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Definitions and meanings of "Greenheart"

What do we mean by greenheart?

A tropical American evergreen tree (Chlorocardium rodiei syn. Ocotea rodiei) having greenish durable wood. noun

The wood of this tree, used especially for marine construction. noun

The Nectandra Rodiæi, a large lauraceous tree of Guiana. noun

In Jamaica, the Colubrina ferruginosa, a small rhamnaceous tree. noun

In Jamaica. Zizyphus Chloroxylon, one of the trees called cog-wood. noun

A type of tree (Chlorocardium rodiei) native to Guyana. noun

A type of shrub (Colubrina arborescens) native to Florida and the Caribbean. noun

A type of tree (Chlorocardium rodiei) native to Guyana.

Timber from the greenheart tree.

A type of shrub (Colubrina arborescens) native to Florida and the Caribbean.

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The word "greenheart" in example sentences

The first cost is more than for rods whose various parts are made of different woods, but the greenheart is the cheapest rod in the end. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

Her sides are some eighteen inches thick, and sheathed and resheathed with "greenheart" to help her in battering the ice. ❋ Wilfred Thomason Grenfell (1902)

For crossing the river they have bridges that stretch from one great greenheart tree to another on the opposite bank... ❋ Bruce Schauble (2007)

She is of about 350 tons, and built of selected pine, oak, and greenheart. ❋ Unknown (2006)

With the minimum of care, a greenheart never gets out of order; and a good rod of this description will be as straight at the end of a season as at the beginning. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

For ordinary purposes 17 feet of greenheart or split-cane are ample, and the modern salmon angler has come to look upon even this -- which our forefathers would have pooh-poohed as a mere grilse-rod -- as excessive. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

Salmon fly-rods are now made principally of two materials, greenheart and split-cane; the former is less expensive, the latter is more durable; it is entirely a matter of taste which a man uses, but the split-cane rod is now rather more in favour, and for salmon-fishing it is in England usually built with a core of steel running from butt to tip and known as a "steel centre." ❋ Various (N/A)

The smaller greenheart, therefore, for the third time gallantly survived its month on a Norway river; but those rocks have literally chipped the shine from every joint, leaving, I believe and hope, its constitution, nevertheless, quite sound. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

There was a tiny splash, a laugh, and the little greenheart rod flicked a trout high over his head. ❋ Various (N/A)

I saw a friend last autumn produce a 15-foot greenheart rod on Tweedside. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

There were baulks of teak and greenheart, there were stacks of spruce and pine, ❋ Various (N/A)

My rod, I might explain, was the trolling or sea fishing version of a capital greenheart portmanteau rod, to which I had treated myself in hopes of use in Canadian waters, and was a stiff little pole (in this form) of a trifle over 9 ft. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

We prefer rods in three pieces -- no hollow-butts -- and made of greenheart throughout. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

The fourth rod in this boat was a single piece of greenheart, 6 ft. in length, but admirably made, and in thickness was something like the second joint of an ordinary salmon rod. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

As it was already put together in the rack at the back of the hotel, I borrowed it just to save the bother of fixing up my own greenheart. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

To men whose shoulders and arms were aching after five hours 'greenheart drill at long distances, and who prided themselves upon being above every form of fishing lower than spinning, the truly knock-down nature of this blow can only be imagined by those who understand the subject. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

From the snug security of the cavernous greenheart, the little, woolly _douroucoulis_ or night monkeys roused themselves from their daylight slumbers, peered out into the fading light with round, blinking eyes, and then curled up again for another nap. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

I saw the Parson weeded four times yesterday with his little ten-foot greenheart. ❋ William Senior (N/A)

For tackle I recommend a strong greenheart bamboo pole, like those used in pole-jumping, about eighteen feet in length, and about three hundred yards of wire hawser, with a Strathspey foursome reel sufficiently large to hold it. ❋ Various (N/A)

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