Hot Topic

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This is a store to which people can find t-shirts, sweaters, hats, basically all attire that may have a faviorte band or funny saying. I personally go there, and I do not believe that I am trying to rebel against anything. And if I was trying to, to what would I be, society in itself, you could say the same thing about Pacific sunwear, Ecko, or any clothing store, they could all be considered rebelling against something. But I just want a shirt with my faviorte band's name on it. Urban Dictionary

Many teens shop there trying to be "different" and "unique" Unfortunately many people who shop there think spending $60 on a pair of pants at Hot Topic makes you "rebellious" and "unique" yet spending that much money on a pair of pants at Abercrombie, Hollister or any other "preppy" store makes you a "mindless conformist" Their logic is also completely flawed in the fact that because Hot Topic's prices are somewhat low (well compared to many mall stores) and many teens have an urge to be "different" many teenagers shop there, thus making it the same "clone-wear" that people who wear "trendy" labels are classified as. So basically what I'm trying to say is, wear what you think is cool and don't judge others on what they choose to wear. If you think your any more original (or better as some people think) wearing X brand instead of Y brand then your only fooling yourself and making yourself look arrogant. Urban Dictionary

A store which sells "alternative attire" for those who seek it. Buying clothing from there makes you neither original nor a poser (unless of course you think yourself original for shopping there). It's a clothing store. Not much else to it really. Urban Dictionary

A store. the end. you can shop there because you like what they sell. you can not shop there because it's too expensive. you could shop there because everyone else shops there, or you can not shop there becasuse everyone else shops there. but any way you look at it, it's still just a store. Urban Dictionary

It's a store, people. They sell clothes like everyone else. Just as many posers go there as American Eagle or Abercrombie. Urban Dictionary

When you suddenly find yourself surrounded by wannabe emos sporting the lastest clothing labeled with the cartoon charecters from years past. you can usually spot some one who has been "hot topiced" when the person is obviously trying to be unique, but looks just as shitty as the last shmuck who walked into the store. Urban Dictionary

Hot Topic is not Punk Rock! Urban Dictionary

A store. Urban Dictionary

A store found in just about every mall. one that at one time used to be "scary", but then got popular. whatever, i cant say much because i used to shop there (in like, junio high). i just moved on to thrift stores after. Urban Dictionary

Place at the mall to shop. Does it really matter what kind of people go in there? And why do you care what people are writing about it? Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Hot Topic

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The word "hot-topic" in example sentences

LGBT news outlets provide us with much-needed context, not only for the hot-topic issues, but also our lives in general. ❋ Barbara Dozetos (2011)

Not often does one associate brownies, cookies and cupcakes with hot-topic issues such as race and gender. ❋ Uloop (2011)

We want to create crack units of real-time content-makers who supplement ad campaigns with ideas that help brands find their own voice in hot-topic conversations, said Burkhart. ❋ Unknown (2011)

As the illegal immigration controversy became a household hot-topic, so did Tancredo's name. ❋ Wayne Trujillo (2010)

Sherrod became the latest hot-topic story after a conservative blogger posted a video that was edited to make it appear she went out of her way to not offer help to a white farmer when she worked for the Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund decades ago. ❋ Unknown (2010)

McCain has the luxury of time right now, to not only prepare his election team and ground game but also to brush up on hot-topic issues like the economy. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Seasoned mainstream as well as independent narrative filmmakers are weaving the controversial, colorful threads that make up the increasingly hot-topic tapestries of the genre: Jonathan Demme's treatise on former U.S. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Or is this clear as day observation too much of a political hot-topic for you to take up and risk your academic career? ❋ Unknown (2009)

In the hot-topic vote at the end of this past week, Cantwell voted against a bill combining an increase in the minimum wage with a compromise reduction in the estate tax. ❋ Unknown (2006)

They represent themselves -- large multinationals and/or hot-topic special interests. ❋ Unknown (2007)

While fMRI is certainly a hot-topic at the moment, EEG-based lie detection technology based on the same principle has been around for almost two decades now, and has the advantage of being more portable and considerably cheaper. ❋ Unknown (2006)

She also pushes a lot of hot-topic buttons on her blog and Twitter accounts. ❋ By ERIC WILSON (2011)

Let's go [to Hot] Topic, and not [rebel] against anything, but rather buy some clothing [articles], like we would in any other clothing store. ❋ Adam (2004)

[Prep]/Goth/Punk/[Skater] etc... there all just [labels]. Be who YOU want to be, and respect those who choose to be different then you. ❋ Aaron (2004)

I shop at Hot Topic on occasion. I don't make my own clothing so [I suppose] that makes me a complete [conformist] and [poser]. ❋ LuciNormal (2004)

Hot Topic is a poserfest. Hot Topic is a punkfest! Hot Topic is a [store], you [assholes]!! ❋ Liz (2003)

I shop at [American Eagle]. It's not because I don't want to be a "poser"; it's because I like their clothes. And people who shop at [Hot Topic] like their clothes. [Get over it]. ❋ I Love Shirley Manson Because She Is Cool. Muahahaha! (2003)

"[whoa man], what happened to mary? [i never] knew she owned so much black.....or had so many peircings" "its [too late] for her now, shes been hot topiced." ❋ Laura Tibblez (2010)

Hot Topic is [not Punk] [Rock]! ❋ Anon38997 (2010)

I got a [shirt] from [hot topic] [today] ❋ Lucifers Angel (2010)

Middle-schooler with an [anarchy] patch on his backpack, all [black converse], and the [dickies] witht the cell phone pockets: anarchy rocks! me: you got that patch at hot topic didnt you, paid for it with federal dollars, and put it on your backpack, which you carry to a government run school. yeah, good job. ❋ Random (2004)

Person #1: Lets go [to hot] topic to get a [t-shirt] or something. Person #2: OK. Sounds [peachy]. ❋ .:SoMeBoDy:. (2004)

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