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Definitions and meanings of "Folksingers"

What do we mean by folksingers?

A person who sings folk songs.

Synonyms and Antonyms for Folksingers

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The word "folksingers" in example sentences

There are still some proponents of blogging, and of traveling around the country as a multimedia event with two folksingers and a chicken-head-eating-geek, and of doing drive-by blitzes of every bookstore within a thousand miles. ❋ Unknown (2009)

There are still some proponents of blogging, and of traveling around the country as a multimedia event with two folksingers and a chicken-head-eating-geek, and of doing drive-by blitzes of every bookstore […] ❋ Unknown (2009)

“His audience was an assemblage of nearly two hundred neo-Luddites and anarchists and socialists and freegans and steampunks and home-schoolers and folksingers and knitters and yak farmers.” ❋ Jean (2009)

It is the alchemy of record-making that fascinates Mr. Zak: the process, the product and even the residue, like the fact that "Irene" was penned "by a black Texas songwriter with a violent past, sung by a group of left-wing folksingers accompanied by a slick New York City studio orchestra playing a species of 1930s Broadway/Hollywood music." ❋ Eddie Dean (2010)

Israel was also rather obviously more successful under increasing capitalism, and demonstrated the need for a strong military, rather than more folksingers. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This isn't to say that folksingers don't worry about the emotion of the song, but that they trust the lyrics to carry that emotion. ❋ Matthew Guerrieri (2008)

And then, as an aside, he pointed out that this is pretty much the opposite of what real folksingers do. ❋ Matthew Guerrieri (2008)

Although Robeson in his 20s and 30s was not yet as radicalized as he would later become, he may well have launched the 20th-century tradition of political activists being affiliated with folk music; in the postwar years, especially, there was a stereotype that all folksingers were communists. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Buddy would bring his guitar and just sit there, and all these other young musicians -- a lot of folksingers -- used to come and talk with him and ask 'How do you do that?' because the way he played the guitar was different, with a down stroke. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Some of her songs and song lyrics for folksingers, rock groups and composers have been recorded and a number of her stories are about musicians. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The two folksingers presented their songs with good taste and clear diction in several languages, proficiently accompanying themselves on their guitars (non-electric), putting their pleasant voices and contrasting temperament to good advantage. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I know folksingers sometimes use a long "A" in their singing - it somehow conveys a devotion to tradition, kind of a faux authenticity (there's an oxymoron for you). ❋ Unknown (2009)

Yet, just two month ago, Islamists attacked newly-erected statues of Baul folksingers, placed at the International Airport in Dhaka, because statues or images are haraam (banned) in Islam. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Or as Bob Dylan says he was told, “You sound like a hillbilly / We want folksingers here.” ❋ Unknown (2009)

Instead, Williams and Stone spend lots of time concocting schemes to boost the happiness quotient of a workforce that's still only in the double figures - stuff like free lunches and inspirational visits by politicians, folksingers, and a director from the TV show ❋ Unknown (2009)

I knew -- though I could not then have put it into words -- that to hold Pete Seeger's banjo and to bring forth music from it would be an initiation, situating me in a lineage of radical folksingers. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Yes, Bobby appealed to cops and priests and Richard Daley too, but in 1968 he never distanced himself from the dispossessed, the farmworkers, the folksingers, the war resisters, nor the poets of the powerless. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The "How many folksingers does it take to change a light bulb?" page lists snippets of notional folk-songs notionally performed by well-known folkies on the subject of light-bulb changing: ❋ Unknown (2006)

Cross Reference for Folksingers

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