
Character 9
Hyphenation in dul gent
Pronunciations /ɪnˈdʌldʒənt/

Definitions and meanings of "Indulgent"

What do we mean by indulgent?

Showing, characterized by, or given to permissiveness or generosity with regard to others. adjective

Showing, characterized by, or given to self-indulgence. adjective

Disposed or prone to indulge, humor, gratify, or give way to one's own or another's desires, etc., or to be compliant, lenient, or forbearing; showing or ready to show favor; favorable; indisposed to be severe or harsh, or to exercise necessary restraint: as, an indulgent parent; to be indulgent to servants.

Synonyms Lenient, forbearing, tolerant, gentle. See gratify.

Prone to indulge; yielding to the wishes, humor, or appetites of those under one's care; compliant; not opposing or restraining; tolerant; mild; favorable; not severe. adjective

Disposed or prone to indulge, humor, gratify, or give way to one's own or another's desires, etc., or to be compliant, lenient, or forbearing; showing or ready to show favor; favorable; indisposed to be severe or harsh, or to exercise necessary restraint: as, an indulgent parent; to be indulgent to servants. adjective

Being favorably inclined adjective

Tolerant or lenient adjective

Characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of someone adjective

Disposed or prone to indulge, humor, gratify, or yield to one's own or another's desires, etc., or to be compliant, lenient, or forbearing;

Person who accepts someone to continue from the rest or from the very beginning having some trouble with the guest. Urban Dictionary

The act of overly satisfying oneself usually involving "sin". Such as sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, greed and glutony. Urban Dictionary

1. In the 15th century, things the Catholic church sell to people to "forgive" them of sins. The Catholic Reformation banned the selling of them but they are still around. In short, a "get-out-of-hell free card." Urban Dictionary

Used by the marijuana community as a way to descreetly describe smoking marijuana. Urban Dictionary

Partaking in indulgence, specifically food and alcoholic beverages, defined by cuban-jersey man Joel Martinez. Urban Dictionary

Usually means to strive for desires in excessive degree with funny context. Urban Dictionary

Over indulge in sex with mulitiple sex partners for a sack. Urban Dictionary

A has-been game hacker who is now owned by his controlling girlfriend. Urban Dictionary

Marijuana or like substances Urban Dictionary

This is my favourite saying.. i mean you gota admit that it is. it is best used to describe my realtionship with tingz, although it also implys wot me and jackie do at the weekend in each others sweaty toes! wet wet wet Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Indulgent

The word "indulgent" in example sentences

She lost herself in indulgent kisses, swimming in the headiness of a boy! ❋ Unknown (2009)

This film is too flat and uninvolving to deserve a term like indulgent. ❋ Michael Giltz (2011)

But sometimes artists can become incredibly over-indulgent, which is why I think it's generally healthy to have the studio execs and producers there to push the other way. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Anyone who has the audacity to attempt it, particularly with regard to the significant effects of the policies of the current incumbants of the Whitehouse and Number 10, can expect to be labelled indulgent apologists. ❋ Garry (2006)

"Wealthy consumers today want something sexier, more indulgent, which is why BMW and Mercedes have done well." ❋ Unknown (2011)

The teens who were being raised by so-called indulgent parents who tend to give their children lots of praise and warmth - but offer little in the way of consequences or monitoring of bad behavior - were among the biggest abusers of alcohol. ❋ Unknown (2011)

With a monstrous fiscal crisis made even more dire by the extension of those tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans, Republicans and Tea Party advocates will be screaming to cut back on "indulgent" entitlements like Social Security and Obamacare. ❋ David Latt (2010)

The 21-foot-wide mansion, that listing says, has a 35-foot-long music room; a garden and two terraces; "indulgent" and "top-of-the-line" kitchen appliances; a master bedroom suite "with his-and-her baths and dressing areas" (with custom cabinetry); and a basement that's "a haven for exercise and relaxation." ❋ Unknown (2009)

Even Simon, who I think was right on to call this "indulgent", didn't offer anything substantial--just a string of standard insults. ❋ Ann Althouse (2009)

What the hell is so "indulgent" about a 150 minute running time? ❋ Unknown (2009)

In the spring of 1794, Couthon was instrumental in the execution of the radical leftist Jacques Hébert, the moderate or "indulgent" Jacobin ❋ Unknown (2007)

In the spring of 1794, Robespierre succeeded in purging first the ultra-radical Hébertists and then the "indulgent" Dantonists. ❋ Unknown (2007)

By allowing her into the [workplace], [the manager] is an indulgent person thought she is [late] and uninformed. ❋ Qs Academy (2018)

Alice who had been dieting for two weeks, indulged herself with expensive chocolate. "This will be a fucking [good year] (and a good fucking year), here's to indulgence and 'I missed you' sex," said Morgan as he raised his shot glass after his three month trip to Maryland. And now that Alice feels bad about [eating chocolate] she only indulges herself in expensive lingere, which she greedily buys with [student loans] instead of books. ❋ Da Gurl (2011)

1. [Jimmy Jimmy] bought an indulgence from a [church] official after commiting [adultry]. ❋ Windwaker68 (2003)

"[I need] to go home and indulge before i even think about [dealing] with this [class]." ❋ Turkey151 (2008)

"How's your beer [my child]?! [Indulgicate] a bit more!", would you like [anymore] indulgences? ❋ Russell Muscle (2011)

I indulge a [craving] for [chocolate]. ❋ Yurtos (2007)

[Izzy] [bounced] from spot to spot with much indulgement enjoying sex for a [booty shot]. ❋ Nacho.Bizzzz2u (2017)

[I asked] indulgence to [play starcraft] with me but his girlfriend said he [wasnt] allowed. ❋ Mike (2004)

[The man] [bought] a large [bag] of indulgence. ❋ Aloe Vera (2005)

"will.....................[tingz]? u [wanna] ,,,,,,,,,,, [indulge]?" ❋ Thomas Johnson (2003)

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