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Definitions and meanings of "Github"

What do we mean by github?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word github. Define github, github synonyms, github pronunciation, github translation, English dictionary definition of github.

GitHub is a website popular with programmers because they can publish their programs there and work with other people on the internet to help make the code even better. One feature is that people can fork code, which means that they can essentially copy the code and make whatever changes to it that they want without editing the actual code. It's kind of like a group project where people can do whatever they want. Urban Dictionary

Pornhub for Software Developers Urban Dictionary

A programmer-oriented software distribution website. It's a great way for programmers to release, maintain and co-develop their open-source software in a methodical way. However, the layperson who has no experience in software development will find the website rather difficult to navigate, often making their heads spin while they sift through the files and source code trying to find a download button for the program. It is advised for developers to release and maintain the software on a more user-friendly website like sourceforge or fosshub, instead of linking people directly to the software repository. Urban Dictionary

A GitHub user with a furry profile picture, typically a member of the LBGTQ+ community, also typically a Reddit mod and/or Discord user, who may also be very politically correct and/or well versed in "woke" ideology. Urban Dictionary

Advocates for a government where policy is managed via a respiratory hosting service that governs voluntarily via subscription plans. The GitHub Political Party would put in place a open-source government that stores revisions of projects for ideologies and policies. In practice the Github party would advocate for a voluntary society in which groups and individuals maintain and develop their culture or interests whilst maintaining a pluralist attitude valuing philoxenia (a love of strangers). Their philoxenia & their pluralist attitude are valued by each of the societies, despite them being apart of various schools of thought because they all consider the possibility that the other society is more correct. Each of these societies evinces a willingness to update their theories as more evidence becomes available. These voluntary societies treat their ideas like code where there are willing to update to new versions, fork into separate versions experimenting with different ideas, and are willing to boot up older iterations with the knowledge they obtained with newer iterations. Within these voluntary societies people will be able to vote with their feet or dollar ;in lieu of, diluted votes often associated with regular democracy. Urban Dictionary

Where the programmer will spam pull requests in the hopes of getting your PR accepted. Which will probably never happen. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Github

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The word "github" in example sentences

Here is an example using a real man's editor: % git config -- add github. user jrockway % git config -- add github. token 91ceb00b1es % git config -- add github-import. remote origin # if you don't like "github" % cd some_other_project_in_git % github-import ❋ Unknown (2010)

Right now it has more than 50 followers and 6 forks on github which is insane if you keep in mind that Jinja2 and Werkzeug have less than 30 on bitbucket. ❋ Unknown (2010)

(Note: for this to work you'd have to define 'github' in your config file as another remote repo, and have a 'mybranch' branch). ❋ Unknown (2009)

We had questions about adding in metrics, stats, to use both for reporting and keeping funders/bosses happy and for diagnostics - to e.g. find out which areas of the collection are being queried, what people are finding interesting. github repository as place to register open tables to make them discoverable. ❋ Mia (2009)

Chrome Frame, first unveiled last year, is already used by Google's own services such as Docs, YouTube, and the Orkut social networking site, as well as third-party sites like DeviantART, the Hootsuit Twitter application, and github. ❋ Jon Brodkin (2010)

LumberJAPH awesome title btw has a preview of github explorer, a visualizer for github projects using the github API. ❋ Unknown (2010)

You can push changes from your local copy to the github copy whenever you want to publish them to the world, and it has a nice Web interface to let people take copies of them, view the history, and so on; its pages system also exposes simple Web sites stored in git repositories onto the Web. ❋ Unknown (2010)

XML Schema blogspace connotea github peer review reaction sechemtic text mining web2.0 ❋ Egon Willighagen (2009)

So I decided to mirror it into git with git svn, then forked it as "Kitten n2n", made my NetBSD port, tagged a release, pushed it to github, uploaded a tarball from that tag, and then made a NetBSD package of net/kitten-n2n. ❋ Unknown (2009)

[Random Person]: hey wanna see my new project [its on] [GitHub] ❋ Riv4l (2018)

Bro1: Bro wanna [watch porn] together? Bro2: Sure let me [login] to github so that I can fork a sexy [repo] and masturbate to it. ❋ Ipwn Pokenubs (2018)

Downloading through [github]: [PANIK] Downloading through sourceforge, fosshub or literally any other file sharing website (e.g. Gdrive): [KALM] ❋ Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian (2021)

Boomer: All those darn [GitHub furries] turning people gay. [GitHub] furry: UwU femboy [nya]~ ❋ Vivaticas (2022)

Thanks to the [GitHub] Political Party all the political ideologies are living in harmony. People now live within the political systems they choose to or the political systems they [dream up] themselves – [what a wonderful world]. Where everyone is free to choose what they wish and create political systems untrammeled by basic b democracy. ❋ MurdochMaxwell (2020)

Dude 1: Yo this kid needs to stop [Github Pull Request Farming]. Dude 2: Yeah I’m [trashing] his [Pull Request]. ❋ Jxckson (2022)

Cross Reference for Github

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