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Definitions and meanings of "Ghettoizing"

What do we mean by ghettoizing?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word ghettoizing. Define ghettoizing, ghettoizing synonyms, ghettoizing pronunciation, ghettoizing translation, English dictionary definition of ghettoizing.

Making stuff ghetto Urban Dictionary

The process by which minority groups are forced out of the mainstream either physically or culturally. Urban Dictionary

The dominating popularity of hip-hop/rap lingo, music, and fashion in mainstream culture. Urban Dictionary

The opposite of de-ghettoize, refers to the vast influx of poor bad minorities into inner-city neighborhoods that were left to rot by rich white people; later the rich white people realized they missed their cities and began a process of de-ghettoization, which consisted mostly of "running the Richard C. Lee Memorial Highway through it." Urban Dictionary

The process by which afro-american's influence culture and society with their slang, attitudes, morals, values and jive. Urban Dictionary

Remove a ghetto, preferably by running the Richard C. Lee memorial highway through it. Urban Dictionary

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The word "ghettoizing" in example sentences

The stigma of "writer of dog stories" is still a problem — as is the "ghettoizing" of his works in the juvenile section of the libraries. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Re people "ghettoizing" themselves in nearly every first generation expat situation, you just hit the core of the matter. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Some critics have commented that by "ghettoizing" science fiction, Gernsback in fact did harm to its literary growth, but this viewpoint has been countered by the argument that science fiction needed an independent market in which to develop if it was going to reach its potential. ❋ Zen Tiger (2009)

I don't think that's the same as "ghettoizing" the Obama campaign. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Yes indeedy McCain might win, particularly with the very bad blood in the Dem camp right now regarding Clinton's tactics of "ghettoizing" Obama as the black candidate. ❋ Burke's Corner (2008)

I think they wind up -- to use a term that t hey often use -- "ghettoizing" them, because I suppose I'm an old-fashioned integrationist. ❋ Unknown (1990)

Parkside resident and mother of four Stela Pavic raised her concern of "ghettoizing" the neighborhood, and asked which other sites were possible. ❋ Lsnuggs (2010)

Instead of "ghettoizing" low-income people, she said, the city must "come up with a vision of mixed use or mixed income" for priority neighbourhoods, one where services such as grocery stores are close to home. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I DO NOT believe that what Russell is advocating is "ghettoizing" the church, but rather for communities to understand and manifest their particular cultural context in the church. ❋ Jay (2010)

Program participants use the rhetoric of "ghettoizing" in blog postings. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Voucher programs encourage private schools to cherry pick students, leaving more problematic ones in the public schools, ultimately "ghettoizing" the public schools.

Those of us who questioned its worth, on such grounds as the fear that one would be ghettoizing the topic and putting off the male students many of whom were precisely those who needed some education on the matter, were considered not just out-of-date but positively evil. ❋ Michael Ruse (2011)

Chomp chomp chomp … that is the sound of Jewish settlement activity further ghettoizing the West Bank. ❋ Unknown (2009)

We will see a new strategy that actually features instead of ghettoizing the commercial sector, plans on continuous innovation rather than bragging about flying the same capsule structure for 50 years like B-52s, and because it is affordable and sustainable, actually happens. ❋ Unknown (2009)

It is cyber ghettoizing, completely half-assed, and impotent. if you MUST Charge, charge the CUSTOMERS not the professionals! make it hard, and de-incentivize the access to the class of people that were the victim. ❋ Unknown (2009)

When we can read page-turning work, learn about history, and drink in great writing, that seems like a good deal to me -- especially if we can pull away from ghettoizing writers at the same time. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Man, stop ghettoizing your [wardrobe]. [Everybody knows] ur a rich [fool]. ❋ Phillip (2004)

Ghettoization of [the Jews] occurred during [WW2] when they were forced to live in only specific areas. [Women's] issues are ghettoized when spoken about as 'special interest' and 'marginal' even though they affect more than 50% of the population. ❋ ~Arianna (2008)

The ghettoization of [America]. ❋ Eelsauce (2004)

That [mall] [really] helped ghettoize [downtown]. ❋ AhmedKazikian (2005)

The ghettoization of the internet can be often found when viewing [afro-american] blogs or chat rooms. I was in a chat room last nite for Afro-men [M4F], and heard about 9 [dems],dats and does. ❋ Baltsox (2006)

I de-ghettoized that neighborhood with [federal] [funds]... Anyone want some spare blacks and [Italians]? ❋ (2003)

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