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Definitions and meanings of "Genderized"

What do we mean by genderized?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word genderized. Define genderized, genderized synonyms, genderized pronunciation, genderized translation, English dictionary definition of genderized.

When a gender reaches it's ultimate form. the final goal of every gender. it is said that a gender of genders gets a mega huge stat boost, and plus 75% chance of critical hits. the typical XXXL PEE-PEE size is expand to become a supreme mega large over nien thousend XXXXXXXXXL colossus PEE-PEE that nearly matches the insuperable size of Phil swifift PEE-PEE Urban Dictionary

A scam invented by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms. Urban Dictionary

A word car companies made to sell more cars. Car companies did this because they needed more sales, so they made the word gender Urban Dictionary

Identifying as ether a tree with 2 stumps or a wet floor sign. Urban Dictionary

Another thing humans just HAD to overcomplicate Urban Dictionary

A thing that some people do not have and can request from people as a joke. Urban Dictionary

A lie made by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms Urban Dictionary

The most confusing made-up social construct in humans, Urban Dictionary

A generalization one makes about the gender of another based on their profession. Urban Dictionary

You probably meant sex Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Genderized

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The word "genderized" in example sentences

The only time awards should be "genderized" are in areas such as athletics where there are clear differences such as muscle mass. ❋ Ann Althouse (2008)

It was the considered opinion of senators on both sides of the aisle that if language de-genderized the presidency, the amendment's ratification by the necessary 36 states would be in great doubt. ❋ Not A Sheep (2008)

There is no doubt that racism has a very negative impact on our lives and for WOC it is experienced within a very genderized construct, however allowing whiteness to control the conversation is only an expression of the ways in which we have been mentally colonized. ❋ Renee (2009)

It is genderized to ensure that women continue to be a slave to our biology thus sentencing us to a life wherein our ability to conceive necessarily damns us to the pink ghetto. ❋ Renee (2009)

Their charges seem completely genderized and designed to discourage other women from seeking employment within the prison industrial complex. ❋ Renee (2009)

Despite how many examples I point to, like the It's Just Like Rosa Parks argument, gay is the new black, or the racist, genderized minstrel show, Shirley Q Liquor, many in the GLBT community choose to pretend that racism is non existent. ❋ Renee (2009)

It should be a safe environment because have we all been hurt and damaged in someway by all of the isms in a specifically genderized way. ❋ Renee (2009)

As the confirmation process gets underway, we can rest assured that this is just the beginning of the racist and or genderized attacks Sotomayor will undergo. ❋ Renee (2009)

We also continually fail to acknowledge how genderized our discussions on parenting are. ❋ Renee (2009)

PETA routinely resorts to these sexist, genderized ads and they are demeaning. ❋ Renee (2009)

Anonymous 5:19 pm on September 6, 2009 | # | Reply even RIFLES are genderized? ❋ Unknown (2009)

Rather than acknowledging his privilege Kripp has decided to perform a genderized, racist, new age, minstrel show. ❋ Renee (2009)

These so-called progressive women are more than happy to essentialize gender roles if it means oppressing someone that is not like them but you can rest assured that if it meant that they were forced to perform genderized work i.e. stay home and play good little wife while the husband works, you would hear an uproar. ❋ Renee (2009)

Clearly there is a genderized aspect to poverty and old age. ❋ Renee (2009)

We are expected to ignore that even though we both must deal with racism in specifically genderized ways, a black man may still return home at the end of the day and physically abuse his black wife. ❋ Renee (2009)

While these prohibitions apply equally to male and female, because women are the ones that bear children, they form the basis of genderized oppression. ❋ Renee (2009)

In theory, Polish-Jewish society was highly genderized, with each gender occupying its particular social and cultural sphere. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Can there be any doubt, that a movie involving this character will be nothing more than another genderized minstrel show? ❋ Renee (2009)

When we consider what is involved this constitutes not only labour exploitation but specifically genderized exploitation. ❋ Renee (2009)


Ight [it’s time] to go into this unnessisarily [gendered] bathroom bye. Also enjoy [purple guy] ❋ Thisisnotapseudonymorisit (2020)

1: what is your gender 2: [2012] [Toyota] [Venza]. 1: what the fuck i just asked for your gender 2: oh i don't know ask my dog dog: 2012 Toyota Venza. 1:what the fuck please i just want a simple answer ❋ Frog Is Stupid And Dumb (2021)

"Ah yes, [the two genders]. Tree with two [stumps] and [wet floor sign]." ❋ BlueGrass240 (2021)

[Reject] [gender], [return to monke] ❋ Donna Tramp (2021)

[Dono]: Can I have some of your [gender]? [Ranboo]: No ❋ Minecraftuser (2021)

(A) what [gender] are you? (B) [gender is a social construct] (B) but I'm [nonbinary] thanks for asking ❋ BigDick$toner (2020)

person a: I'm [questioning] my [gender], i have been for [a while] person b: same lol ❋ Im Swag Lol (they/he?????) (2021)

"My [gynecologist] cancelled my [appointment]" "was she sick?" "HE's sick, way to make a [genderalization]" ❋ Mindy86 (2007)

gender and [sex] aren't the same thing, [goddammit] ❋ Whoever I May Be (2019)

Cross Reference for Genderized

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