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Definitions and meanings of "Felsitic"

What do we mean by felsitic?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word felsitic. Define felsitic, felsitic synonyms, felsitic pronunciation, felsitic translation, English dictionary definition of felsitic.

A felsite is a type of rock. This rock had gotten so hot that the uglyness now dominates. Rocks don't have many friends, but the few that felsite seems to have are as heartless as the other rocks that exist in the universe. Already from when felsite was a tiny drip of lava, felsite dreamed of being a asteroid in space. Unfortunately felsite is a rock on earth that can't really go to space. He can't move at all actually. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Felsitic

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The word "felsitic" in example sentences

A gigantic clummmp of felsitic debris, last year, off the coast of Denmark, she criticized its, "just about to fall into one of those mirthless laughs we edge away from," its crystalline structure, for twenty minutes. ❋ Pynchon, Thomas (1978)

A patch of granitic and felsitic rocks form Parys Mountain, where copper and iron ochre have been worked. ❋ Various (N/A)

The latter are represented by large contemporaneous deposits of tuff and felsitic lava which in the Snowdon District are several thousand feet thick. ❋ Various (N/A)

As its name implies, it contains many caves in the felsitic conglomerate overlying the region. ❋ Carl Lumholtz (1886)

Set in and on the black flanks, and looking from afar like the gouts of a bloodstone, are horizontal beds, perpendicular spines, and detached blocks of felsitic porphyry and of rusty-red syenite, altered, broken, and burnt by plutonic heat. ❋ Richard Francis Burton (1855)

Mr. Keita reports that gold has been found in several sets of quartz veins in and around felsitic dykes within some of the areas of orpaillage. ❋ Unknown (2010)

a bloodstone, are horizontal beds, perpendicular spines, and detached blocks of felsitic porphyry and of rusty-red syenite, altered, broken, and burnt by plutonic heat. ❋ Unknown (2003)

"Oh look, dad! There is a cool [rock on] [the ground]!" "Throw that away, son! It's a [felsite]" "AAAAAAAH" ❋ Toemasje (2022)

Cross Reference for Felsitic

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