journal, however, reviewed a letter in which NASA informed the GAO that NASA had failed to request a "cost-accounting standards disclosure statement" from Oceaneering during its deliberations. ❋ Unknown (2008)

For that reason, one suspects that all of the stories about unsubstantiated and unsupported charges associated with its contracts were less a matter of cost-accounting incompetence, and more a matter of deliberate financial obfuscation. ❋ Unknown (2008)

But this relies on the implementation of the socialist principle of distribution according to work, the elimination of social dependence, the transfer of industrial enterprises to cost-accounting, the development of leasing, cooperation, and other economic forms that stimulate people's creative activity. ❋ Unknown (1989)

As for subsidies, before 1959 TVA power was blatantly subsidized, largely owing to the cost-accounting arrangements I described. ❋ Pulsipher, Allan G. (1984)

Evidently there is some confusion here between items that properly belong in a cost-accounting system and items of actual service rendered in any given funeral. ❋ Unknown (1969)

Business Administration, including cost-accounting, engineering contracts and specifications, and engineering economics. ❋ Unknown (1919)

Drew, in particular, loves this cost-accounting business, and I must admit that much pleasure may be had in it, after patrol. ❋ James Norman Hall (1919)

Making decisions based on a cost-accounting mindset would be like making decisions in a football game based on numbers of yards gained by the opposition rather than focusing who wins the game.

Similarly, Wall Street receives financial statements based on cost-accounting and its implicit philosophy of enhancing profits by cutting costs.

Even though individual CEOs and managers may fight the pressures of cost accounting and launch imaginative initiatives to encourage innovation, energize staff and go the extra mile for the customer, the irresistible undertow of cost-accounting and the philosophy of cost cutting constitute a huge handicap and create the continuing risk that a cost-accountant will get involved and close things down.

So from a cost-accounting perspective, the airlines have reduced or shifted several large factors in their cost bases: underutilized aircraft, "fees" for things that used to cost the airlines extra, and industry consolidation that should also reduce employee costs (two merged airlines don't need as many mechanics, pilots, or flight attendants). ❋ Unknown (2010)

More fundamentally, the whole mission of human space colonization is being dumped-with no goals or destinations being established, the scientific manpower being scattered to the winds, and the whole idea of manned space-flight being downgraded to a column in the cost-accounting chart. ❋ EIR News Service Inc. (2010)

[Cost and management accountant] is profession who is made by [Parliament] of [india] ❋ Yashimsk (2021)

[Cost] of any product is being [determined] , evaluated , or originated by [Cost Accountant] ❋ Cmayashsoni (2021)

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