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Definitions and meanings of "Horsebacks"

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Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word horsebacks. Define horsebacks, horsebacks synonyms, horsebacks pronunciation, horsebacks translation, English dictionary definition of horsebacks.

Threesome with one guy at the bottom, he's the horse, then the girl is on top of him, she's the saddle, and another guy gets on top of the girl, he's the rider. This is horsebacking it's great and popular in Houston, ask anybody and they'll most likely say yes. Urban Dictionary

When you’re in doggy style (standing up) with a girl who has long hair, split her hair into both hands. Then, with her arms pointing to you, grab her arms still holding her hair. Use them as reins like a horse to control her body. Urban Dictionary

The healthiest, wisest and most kind choice of a drink. Are you sick? Are you lonely? Are you thirsty? Horseback water will not only quench your thirst but quench your societally needs. HBW will whisper sweet nothings into your ear. Horseback water is the healthiest form of liquid you can digest. The sole proprietor and the current birthright holder of HBW is Frankie Lagana. Urban Dictionary

One of the most intense sports known to man. Not only because it's physically challenging, but it takes more than athleticism. Horseback riding takes commitment, time, patience, and most importantly building a bond with your horse. If you don't have a good relationship with your horse, you're not going to have a good experience. You need to spend as much time with your horse as you can, riding and on the ground. You need to learn how to work with your horse, not against your horse. It's a team sport, a team of two. When everything is put together, and you reach a level of success, being on top of your horse is one of the most freeing feelings in the world. If you want to fly without the help of a man made machine, this is the only way you'll soar. Urban Dictionary

A horseback rider is perhaps the greatest athlete, ever. Not only does she have to control a 1000 pound animal with the help of a small piece of metal, but she has to do it while making it look like it is effortless. Not to mention when they start putting things in front of you and you have to jump them. Horseback riding takes every muscle of the body and is the most intense, dangerous sport. period. Urban Dictionary

Very dedicated to her sport.Talks to her horse like its a person.Spends night and day at the barn.Can get over any guy with the help of her horse Urban Dictionary

A very intense sport which requires the use of every single muscle in you body to stay on when your horse decides he is finished. It also requires you to get up really early saturday morning, so it doesnt get too hot. It requires you to be out at the barn at any time 24/7 in the case that your horse decides to hurt himself and cost you hundreds of dollars. Considered the hardest sport, But in the end, Its worth it. Urban Dictionary

A very intense sport which requires the use of every single muscle in you body to saty on when your horse decides he is finished. It also requires you to get up really early every saturday during summer the only time you have free because of school. It requires you to be out at the barn at any time 24/7 in the case that your horse decides to hurt himself and cost you hundreds of dollars or when you have to get ready for shows at 2 or 3 in the morning. Considered the hardest sport,excluding bullriding and broncos, because you are not controlling an inanimate object but one that has a mind of its own. It also requires immense amounts of time. but in the end its all worth it. Urban Dictionary

A person who resides in an area who is well known by locals and can often be seen around the place Urban Dictionary

When you are doing doggy style and you pull out before ejaculating and nut on her back Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Horsebacks

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The word "horsebacks" in example sentences

There were singular long ridges hereabouts, called "horsebacks," covered with ferns. ❋ Unknown (1858)

I believe it will not be difficult to explain their origin in the light of the glacial theory, and I fancy they may turn out to be ground moraines similar to the 'horsebacks' in Maine. ❋ Louis Agassiz (1840)

Although they fought on foot with assegais against men on horsebacks using guns, they fought heroically. ❋ Unknown (2007)

In March 2008 when pro-independence uprising erupted in Lhasa, it swiftly spread to areas in Kham and Amdo; one such revolt in Kyegundo involved hundreds of young herdsmen on horsebacks laying siege on a Chinese police station, before raising a Tibetan flag amid bursts of their traditional war cry, Kyi hi hi! ❋ By Topden Tsering (2010)

Mamer (pronounced "Ma-moor") grew up, like every Kazakh child: on horsebacks and in the strong musical tradition of the Kazakhs his father and relatives taught him to sing folk songs and play the dombra, a lute popular in Central Asia. ❋ Unknown (2010)

In an outrageous sense of anger, the policemen mounted on horsebacks climbed over the falling Khaksars and policemen on the ground struck them with their boots, steelhead batons, and rifle butts; some of the blows were so hard that they opened the skulls of many wounded and dead Khaksars or deformed their faces. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Architecture of CCTV headquarters has genitalia shape, says critic Intelligence official says Pak Taliban interrogating Mehsud family members Naked beauties on horsebacks recreate Lady Godiva's epic ride in Surrey ❋ Unknown (2009)

i know next to nothing on this lotr fad and not really itching to know anymore, but cant gollum just send in those guys in dresses (or robes) on horsebacks to raid for some ipods? besides, apple is so desperate to tout their little mp3 player, they probably sent one to everyone on earth (and middle earth) ❋ Unknown (2004)

[Ay], [ya'll] ever go horsebacking? We were horsebacking [like crazy] man. ❋ H-towns_nibba (2018)

Babe: What’re you gonna do to me [daddy]? Guy: I’m gonna [ride] [that ass] Horseback. ❋ Anoymo_2179 (2020)

[Ezra]: How's your horseback water? James: [It's so good], I feel [healed]! Ezra: Praise God! ❋ Sean Rampolla (2020)

Me: "I can't go to the movies, I'm going horseback riding." Friend: "Weren't you just there yesterday? Why do you have to go today?" Me: "Yeah, [I was there] yesterday. I've gotta go spend time with my [horse] and ride." Friend: "But that's so stupid." Me: "Actually, quite the opposite. It's [commitment] and passion all rolled into one!" ❋ Spiffyjimmy90 (2007)

Is [she a] [horseback rider]? Well clearly, i mean look at those [muscles]! ❋ LISEEEEYYY (2012)

I which i could [date] a "[horseback rider]" beacause they are flexiable ❋ Ctb16 (2010)

Person 1: [horseback riding] is gay&easy. Person 2: ride a horse for an hour or so around [dinner time], then come tell me its easy. Person 1: [My ass hurts] like crazy! Person 2: Why? all you did was ride yesterday. Person 1: What the hell. ❋ Youme&thebeach (2009)

what did you do this weekend? nothing I was at a horse show.or I was [horseback riding]. Hey you wanna do something tonight? Can't have to go tend to my horse so I can get up at [2 am] to go to a horse show. How was your day? great my horse just cost me a [buttload] of money for his vet bill. ❋ Jeffnjoe (2009)

"Oh look at that guy over there I saw him [the other day] as well" "[Oh yes] he lives here, he's our [horseback Jesus]" ❋ 2167 (2020)

Horseback riding ❋ Jeff5362874 (2020)

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