
Character 7
Hyphenation hope ful
Pronunciations /ˈhəʊpfəl/

Definitions and meanings of "Hopeful"

What do we mean by hopeful?

Having or manifesting hope. adjective

Inspiring hope; promising. adjective

A person who aspires to success or who shows promise of succeeding, especially as a political candidate. noun

Full of hope; having desire with expectation of its fulfilment.

Having qualities which excite hope; promising advantage or success: as, a hopeful prospect: often used ironically.

Synonyms Confident, sanguine, buoyant, enthusiastic.

A more or less wilful, troublesome, or incorrigible boy or girl, regarded ironically as the rising hope of the family. noun

Full of hope, or agreeable expectation; inclined to hope; expectant. adjective

Having qualities which excite hope; affording promise of good or of success adjective

Feeling hope. adjective

Inspiring hope. adjective

Somebody who is hoping for success or victory. noun

Having or manifesting hope adjective

Full or promise adjective

An ambitious and aspiring young person noun

Someone who is hoping for success or victory, especially as a candidate in a political election.

A fan of Carrie Fletcher, aka itswaypastmybedtime. Urban Dictionary

The feeling right before hopeless Urban Dictionary

Hope is absolute good. Hope is perfect. Hope will get you trought anything. Hope will enable you to achieve your goals. Hope is the thing you should strife to become. Hope is something not everyone can attain. Hope is the driving force of the universe. Hope is the opposite of despair. Hope can be achieved by overcoming despair. Hope is the reason to live. Hope can"t be fully comprehended by a human mind. Hope is Hope, the only way to define Hope is Hope. You shouldn"t need to look up the meaning of Hope, becaus you allready know what Hope is. Hope defies the laws of nature. Hope is bigger and more important than anything else. Hope is the only thing that matters. Hope is Hope. Hope Urban Dictionary

The coolest girl you'll ever meet. She's smart, beautiful, nice, and always funny. She's also the best friend you'll ever have and will stay with you forever. She knows how to party and have fun. Not only is she beautiful but Hopes are always hot. Don't mess with her because she knows how to throw a comeback. When you meet a Hope, hold onto her forever because she's a rare treasure. Urban Dictionary

Hope is a girl. But a different girl. She isn't like any other person, and is uniquely amazing. She's someone who can be trusted. Trusted with you life. She's a girl who's different for many amazing reasons. She's beautiful. I mean insanely beautiful. With the most perfect, gorgeous and stunning eyes. And the most amazing hair, that smells like a million roses. Every feature is perfect about her. From head to toe. She's amazing. The most amazing thing about her is her tendency to love. And how she found it in her to love a boy who wasn't nearly good enough for her. She found it in her to make his life amazing. And perfect and covered with love. And now every step he takes and every thought he thinks, she is in his mind. Hope is a girl who means more than everything and anything to that boy. When she is around he's speechless. He's stunned and cannot move. She has the power to change his feelings in an instant. Hope is a girl who should be cherished forever. And loved, never to let go and always to hold. If anyone is ever to have her heart they must never let it go. Ever. She is the definition of perfect and is some lucky boys baby Urban Dictionary

A beautiful friend who will stand by you through everything and someone you can always rely on. beautiful on the inside and out with a very funny and warm personality. quite a small person with a huge heart, big eyes and pretty features. can make you laugh at any time and does the most random and spazzy things that will just put a big smile on your face. extremely spontaneous and likes to make people happy. shes the girl all the guys want, she makes them fall over as they get distracted by her beauty, all the girls want to be her and wish she was their friend. she can have any guy she wants Urban Dictionary

A beautiful name given to girls both intelligent and humorous. They're perfect on the inside, and have unique facial features. They love to be the center of attention but don't easily show it. Hopes often sport a dry sense of humor that sometimes goes unnoticed. She is the ultimate friend, but is sometimes too pessimistic, due to a low self esteem. Hopes draw people they don't like away, but retains those closest to her for life. She attracts nerds with a similar sense of humor. She loves to please others, and rarely does a selfish deed. You absolutely must befriend a Hope. Urban Dictionary

A name for a beautiful lady. Outgoing, sweet, and always seems to make you smile. Anyone with this name will probably be the nicest person you'll ever meet. Urban Dictionary

Hope is the name of a beautiful girl who is probably the bestest friend anyone could have. A Hope usually has heart skipping BEAUTIFUL eyes and a cute smile. She is known to be an odd ball with a hilarious sense of humour. Hope is the kinda person who will never give up on you and will fight for what she wants no matter how long it takes. She is a strong independent women and though she has flaws (Who doesn't?) Hope is some one that I will always look up to and keep by my side no matter what. Urban Dictionary

Desire of something together with the expectation of obtaining it Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Hopeful

The word "hopeful" in example sentences

I don't listen to their music but I love them all … I'll miss Eric's acting! jean eric oppa, fighting!!!! will be awaiting for your return~~ in these two years, i will will definitely be saving up $$ to be at the legendary shinhwa reunion concert * hopeful hopeful* ❋ Unknown (2008)

Facebook tells us the amount of people using the term hopeful in their Facebook status has increased diabetically (ph) over the past couple of months. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Rose's Bulls may not have the makings of a contender without some assembly required, but they could cut the run of another title hopeful short. ❋ By ROB MAHONEY (2010)

Jess looks around at all of us, her expression hopeful. ❋ Heather Vogel Frederick (2008)

KATHLEEN KOCH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well Fredricka, President Bush in his radio address pointed out that in his opinion his new plan for Iraq, the troop increase, while it's in its early stages, he says its showing signs of progress, what he called hopeful signs. ❋ Unknown (2007)

When Deanna stepped inside the cave, Beverly glanced up from her patient, her expression hopeful. ❋ Charlotte Douglas (2002)

He sounded genuinely surprised, his expression hopeful. ❋ Max Allan Collins (2002)

"I always use the word hopeful," Cardinals chairman Bill DeWitt Jr. said of keeping Pujols. ❋ Unknown (2011)

"I always use the word hopeful," Cardinals chairman Bill DeWitt Jr. said. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Sophomore Josh Morin (30-4 at 125) is also a title hopeful this weekend. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Person 1: I love [Carrie Fletcher]! [Perdon] 2: Oh! [I never] knew you were a hopeful! ❋ :)!!!!!! (2014)

I [used] to be hopeful, [now] I'm just [hopeless]. ❋ Phil Collins Jr (2008)

Person A: What is the most [important] thing in life? [Person B]: Hope, it is perfect in every [regard]. ❋ Komaeda_Nagito (2021)

[Do you remember] Hope from the party last [Wednesday]? Yeah, how could I [forget] her? ❋ Ballislife2 (2011)

Hope loves me. I must never let her go because I will [regret] it for [the rest] of [my life]. ❋ Macloliv (2013)

boy: woah look at that hope, oh how i wish she was mine,. girl: [shamee],, i want her too, shes so gorgeous shes turned me [lesbo] boy: im suprised shes not turned the whole population of girls lesbo, i mean look at her shes a [stunner] ❋ Felinefelicity (2010)

[Jodie]: Did you hear what Hope said in class? [Brenda]: She TALKS??? Joe: Hope is awesome, but she [worries] me sometimes. ❋ HopeLover (2011)

I was [feeling down] one day when Hope called me, then the rest of the day [flew] by [with a smile] on my face. ❋ EzJAY (2011)

[Ricky]: What are you doing? Me: Talking to [my bestie] [hope]. ❋ Skybuggy (2014)

I hope with God's help I shall draw closer to his expectations Like [supernatural] faith and [charity] hope is directly implanted in the soul by [Almighty] God ❋ Sure Hope (2012)

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