First Year

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Definitions and meanings of "First Year"

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Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word first-year. Define first-year, first-year synonyms, first-year pronunciation, first-year translation, English dictionary definition of first-year.

Apparently, the new politically correct way at several institutes of higher learning to refer to entities previously known as freshmen. Urban Dictionary

First years is the collective term given to first year secondary school students, typically in Ireland. Usually aged 11/12, they are seen as innocent and naive compared to their fifth or sixth year schoolmates, and are at the bottom of the school food chain. Urban Dictionary

Oh man where do I start 😂😂. They think they are so cool going into first year and half of them are acco crazy. But obviously some of them are just boring. Aw man ya just gotta love em anyway. 😂 Urban Dictionary

That classic first year university attitude of always thinking that they need to study Urban Dictionary

Someone around the age of 12/13 who has not yet had a meet/shift/french kiss. Irish slang. In the Irish educational system, after graduating from primary school (about 12 years old) you move onto the first year in secondary school. Therefore a first-year is just your average pre-teen. However, by that age, the best way to be popular is to not be a fridget. A fridget is someone who has never "met" (also Irish slang.) someone. In most cases, people are slagged for being a first-year fridget, but only lightly by friends. Being a first-year fridget isn't bad, but boys typically try to get a meet before first year to avoid the situation altogether, and also in an attempt to show off to their friends. Urban Dictionary

Having a male / male sexual experience; references Princeton University (in New Jersey) and experimenting, sexually, while there, or in other similar situations Urban Dictionary

Adjective. The state of inebriation most commonly attained only by first year students of university Urban Dictionary

The weight gain a first year graduate student puts on in his or her first year of studies. Similar to the freshman fifteen, the combination of late night "study breaks" and stress over finding an adviser and funding causes the student to put on some pounds. Urban Dictionary

In irish secondary schools, the 12-13 year olds are in first year. this makes them First Years™. Characteristics of First Years™ include: arrogance, cockiness, annoyingness and smartassness. Urban Dictionary

Term used when first year university students pick up weight during the course of their year. Causes may vary. example: stress, over-eating, over-drinking, lack of exercise. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for First Year

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The word "first-year" in example sentences

Mom called her first-year analysts “Meat” and bragged that she, in turn, was known as “The Lion.” ❋ Mark Jude Poirier (2007)

At some colleges, freshmen were supposed to be called first-year students; that struck most frosh as a little stiff, but freshman week was replaced in many places by orientation week. ❋ William Safire (2003)

Mike Lee (R-Utah), Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and David Vitter (R-La.) - wrote a letter to GOP House lawmakers on Wednesday urging them to reject Boehner's debt-limit bill, calling the first-year cuts "inadequate" and arguing it would add trillions to the national debt. ❋ ALIYAH SHAHID (2011)

Tinnon had his advocates at East, namely his first-year language arts teacher, Amy Kallioinen, who'd taken him under her wing, plead with him to realize his potential, and battled to keep him in school -- but he was hit with a misdemeanor theft charge for the ticket incident, kicked out of East again, and missed the entire hoops season. ❋ Unknown (2012)

I was about to teach the material on arbitration to my first-year civil procedure class and decided to read the fine print that came with the agreement accompanying the computer. ❋ Erwin Chemerinsky (2010)

The current average hourly rate for first-year associates at law firms is $283, it says. ❋ Vanessa O'Connell (2011)

At Essex University, the head of philosophy, Professor Wayne Martin, is passionate about the voluntary module on essay writing he's created for MA and first-year undergraduate students – and he needs to be, because it sounds distinctly time-intensive and is not an official part of his job. ❋ Unknown (2011)

“Reading this makes me feel like a first-year student all over again.” ❋ Dayton Ward (2011)

That salary is about $45,000 less than the salary paid to first-year associates at major New York law firms. ❋ Vanessa O'Connell (2011)

The rook hit 21 of 36 passes against the Redskins with nary an interception in only his third start, which is a relief in Detroit seeing as how the league's other first-year starter -- Matt Sanchez, whom the Lions passed on -- is 3-0 with the Jets. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The movers and shakers are the teacher who taught my child to write a college essay when she was in his fifth grade class and the first-year high school Social Studies teacher whose daily quiz on the "A" Section of the New York Times she had to pass each morning. ❋ Michele Somerville (2011)

But there was one rite of passage that neither he nor any first-year player can really prepare for: his first postseason series. ❋ Mike Sielski (2011)

The misstep was apparently accidental, but one a "first-year law student" would know to avoid, Judge Walton said. ❋ Brent Kendall (2011)

With a $350,000 starting salary, a Wharton graduate -- who now works at a private equity firm -- became the highest paid first-year Master in Business Administration graduate in the country last year. ❋ The Daily Pennsylvanian (2011)

Hiram To and Scott Redford "For Your Pleasure—Remake/Remodel" is part of the first-year anniversary of the interesting little 2P Gallery in Hong Kong's Western District. ❋ Alexandra A. Seno (2011)

• Accusing by name a first-year female student of "messing around with a couple of guys during orientation;" ❋ Eric F. Spina (2011)

[Steven]: That red-headed freshman is so hot! I'm totally going to get that [bitch drunk] and bone her tomorrow night! Greg: Really, Steven, I'm ashamed of your [uncouth] behavior -- the polite way of speaking about such an individual dictates that we use the term "first year." ❋ Thomas Sartorius (2008)

Older Student: Jesus look at all the first years, the size of [that one's] bag. He's as green as grass! He won't last ten minutes in [Ms]. [Smyth's] class. ❋ Unionaerospace (2018)

‘Oh [look it]’s [first years]’ ‘Why did you [roll] your eyes’ ‘Because first years are crazy’ ❋ Imjustbored😂 (2019)

[First year] student: Hey, I don't think I can make it tomorrow, desperately need every second to cram [Second year] student: OMG! You're experiencing [First Year Fever]! Better call a doctor! ❋ KeepCalmAndEdm (2016)

"Hey, in your school do you get bullied for being a [first-year fridget]?" "Nah, yer grand." "Really?" "[No mate], [you're screwed]." "..." "Don't worry though. Just go to a disco or something. You'll get a meet there. "Thanks, bro." ❋ Mad-Yoke-From-Ireland (2018)

Those [Duke boys] [look] like they're 'first [year] Princeton', to me ❋ Jimbojonas (2016)

Guy 1: Hey I just finished my [exam], [whats happening] tonight? Guy 2: Let's go to [Koerner's] and get first-year drunk! ❋ Seeapeddle (2010)

"Hey Brian, did you see Karen at [the football] game?" "Yeah, looks like she suffered the first year [fifty] at [Stanford]." ❋ Concered Student (2009)

[second year]: oh god, here comes some [First Years]™ third year: shut up you were a [First Year]™ last year ❋ Ginalinettispaghetticonfetti (2019)

"[First year spread] is real, Jane has [picked up] a lot of [weight] this year." ❋ Liadol15 (2015)

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