Holding Pattern

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Definitions and meanings of "Holding Pattern"

What do we mean by holding pattern?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word holding-pattern. Define holding-pattern, holding-pattern synonyms, holding-pattern pronunciation, holding-pattern translation, English dictionary definition of holding-pattern.

Term used when in a club or bar when you want to talk to a girl, but looks like she has a bf or someone else waiting to talk to her. You enter the holding pattern until either everyone around her goes away or you alter your destination somewhere else. Urban Dictionary

Driving around in a small area (such as a parking lot). This is usually done because of lack of parking spaces or lack of desirable parking spaces. Often used while waiting to pick somebody up or for a parking space to become available. Derived from: Aviation term. A repetitive route flown by an aircraft which keeps it in the same area. A holding pattern is used when an aircraft (commonly a commercial airliner) cannot land at an airport, often simply because there are no available runways. In this circumstance, the aircraft will enter a holding pattern while it awaits its turn to land. It is believed that this term, used in the automotive context, was first used by Steve Packard, however, if anyone else has used this term previously to describe driving in cirles, feel free to post. Urban Dictionary

The term applied to the dogfight in progress over any radio facility serving a terminal airport. Urban Dictionary

When you're put on hold for a painfully long period of time. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Holding Pattern

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The word "holding-pattern" in example sentences

It remains to be seen how much a song like the weighty, catalytic "On a Mission" can cross over into a U.S. pop market less enamored of club culture, but after a few months in an import holding-pattern, Katy B's debut album also titled "On a Mission" will come out in America the same day she takes the intimate, scene-making stage at the Studio at Webster Hall. ❋ Andy Battaglia (2011)

An alternative, the holding-pattern approach, would be to adopt the post-post-xx mantra "Whatever." ❋ Ann Althouse (2008)

Leonard Sivertsen watches an Alaska Airlines jet leave holding-pattern contrails over downtown Thursday as thick fog at the airport kept planes from landing. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Still, winning over half your games in a holding-pattern season, with ❋ Unknown (2010)

Dude 1: Hey dude, there's a pretty girl over there by the bar, but looks like she has a [bf]. Dude 2: I'll enter [a holding] [pattern] until he pisses off. ❋ Hawkini_mm (2010)

When I dropped Mike off to pick up the pizza, there were no good parking spaces, so I went into [a holding] pattern until he came out. I didn’t want to [double park] while waiting for Sue to come out of the store, so I went into a holding pattern, [driving around] the block until I saw her emerge. ❋ Steve Packard (2006)

[ATC]: [Cessna] [78] Romeo, enter holding pattern Me: Oh crap ❋ IrishRepublicanArmy (2003)

[Jan]: Hasn't that [helpdesk] answered yet? Sam: No, I'm in a [terminal holding pattern]... ❋ IndigoRed (2007)

Cross Reference for Holding Pattern

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