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Definitions and meanings of "Creationism"

What do we mean by creationism?

Belief in the supernatural origin of the universe or of humans and other living things, especially as based on the literal interpretation of the account of the creation related in the Bible. noun

The doctrine that matter and all things were created, substantially as they now exist, by the fiat of an omnipotent Creator, and not gradually evolved or developed: opposed to evolutionism. noun

The doctrine that God immediately creates out of nothing a new soul for each individual of the human family, while for the human body there was but one creative fiat. See traducianism. noun

The doctrine that a soul is specially created for each human being as soon as it is formed in the womb; -- opposed to traducianism. noun

The doctrine that each individual human soul is created by God (in Christianity, Judaism, Islam and the Baha'i Faith), as opposed to traducianism. noun

Any creationary belief, especially a belief that the origin of things is due to an event or process of creation brought about by the deliberate act of any divine agency, such as a Creator God (creator god). noun

The belief that a deity created the world, especially as described in a particular religious text, such as the Book of Genesis. noun

The literal belief in the account of Creation given in the Book of Genesis noun

The Abrahamic doctrine that each individual human soul is created by God, as opposed to traducianism.

Any creationary belief, especially a belief that the origin of things is due to an event or process of creation brought about by the deliberate act of any divine agency, such as a Creator God (creator god).

The belief that a deity created the world, especially as described in a particular religious text, such as the Quran or the Book of Genesis.

The idea that two centuries of consistent scientific data by thousands of logical minds is wrong and that Earth and life were not created by a causal chain of events but by an infinitely knowing, loving and powerful--yet seemingly indecisive and possibly bipolar--deity in less than a week. Its strongest argument is its compelling assertion that if you don't believe in it, you'll go to Hell with everyone Jerry Falwell finds personally distasteful and you'll all roast for eternity while demons gangrape you with white-hot tridents. Urban Dictionary

The belief that you know more about science than an actual scientist. Urban Dictionary

The belief that ALL lifeforms on earth magically appeared in, literally, a couple of days. Urban Dictionary

The modern equivalent of a geocentric universe. Science proves irrefutably that causal, linear events led up to the ecosystem we see today. Since this idea just so happens to go against Christian doctrine, it is condemned by many Christians, who put forth a pseudoscience known as creationism, or intelligent design, in response. Creationism is non-scientific, as there is no way to test it using empirical data. Many creationists see perceived flaws in evolutionary theory as proof that creationism is true and provable. This is not true because 1.The so-called flaws are rooted in the misunderstanding or ignoring of the mechanics of evolution. Arguments such as "irreducible complexity" illustrate that creationists do not understand the process of evolution. Evolution is yet to be discredited in the scientific community, where it is accepted universally. 2.Disproving one theory does not make another theory any more credible. Even though theory A may have been disproved, theory B still must make its case based on sound scientific data. Creationists also believe that the world is in the order of 6,000 years old, which can easily be disproved with radiometric dating. Creationists say that this technology is inaccurate, but have no proof of this whatsoever. Creationists also use the argument "Evolution is just a theory." All that this argument does is show that they don't understand what a scientific theory is. Debunking creationism (by virtue of exposing the fallacy of the "young Earth" theory) is very easy. Any high school student has the capability to do so. Scientists do not waste their time even addressing it at this point, as there has never been so much as a single piece of evidence in support of it. Those who claim to be creation scientists are not scientists at all, as they cannot apply the scientific method to their theories. Urban Dictionary

One of three possible ideas 1. Old Earth creationism - the belief that the origins of earth are divine in nature, yet do not contradict with any scientific findings. 2. Young Earth creationism - the belief that the word of the Bible, or any similar holy book, is literal and that the world was created in about six thousand years. This belief basically says that any testable data showing that the world is older than six thousand years is wrong. Frequently deals with faith more than science, and when science is invoked, it is typically misused or misinterpreted. 3. intelligent design Urban Dictionary

The belief that the Christian God created the Earth and everything in it. There are two stories (chapters one and two of Genesis in the Bible.) Recently, this has been a hot topic for debating whether if it should be taught in schools. Most creationists merge the first half of chapter one, and the second half of chapter two to create what they think should be taught in schools, but really, they should just pick one story and stick with it. Urban Dictionary

Lies, fairytales, bullshit. Urban Dictionary

This is a belief which was invented to explain why we are all here. Basically it states that the world was created by some greater being (God). But then who created God? The theory of Creationsim falls flat through stating the Earth is thousands of years old, despite the fact it was proved to be billions of years old through scientific research. Creationists mock the theory of evolution and condemn the teaching of evolution at school. Evolution seems like the most sensible theory to me. Ah, but then howcome there are so many gaps in the evolutionary pathway? For one thing, it is a real fluke that an animal survives in fossil form, a billion-to-one chance requiring exactly the right geological conditions. Yes, we have a lot of skeletons in museums, but they are nothing when you consider how many animals have existed over the history of time. For another thing, it has been suggested that evolution takes place in jumps rather than gradually (a new, more evolved species suddenly starts appearing, gradualy takes over the older species). As for the teaching of evolution at school, it is taught as a theory. You don't have to believe in it. On the other hand, teaching Creationism at school involves indoctrinating children. I still remember being told that "God is always watching us and can punish us if we act or think wrongly". It makes me laugh when certain Creationists complain about CCTV cameras everywhere or the government spying on us all. Beliefs like Creationism were the Big Brother and the CCTV cameras of their day, were used to control the working classes. Now George W Bush is talking about teaching Creationism in schools in the USA instead of evolution. I can't help feeling all he really wants to do is create a brainwashed army to fight a religious war against Muslims. Urban Dictionary

A word that refers ONLY to the specific creation myth that the world was created as per the book of Genesis, and the people who try to defend that story as the literal truth. Urban Dictionary

1. The idea that all the Ph.D. scientists on the planet, who actually spent 10-30 years of their lives getting an education in science and making real discoveries, are intellectually inferior and biased in comparison to 14- to 18-year-old impressionable christian youths and sexually frustrated right-wingers who barely graduated from high school who easily fall for hoaxes which are assumed to be "evidence" for bible literalism and against the rest of science. 2. A conspiracy theory which suggests that all the scientists on the planet are corroborating on a scheme to turn the public away from their belief in God via the theory of evolution (not only atheist scientists, but Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu scientists are in on this anti-God scheme; go figure). Of course, like all conspiracy theories, you will be accused of being naive by the paranoid masses if you happen to use your brain and actually think about how it's not only impossible for thousands of people to be in on a lie without a single one of them having the scruples to come forward and expose said lie, but also impossible for snakes to talk. Urban Dictionary

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The word "creationism" in example sentences

We can more easily demonstrate that ID promotes creationism than that it is creationism*. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Not surprisingly, the bureaucrats think ID = creationism (yet complain creationism is contradictory because ID accepts evolution) and represents a threat to democracy: ❋ Unknown (2007)

Not surprisingly, the bureaucrats think ID = creationism (yet complain creationism is contradictory because ID accepts evolution) and represents a threat to democracy: the Parliamentary Assembly is worried about the possible ill-effects of the spread of creationist ideas within our education systems and about the consequences for our democracies. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Even ignoring that a President appoints judges who decide cases on the issue of whether teaching creationism constitutes religious indoctrination, a President who believes in creationism is not one I want making decisions on, for example, whether global warming is occurring. anonymous Says: ❋ Unknown (2007)

“Although the authors of the textbook did use the term creationism in pre-publication versions, the Pandas textbook promotes a theory of ID which is conceptually distinct from creationism in some of the very characteristics which caused creationism to be declared unconstitutional: creationism postulates a ‘supernatural creator’ while the theory intelligent design abstains from engaging in such religious discussions” ❋ Unknown (2006)

Earlier versions of the book revealed how the term creationism was replaced by the term intelligent design. ❋ Unknown (2005)

The term creationism had previously referred to the creation of traducianism, where souls were said to have been inherited from one's parents. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Please read what the article actually says about what the term creationism means ❋ Unknown (2009)

Gillespie in effect denies the truth of this position since he claims that in the period before Darwin there were two major epistemes, which he calls creationism and positivism. ❋ Young, J.Z. (1980)

Huckabee is religion freak who doesn't acknowlege evolution and science. without evolution, we would be just like animals. he believes in creationism which is insane. why are there so many crazy religion freaks in America. ❋ Unknown (2008)

But the central argument of "creationism" is not used at all by ID – namely the proposition that the creation narrative of Genesis is historical (in the modern sense), and a scientifically accurate portrayal of how life came into being. ❋ Unknown (2008)

This seems especially applicable because although the authors of the textbook did use the term creationism in pre-publication versions, the Pandas textbook promotes a theory of ID which is conceptually distinct from creationism in some of the very characteristics which caused creationism to be declared unconstitutional: creationism postulates a "supernatural creator" while the theory intelligent design abstains from engaging in such religious discussions. (see ❋ Unknown (2009)

In fact, creationism is bad religion and even worse science. ❋ Ph.D. Michael Zimmerman (2010)

As The Clergy Letter Project demonstrates, creationism is opposed by thousands upon thousands of religious leaders. ❋ Ph.D. Michael Zimmerman (2010)

All by itself, it has accomplished what no scientist could possibly do as convincingly: it has removed all forms of creationism from the scientific enterprise. ❋ Ph.D. Michael Zimmerman (2010)

All by itself, this claim has accomplished what no scientist could possibly do as convincingly: it has removed all forms of creationism from the scientific enterprise. ❋ Ph.D. Michael Zimmerman (2010)

[Jack Chick] said science is just as evil as Catholics and [Jews], and that's why [I believe] in creationism. ❋ Teflon Don (2004)

I think creationism is a fact and evolution is [JUST A THEORY]. Kind of like how the [Sears tower] is JUST a little bigger than a [phone booth]. ❋ The Bad Guy (2007)

Did you see the movie creationism? It has the [wildest] [FX] but, geez! Totally unrealistic story! A waste of money [if you ask me]! ❋ J (2003)

Jill: The theory of evolution is just that -- a theory. It's yet to be proven in any way. James: Gravity is [just a theory], too. You should really read a book sometime. Besides the bible. Hugh: God created the Earth 6,000 years ago with the entire ecosystem completely intact as we see it today. Al: Um, dinosaur? Hugh: Put there by the devil to deceive us. Jenny: If evolution is true, how come we've stopped evolving? Sally: Evolution takes place over long periods of time. You can't see it in your lifetime. We are still evolving. Jenny: That's just stupid. You'll believe anything they tell you. Will: Evolution is proven to be false by [the gaps] in the [fossil record]. In fact, the fossil record does more to disprove evolution than anything else. This proves creationism to be true. Ben: Where did you hear that? We know that the ancestors of all [sea mammals] are land mammals. We can see where homo sapien and neanderthal split off on two separate paths. You're just [parroting] what some wacky [creationist] said on TV, aren't you? Will: At least I'll spend the rest of forever in eternal bliss. You're going to hell. What good will your evolution do you then? Ben: :P Billy: So, now that I have proven that your [crackpot] evolution theory is wrong, you must accept my theory as true. My theory is that a giant potato-beast named pot-thak-to dreamed the universe one night 50 years ago and it came to be. Alice: Good point. Which way to his temple? ❋ SmashCrab (2008)

1. If one were to suppose that, to God, a day is more than twenty-four hours (which is possible because the sun was not created until the fourth day), then one could say that the Bible does not contradict scientific findings. 2. When a fake [plaster cast] of a human footprint next to [a dinosaur's] was used jokingly as a cover for a book by the late Stephen J. [Gould], a staunch pro-evolutionist, creationists lauded the use as proof that scientists believe in creationism, and that humans and dinosaurs coexisted, whereas in reality, almost no paleobiologists believe so. ❋ Ryan Griffin (2005)

([creationist]) Evolution is the work of the devil. [Creationism] should be taught in schools! (non-ignorant person) Oh really? Which version? (creationist) What do you mean which version? The one in the bilbe mother fucking Satanist cock sucking piece of shit. (non-ignorant [perso]) Chapters one and two are two TOTALLY different versions. (creationist) Uhmm... Gay marriage is the devil! (non-ignorant person) ... ❋ InjusticeForAll (2005)

Person A: [I believe] in creationism. [Person B]: You are a [retard]. ❋ Pao (2007)

A certain Creationism-believing journalist equates anyone who believes in evolution with genocidal murderers, tells us how [narrow-minded] they are. That's funny, because the [religious people] I've met are some of the most narrow-minded, [snobbish], hypoctrical bigots I've ever had the misfortune the come across. ❋ Stormsworder (2006)

"[Creationism] is contradictory in the simple fact that it attempts to discredit [science], while at the same time trying to use science to [justify] it's position." ❋ Devilzukin (2003)

1. [Creationist]: "Did you know Darwin recanted evolution on his deathbed? That proves evolution is wrong and creationism is true!" Someone who doesn't have his head up his own ass: "That claim was refuted over 100 years ago. And [you wonder why] scientists don't take you morons seriously?" 2. Creationist: "What? You mean you DON'T believe in fire-breathing dragons and a global flood which has no evidence? You mean you actually believe what scientists say about science and not my pastor? What's wrong with you? Well don't worry, [I'll pray for you]." ❋ Awesome Dog (2008)

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