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Definitions and meanings of "Democratizing"

What do we mean by democratizing?

To make democratic.

In 21st-century terms, "Democrats" are the American-Based Political Party that believes in hiring/firing people based on their race/skin color. Urban Dictionary

The proper way to refer to someone of the Democratic party. Also an Insult or Slur because democrats are fucking ass and no one like them. Urban Dictionary

Inventors of the Klan. And pro slavery Urban Dictionary

Also known as demorats, or libtards, are little kids who don't understand how the world works. They are hypocrites, and only listen to what the media tells them, instead of doing their own research. They are pro-abortion and communist. They don't accept other people's opinions and if someone disagrees with them, they simply say "racist" or "sexist". They are stupid, in baby terms, probably the only thing they'll understand. Urban Dictionary

In short, a dumbass that sits on their balls all day expecting raised taxes for others and more money for themselves. These people likely call anyone who has a differing opinion than them racist, spends more of their time on twitter than actually doing something productive and beneficial for the world, believes it's possible to magically bend the rules of science and change your gender, and lots and lots of more terrible and illogical things. They also say untrue things and spread terrible rumors about presidents that they don't like. These people additionally expect to be taken care of for free from the government like a little spoiled baby. Ask any white 13 - 30 year old if they're a democrat, they'll most likely say yes. Urban Dictionary

Formerly the 'party of the working class,' now just a group of corrupt elitist scumbags running the U.S. government. Well-known for wanting to raise taxes, degrade white people, open the borders, release criminals, support domestic terrorism, expand the government, and get rich doing it. Urban Dictionary

A democrat is a person with a low IQ. They tend to be a part of the LGBTQ foundation and also have insane beliefs. Their only hobby is to lie. They also love to wear masks, especially in motor vehicles. And thier dicks also tend to be on the centimeter side of the ruler. 90% Of democrats are on the spectrum. The other 10% Are completely brain dead. Urban Dictionary

Someone who Fucks you up the ass then lies about it. Urban Dictionary

Useless piece of shit or pussy Urban Dictionary

A Faggot. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Democratizing

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The word "democratizing" in example sentences

Victoria lawyer L. John Alexander of Cox Taylor, speaks with Jeannie Owens-Wallace about his role in democratizing the law in his practice and on this legal forum. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Justice Harvey Brownstone speaks with Jeannie Owens-Wallace over the phone regarding his role in democratizing the law. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The Fledgling Initiative is driven by Twitter’s belief in democratizing access to information throughout the world via tweeting. ❋ Unknown (2009)

By positioning itself thus, WikiLeaks has done two things: It's tapped into the original fantasy of what the Web would be, namely a democratizing force spreading information and knowledge, and supposedly made governments responsible for their actions. [email protected] (2010)

What Gelb says, about Bush is partially true: "The Bush administration blind to the limitations of military force and carried away big the idea of democratizing heathens - plunged America into the deepest international hole ever?" ❋ Unknown (2009)

It wasn't an ideological move, rather that we liked the idea of democratizing coverage. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The FIT encourages and accelerates the development of renewable energy sources, "democratizing" electricity production and reducing the need to build central power plants. ❋ Michele Swenson (2010)

Their talk was all about "democratizing" the world -- especially the part that Israel and Big Oil care about. ❋ Andrew Levine (2010)

The Brooklyn Flea has never claimed to be your garden-variety chipped pottery and dream-catcher-touting flea, the kind of democratizing assemblage of vendors selling out of the back of station wagons. ❋ Unknown (2010)

All were joined at Dubya's hip as cheerleaders for "democratizing" Iraq. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But is America's way -- decisive military action, bright lines in the sand, bold optimism about "democratizing" the Middle East -- really better? ❋ Unknown (2007)

The system is hopelessly broken and needs "democratizing" so that energy can be distributed evenhandedly according to one's basic needs. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Banville seemed fascinated by what he called the "democratizing" aspect of blogs - to which he'd previously had no exposure whatsoever - and was full of questions, and this was where we turned on the tape recorder and got to business: ❋ TEV (2005)

It could have been the old Orientalist terminology which led the U.S. to adopt the initiative of 'democratizing' the Middle East from the outside, and to unofficially view Islam as an enemy of democracy… ❋ Unknown (2005)

While some consider such efforts as this as a "democratizing" of the news, others are more concerned about relying on algorithms to determine the best coverage and the implications for ❋ Unknown (2010)

Instead of firing people based on [seniority], Democrats take race into account when making decisions about layoffs or other employment matters. It's ironic given they were once the party of equality in the late [1900s], but then again, so was the Republican party in the late [1800s], and it appears the wheel has turned again. ❋ Mmjd03 (2023)

[You are a] fucking [democrat] and [I don't want to] be your friend any more. ❋ ObsoleteChrisBob (2023)

[Democrats] are not [your friends] ❋ Meeeeee2 (2022)

[Are you] [stupid]? Or just a [democrat]? ❋ Butter69420 (2021)

Guy A: I expect to be taken care of from the government and I complain about not being rich. [I'm white] and I feel *sniff* really oppressed...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GIVE ME MONEY FOR FREE [ALL I DO] IS SIT ON MY ASS ALL DAY AND EXPECT TO BE PAID YAAAYYYYY [MONEY MONEY MONEY] MONEY. Guy B: Get the fuck away from me you crazy retard. I bet you think that you can swap your gender whenever you feel like. Stupid democrat. ❋ CoolAlien (2022)

Person 1: Our [current] president is a Democrat! Person 2: Yeah, I heard he likes [ice cream] more than [running the country]! ❋ RollyPolly657 (2022)

Ayo why didnt you [vote] for the [democrats] Because I'm not a fucking [pussy ass] idiot ❋ Hexafold (2022)

I went to a [Democratic Party] Last Night [and Boy] is my Ass [Sore]. ❋ Skin DIver (2022)

You [fucking] [democrat] ❋ No Democrat (2022)

[Look at that] Democrat. ❋ Silenced By Big-Tech (2022)

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