
Character 8
Hyphenation cur a tive
Pronunciations /ˈkjʊɹ.ə.tɪv/

Definitions and meanings of "Curative"

What do we mean by curative?

Serving or tending to cure. adjective

Of or relating to the cure of disease. adjective

Something that cures; a remedy. noun

Relating to the cure of diseases.

Promoting cure; having the power or a tendency to cure.

That which cures or serves to cure; a remedy. noun

Relating to, or employed in, the cure of diseases; tending to cure. adjective

Possessing the ability to cure, to heal or treat illness. adjective

A medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain noun

Tending to cure or restore to health adjective

A substance that acts as a cure.

1. A random-bred or mixed-breed dog. Usually used in a derogatory way. 2. A highly-specialized type of dog, usually bred for hunting. Cur dogs don't conform to a breed standard, as they aren't a true breed. They are bred solely based on their working ability and vary quite a bit in appearance. Not derogatory when used to describe this type of dog. Urban Dictionary

1: a half breed or mongrel dog. 2: any dog that will not defend it's self. 3: Cur Breed, a dog breed for no other reason except looks. Urban Dictionary

South-English slang word for being drunk, see also lashed. Urban Dictionary

1. (Noun) - Derogatory term for a dog of any breed that displays cowardice or lacks fighting spirit. 2. (Noun) - Derogatory term, usually used by owners or supporters of American Pit Bull Terrier dogs, to refer to any dog breed other than the American Pit Bull Terrier. Urban Dictionary

To put your freshly harvest marijuana flowers into jars with leds on top and place them in a nice cool dark place. once every few days left the tops off to dry the buds without loosing the precious THC within and bring out the true flavor of the planet when smoked. Urban Dictionary

A mean-spirited mangy mutt dog of no pedigree. Urban Dictionary

"cur" = "ass" cur poponet rozeta (refers more to the "hole" :P ) Urban Dictionary

1. Short-speak for 'coward', as used in the popular game Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. 2. Abbreviation for the racial slang of a white person, being 'cracker' (cra-cur), used in many communities esp. in the United States. Urban Dictionary

Clit Under Repair Urban Dictionary

To Shag Someone Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Curative

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The word "curative" in example sentences

If that is dismissed, another plea--termed a curative petition--for reconsidering a judgment can be filed. ❋ R. Jai Krishna (2012)

And, she offered to submit what's known as a curative instruction to the jury -- telling them something that would help them not remember the hour of testimony where it looked like Mr. Arneson was a complete and total liar. ❋ Unknown (2010)

And, she offered to submit what's known as a curative instruction to the jury--telling them something that would help them not remember the hour of testimony where it looked like Mr. Arneson was a complete and total liar. ❋ Allison Hope Weiner (2010)

And yet if I suffer it can only be with what I may call a curative suffering. ❋ Basil King (1893)

Filing a legal challenge known as a curative amendment, he has claimed the ordinance is invalid because it illegally excludes prisons.

It is perhaps too much to expect one in the midst of an illness to start at once with what we may call the curative attitude, although it could be done, but if those who are now well and strong will read and get a good understanding of this healthy way of facing an illness, and get it into their subconscious minds, they will find that if at any time they should be unfortunate enough to be attacked with illness, they can use the knowledge to very real advantage, and -- what is more -- they can, with the right tact, help others to use it also. ❋ Annie Payson Call (1896)

I am not bitter that the trial failed, because we never believed the "curative" description. ❋ Susan Palwick (2007)

The main task of the water supply operation and maintenance committee should be to ensure that the caretaker (and his staff) operate the system in accordance with a preventive maintenance concept (See 11.9) and by using appropriate and cost-effective "curative" procedures whenever necessary. ❋ Unknown (1992)

Police in the American South are familiar with the "curative" procedure, as well as "cures" for alleged snobbery, virginity, frigidity, and other dubious diagnoses by dickheads. ❋ Unknown (2010)

But the Supreme Court today ruled the judge's "curative" instruction was insufficient, concluding Vallejo's trial was "poisoned" by the mention of his previous violent conduct and the restraining order against him. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And pitting "curative" against quality-of-life care presents patients with a false choice of prolonged life versus quick death. ❋ Peter Keating (2009)

With that information, the defense said, the emergency team stopped their efforts and -- with the assent of Vinson's family -- changed her care instructions from "curative" to "comfort," as Vinson's ❋ Unknown (2009)

Slide 41: ESPAC-4: Trial Design Patients with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas having 'curative' resection R1 only Randomization CHEMO CHEMO+RT Observation ❋ Unknown (2009)

Slide 40: ESPAC-3: Trial Design Patients with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas having 'curative' resection Randomization stratified by resection margins 5-FU / FA Gemcitabine Observation FA (20 mg / m2 iv bolus), 1,000 mg / m2 iv infusion once weekly x3 wks, ❋ Unknown (2009)

[44] * paregorizantis*, "curative," a rare word, used by Augustine. ❋ Abbot Of Nogent-sous-Coucy Guibert (1088)

1. "[What kind] of dog is that?" "Oh, I don't know... just a [cur]." 2. "That's a nice cur dog you've got. Bet he's great with [hogs]." ❋ Hogdog4 (2011)

Who owns that [cur] running around loose in the park? or "[Hey Bob], what do ya think of that guys dog?" "yea, it might be nice to look at, but it's just another cur [breed] piece of shit" ❋ Twobarbreak (2008)

Man I was curred last nite! We bought [shitloads] of booze and went [into town]. I'm still pretty curred [rite now]...! ❋ Tyrkisk Peber Original (2008)

"If that [cur] of yours [bites] me, I'll have my [Pit Bull] tear him up!" ❋ Quanfa88 (2013)

i was curring this blueberry for about 3weeks, notice it tastes 100 times better than [open air], sun dried shit plus it's diffently some [one hitter] [quiter] shit! ❋ X (2003)

Careful you don't [get bit] by that cur! You'll need shots for rabies, [mange], syphilis, [rubella] and tb. ❋ Canis Major (2010)

"[te] [fut] in cur" = "[i fuck you] in the ass" ❋ Petica (2007)

"You [better run], [you stupid] cur!" "[Yeah, you] [BETTER run] you stupid cur!" ❋ Stupid Cur (2009)

Cur ([Clit] under [repair]) after multiple days of [pounding] sex! ❋ SolitudeOU812 (2018)

[ah] i fucking [curred] her last [nyt] muush! ❋ I_love_me (2003)

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