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Definitions and meanings of "Infanticides"

What do we mean by infanticides?

The murder of an infant.

The murder of a child by a parent; filicide.

The murderer of a child: a person who has committed infanticide.

The killing of a young, immature animal by a mature adult of the same species.

The killing of an infant under the age of one year. Some people argue that abortion is also infanticide. In some cases abortion is needed to save the pregnant mother because of severe medical problems that would result in the death of the pregnant mother, but in other cases abortion has been used as an elective surgery to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. There are different forms of abortions from Medical Abortion, Therapeutic Abortion, Spontaneous Abortion, Induced Abortion, Surgical Abortion, Sex-Selective Abortion, Backyard Abortion and Elective Abortion. In some countries infanticide has been argued that if a child is born with a congenital disorder or significant morbidity i.e. very retarded or fucked up, that infanticide should be allowed. This is in my opinion could also be called Infant Euthanasia or murder. Urban Dictionary

The fate of many female newborns in China. In the Us, one of the two forms of murder legal in the US, considering that a baby born prematurely would be fully protected by the law, while inside the womb it could be aborted. Urban Dictionary

Abortion Urban Dictionary

To kill an infant or baby because they are male. Urban Dictionary

To kill an infant because they are female. Urban Dictionary

To kill an infant or baby based on an undesired or unwanted gender. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Infanticides

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The word "infanticides" in example sentences

(I read an article a few years ago saying that this has been the case in Canada, and that the number of unwanted children, abandoned children, and infanticides have plummeted since abortion and birth control became easily available). ❋ Unknown (2009)

I was six when I first saw the autopsy photos of the unfortunate victims of Jack the Ripper, in a book that collected together profiles of the most infamous criminals in history, from regicides to infanticides, swindlers and outlaws, robbers and murderers. ❋ Unknown (2010)

On the other hand, the slippery slope of reproductive limits could bring us back to the possibility of a China-like one-child policy with the attendant infanticides of females, and overabundance of males. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Female feticides have increased in the metropolitan cities due to advancement of science and technology while infanticides continue to grow in rural areas. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This is one of the biggest horrors to think that a mother or a father can kill a child, that there are patricides, matricides, infanticides and all of this gets to the guts and the horror of everybody who is watching, who is thinking and who is fearing that such a thing could happen. ❋ Unknown (2009)

"" There's no question that abortion prevents - or substitutes for - a lot of these infanticides, '' says University of Georgia demographer Everett Lee, who has analyzed decades of statistics on such cases. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Perhaps the most important pages in "" Death of Innocents '' explore how "" misguided science ... arguably shielded countless other infanticides '' besides Waneta Hoyt's. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Overall, Southall concludes, 5 to 10 percent of SIDS deaths are in fact infanticides. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Every year in the United States more than 3,000 infant deaths are listed as SIDS, while 300 or so are identified as infanticides. ❋ Unknown (2008)

A large proportion of the records are of infanticides. ❋ Unknown (2005)

However, most of these infanticides do not center around the father of the child, but the sex of the child. ❋ Sean (2005)

But the number of female infanticides and the number of abandoned baby girls have increased. ❋ Unknown (2004)

The chameleon distracted himself conjuring images of infanticides past. ❋ Unknown (2003)

Ch'eng's imperial infanticides (cf. HFHD, II, 369-72), which were due to Chao Fei-yen's younger sister. ❋ Unknown (1955)

Tonga, cannibals, infanticides, murderers of whole islands, what it has done for the salvation of their souls. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

Bushe which secured the acquittal of the wrongfully accused, the rights of primogeniture and king's bounty touching twins and triplets, miscarriages and infanticides, simulated or dissimulated, the acardiac ❋ James Joyce (1911)

Six due to women, four to quarrels, five to other causes, and two infanticides. ❋ Arthur Cheney Train (1910)

-- The spread of Malthusian ideas prevents abortion and infanticides. 16 -- Systematic bookkeeping, by its clearness and simplicity, obviates many frauds and embezzlements, which were encouraged by the old complicated methods. ❋ Unknown (1899)

[Infanticide] has been found to exist in over populated countries where poverty is massive i.e. China and India. [Child sacrifice] is another form of [infanticide]. To leave your baby in the middle of nowhere to the elements of nature is infanticide. To abandon your baby to die because the baby is female and you have to pay a dowry is [female infanticide]. ❋ The Moody Poet (2007)

You aren't a life unless I say you are! [Infanticide]? Nonsense, you can't [murder] a piece of [tissue]. ❋ Killing Kittens (2004)

Anyone who refuses to call [abortion] "infanticide" is a fucking [child] [hater]. ❋ Pizzy Strizzy (2003)

[Male infanticide] is virtually zero in comparison to [female infanticide]. In past centuries [male infanticide] has been used as a war tactic in controlling nations by limiting [the numbers] of men that can fight in wars. ❋ The Moody Poet (2007)

In some cultures males are more highly regarded and valued than females, which can cause female infanticide i.e. China 2007 maintains a rule, the One Child Policy, that you can only have one child, or be severely penalized for having more than one child. [Hindu's] and [Muslim's] have a long tradition of females having to be married with a [dowry], which can lead to poorer families committing female infanticide. ❋ The Moody Poet (2007)

They wanted a male to live on their family name so they committed [sex selective infanticide] until that male was born. It is estimated that places in [Asia] because of [Sex selective infanticide] will have too many males and [not enough] females in the future. ❋ The Moody Poet (2007)

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