
Character 7
Hyphenation how ev er
Pronunciations /hɑʊˈɛvə/

Definitions and meanings of "However"

What do we mean by however?

Nevertheless; yet, still; in spite of (that).

(degree) To whatever degree or extent

(manner) In whatever way or manner.

An emphatic form of how.

In any case, at any rate, at all events.

An adverb that is widely overused by morons who are trying to sound intelligent. Urban Dictionary

An adverb that is widely overused by morons who are trying to sound intelligent. Urban Dictionary

To the layman, it's an alternative to but. However, the connotations of but are wholly negative, whereas however provides an Icarus from the ashes. Use it sparingly, use it well. Urban Dictionary

The word ms.jones always says for no particular reason Urban Dictionary

However: you are about to say something different from the statement in a sentence Urban Dictionary

What people say to trail off on a tangent to prove a point. Urban Dictionary

When you firmly yet gently disagree with what Team Plasma said years ago. Urban Dictionary

An analogy used to respond to someone who has an odd method of doing something, one that is different to the normal way and different to your way of doing it. Urban Dictionary

It a euphemism for, "weird flex but, okay". Urban Dictionary

One of the greatest insults of all time. Originally said by Johnathan Andrew Wicker, Junior on June, 18, 2019 Urban Dictionary

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The word "however" in example sentences

The word Lent, however, comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lengthen, which means: Spring. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Palin however is clearly an outsider, a competent speaker, and as I said looks like a normal person. ❋ Rosefox (2008)

The customer will design the label however I am the one who handles the submission to the TTB for approval. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The title however is “we crashed bikes” so it must have been a bike. ❋ Unknown (2009)

What I am certain however, is that ultimately, illegal immigration exists on account of pretty strong reasons both in labor supply and labor demand. ❋ Unknown (2007)

One really must read the label however–there are those who are allergic to whey proteins and milk and could be at great risk by drinking this product. ❋ Unknown (2007)

This day dedicated to pranksters everywhere has been around a long time; the origin however, is lost in oblivion. ❋ M-mv (2004)

The word however is not forthcoming, the US Fifth Fleet is too important for them by which they have been plotting ways to control the heart of the Persian Gulf and the region overall. ❋ David Batty (2011)

"Savers must be committed to locking funds away for the duration of the term however, as early access will often result in penalty." ❋ Unknown (2011)

The other video shows the man signing the date of the wine on the label however when I came back to Greece, I had second thoughts about the true date on the wine. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Chelsea probably won't run away and hide with the title however since it does play Manchester United, Tottenham and Liverpool all away, with just Arsenal (Feb. 6) coming to Stamford Bridge. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The CEO of the label however revealed few days back that the full promo of the album would soon commence to create awareness for the album. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The value of the multi album deal was not disclosed in the press release today; the label however, plans to release an EP so it can provide revenues from the sale of downloads, ringtones and streams, to UNICEF. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I'm a [complete moron], however [my mother] still loves me how [nevertheless] ❋ Matt206 (2011)

[Kamila]: How are you getting to work tomorrow? Michael: I’m planning on riding a [unicycle] Kamila: [However you cook your chicken] then. ❋ Definitely.not.michael (2021)

She: 'I must [profess] I have a big butt. However, it's as [shapely] as the legend of [bootylicious], therefore you must worship.' You: indeed. ❋ Little-miss Can't Do Wrong (2011)

me: hey [ms.jones] can i use this [strategy]? ms.jones: well, you can me: [ok-] ms.jones: howEVER, it's easier to do it this way ❋ Coolsuperstalin (2020)

I would want to make a [research]; however, i will do [the research] after [thorough] study ❋ Jesmion Chikwudi Ibekwe (2017)

[Uncle]: you [could do] it, however comma, the bar would kick [you out] because... ❋ GNOME_TICKLER (2018)

[Colress]: [However], [I disagree]. ❋ 15inchhaxoruscock (2021)

John: How are you getting to work tomorrow? Bill: I’m [planning] on [riding] a [unicycle] John: However you cook your chicken then. ❋ NoLeafClover (2020)

Friend: Yooo dude, just peeled my clementine [peel off] [in one piece] User: [Strange flaunt however, very well]. ❋ RealityUnfold (2019)

[Johnathan] said this to [Edan], "Okay, goodbye, Edan. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the good times we've had. However, I truly hate you--like, I absolutely hate your fucking guts," Edan killed himself [shortly] after ❋ The Milk Man667 (2019)

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