Deus Ex Machina

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Definitions and meanings of "Deus Ex Machina"

What do we mean by deus ex machina?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word deus-ex-machina. Define deus-ex-machina, deus-ex-machina synonyms, deus-ex-machina pronunciation, deus-ex-machina translation, English dictionary definition of deus-ex-machina.

Dates from ancient Greek times, where "deus ex machina" ("god from the machine") in a play referred to the act of lowering a god on stage using a cable device (therefore, a god from a machine) to decide in a dilemma and give fate a nudge, so to say. These days, deus ex machina has the negative connotation of an utterly improbable, illogical or baseless plot twist that drastically alters the situation, as if the "deus ex machina" came down to give fate that little push. Urban Dictionary

1. An unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel. 2. A bullshit way of saving a character in a movie, novel, or play. Urban Dictionary

Literally "God from the machine", Deus Ex Machina originally referred to Greek plays, where the "gods" would be lowered onto the stage in order to provide a quick resolution to the story. Today, Deus Ex Machina refers to any improbably and/or overly convenient character or mechanism that comes out of nowhere saves the character(s) from their doom. Urban Dictionary

Situation in which one escapes by means noone could distinctly or indirectly predict. Plot device in which the author makes up stupid shit to save his character. Urban Dictionary

A story ending that involves something inexplicable and unexpected, which usually requires a suspension of logic from the audience. Latin for "god from the machine", it originally referred to God showing up at the end of a play and simply resolving all the character's problems. Urban Dictionary

Is without a doubt an archetype considered as a quasi-impetus of a prevalent trope that strides to an extensively particular culmination which opts to incorporate an unorthodox and haphazard prospect which is scrupulously and circuitously contrived to presumably rectify borderline incorrigible conundrums or circumstances in order to deliberately expedite an ideal and feasible impending crux that would transpire in a plausible but inexplicable manner which usually aggregates a plethora of complex multifaceted serendipitous outcomes; On the contrary however, it absolutely entails the omission of the obligatory, arbitrary and elusive logic inclined to expedite an ideal and immutable apotheosis but only on the off chance if certain intrinsic characters would go out on a limb hence, leaving them apparently in the midst of a vastly dire escapade and are currently inevitably beleaguered; nonetheless, if delved on furthermore through meticulously scrutinizing the intricate logic; this on the other hand would somehow instigate elicit recurring aberration instilled in the underlying recesses of our objective, biased and condescending judgement thus when overtly eluded under the influence of its predicament, it could cause certain implications such as aspects of double standard; unless marred by its beguiling provocative matter, hence relinquish its purpose and haplessly render it negligible and incomprehensibly desultory. Urban Dictionary

Latin phrase meaning "providential intervention." Literally translated as "god from machine." Urban Dictionary

Whilst also given other definitions (that are correct), deus ex machina may also refer to a character from the anime series Mirai Nikki (Future diary); the god imagined by yukii-kun who is behind the major plot-device in this series. Urban Dictionary

A) an improbable or unexpected device or character that suddenly appears to resolve a situation b) something that makes no sense but is added so that the story can end Urban Dictionary

LatinNoun. meaning God from the machine. It refers to greek tragedy plays where a "god" would be lowered from rope (hence "machines") to solve all the charicters delimas. Also, my Handlealias. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Deus Ex Machina

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The word "deus-ex-machina" in example sentences

This deus-ex-machina solution, God sending angels to lead the humans to a replacement Earth, reinforces the notion that God is on America's side. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Another grave disappointment was the deus-ex-machina plot. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Done poorly (and I don't think that this will be a problem for AIR) and it becomes a deus-ex-machina mess that can still be entertaining, but often only temporarily satisfying. ❋ Unknown (2009)

He felt that the show runners used a deus-ex-machina device to wrap up the series by invoking the presence and machinations of a godlike being that had manipulated events to ultimately bring the survivors of the Cylon Holocaust to Earth. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I thought the end was really lame and seemed very deus-ex-machina. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Everything comes together into the grand finale - and here there should be no more complaints about weak endings, deus-ex-machina and all - and there are enough twists and turns to make one realize what a master storyteller PFH is to get all that done and I do not want to list from the stuff you will find out even in the vaguest detail just not to spoil some of the extraordinary revelations there ❋ Liviu (2009)

The ending that is here has both a deus-ex-machina device (but one that Heinlein himself used in one of his other stories) and a clear path to a possible sequel, as clearly there is more story to tell, if Spider (and the Heinlein estate) would so desire. ❋ Unknown (2006)

A little deus-ex-machina, in the way things turn around suddenly. ❋ Susan Palwick (2007)

The main character does have the advantage of not being a grizzled vet of the police or military with drinking/relationship problems who has a best pal with a propensity to and skill in mayhem who is always there for the deus-ex-machina. ❋ Tripp (2005)

Enoch Root, the shadowy deus-ex-machina/Ascended Master of Neal Stephenson's brilliant Cryptonomicon is the subject of much debate. ❋ Unknown (2002)

By this time the interview had already lost all semblance of an exchange between equals — much less the deus-ex-machina quality which was the traditional attribute of an encounter between the head of state and the Commander in Chief of the Army. ❋ Clark, Alan (1965)

A series of fantastic adventures culminates with the resolution of the Carroll-Dodgson identity through a deus-ex-machina appearance by Queen Victoria. ❋ Elif Batuman (2010)

If we continue with business-as-usual and if no deus-ex-machina technological fit surprisingly emerges, we may well end up with a tripling or maybe even quadrupling of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at the end of the current century. ❋ Steve Darden (2010)

It deliberately waged war with itself, juggling a love story and politics fueled by a Battle Royale with deus-ex-machina devices, cracking jokes about ❋ Unknown (2009)

However, to the surprise of myself, Nene turns out to be a really powerful deus-ex-machina, and is able to pretty much slaughter everyone in the gang by draining their shadow abilities, mechanical enhancements to create super strength, and even able to sense Bouquet's invisibility. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Casino Royale, the film-makers have dramatically downplayed the use of devices as deus-ex-machina methods of getting Bond out of a jam. ❋ Unknown (2008)

I liked the movie, but the ending was [total crap]...they could've come up with a better way to beat the villain than [the deus] [ex machina] ending of that guy miraculously coming back to life. ❋ Fluid (2003)

1. Man- [The bet] Peter made in the end of [Dodgeball]: An [Underdog] Story is such bullshit Deus Ex Machina! 2. The whole "love" thing from Harry Potter. ❋ I Like Llamas (2015)

For a hilarious [send-up] of Deus Ex Machina, check out the spaceship scene in [Monty Python's] [Life of Brian]. ❋ Gazuga (2004)

[None] needed. ❋ Larstait (2003)

Who shot [JR]? Just the old deus ex machina, the whole [season] was [a dream]. ❋ Bean64 (2009)

"That scene where the animated Cat [Agent's] debut in the "[Last Action Hero]" movie when he saved Jack [Slater] was apparently a Deus Ex Machina at this point since there was no indication and clue whatsoever of his sudden inclination of saving Jack Slater at the last minute." ❋ TrickyJebus (2016)

A deus ex machina servabar. ❋ Britishguy (2004)

Deus ex Machina [talked] to [Yukii] again about his [position] in the "game". ❋ RealSoap (2015)

a) the [naval officer] in [lord of the flies] is a deus ex machina b) [wasnt] all them surviving in 2012 a deus ex machina? ❋ Tiffanyohplease (2010)

"[the deus] [ex machina] has come to [save] us!" ❋ Zac Beaumont (2004)

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