
Character 11
Hyphenation in sen si tive
Pronunciations /ɪnˈsɛnsɪtɪv/

Definitions and meanings of "Insensitive"

What do we mean by insensitive?

Not physically sensitive; numb. adjective

Lacking in sensitivity to the feelings or circumstances of others; unfeeling. adjective

Indifferent or inattentive. adjective

Not readily responsive to external influence or stimulation. adjective

Not sensitive; having little or no sensibility.

Not sensitive; wanting sensation, or wanting acute sensibility. adjective

Not having normal physical feeling adjective

Not having normal emotional feelings, cold, tactless, undiplomatic adjective

Not responsive to physical stimuli adjective

Deficient in human sensibility; not mentally or morally sensitive adjective

Not expressing normal physical feeling

Not expressing normal emotional feelings; cold; tactless; undiplomatic

Expressing your opinions on a subject to another person without taking their feelings and circumstances into account. Urban Dictionary

The type of guy who never expresses their emotions by not taking the other persons feelings into account. Never gives you a straight response and always keeps you hanging, which confuses and fucks you up to the point where you remember your first breakup. Urban Dictionary

A continual insensitivity, often an enticing act amongst insensitive people. Urban Dictionary

Someone who makes a seemingly innocent remark but still offends somebody. Originated in "Calvin & Hobbes 14-02-1986" and is a widespread humorous response to a comment on Urban Dictionary

E.g. Donald Trump Urban Dictionary

Cares only about her self, doesn't care how you feel or how you'd react, tries to be head of your life telling who you can and cannot date, relies on you to keep them out of trouble, can be a homewrecker (at times.) makes a big deal out of everything. Urban Dictionary

Usually someone named james, only cares about themselves regardless of what’s going on. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Insensitive

The word "insensitive" in example sentences

The reason I call it insensitive is because I believe that characteristics like intelligence are amorphous and that these characteristics go into making up our sense of self-hood. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Malloy called his comments "repugnant" and said they represent "either a horrible lack of judgment or worse" - Mr. Maturo apologized, at first grudgingly and then with a long statement offering his "sincerest apologies" for what he called an "insensitive and off-collar comment." ❋ By PETER APPLEBOME (2012)

Maturo backtracked on Wednesday, issuing a public statement apologizing to the town of East Haven and to the Latino community for what he called an "insensitive and off-color comment." ❋ Unknown (2012)

The slur has been painted over, but Cain said he finds this use of the word "insensitive." ❋ Unknown (2011)

Mignini reserved some of his toughest words for Knox's character, which he described as "insensitive and lacking affection" in the aftermath of the murder, and called her a liar. ❋ Unknown (2011)

SYRACUSE, New York Reuters - Syracuse University head basketball coach Jim Boeheim, who two weeks ago lashed out at those accusing a former assistant of sexually molesting ball boys, apologized on Friday for what he called insensitive remarks and said he "misspoke very badly." ❋ Unknown (2011)

It seems that some people fear being labeled "insensitive" is as bad as being considered a racist and corporations try to prove that they are as sensitive as the most sensitive person out there. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Anyone who compares red light cameras to rape is plain insensitive, rude, a liar and dangerous. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The reason why libertarian arguments are wrong and appear to be racially insensitive is not because the “big government” approach could always solve the civil rights problem, but rather because it DID largely solve it at the time it was implemented and there is no proof that libertarianism could have EVER done so. ❋ Unknown (2010)

And Isaiah said later that it was -- I think he used the word insensitive or cruel even, but it was not intended to be cruel. ❋ Unknown (1996)

Then, halfway through his first year in office, he was called insensitive when he told a crowd: "When people say, "Well that's a cemetery," that's not exactly what a rental agent wants to have out there." ❋ Unknown (2011)

Prosecutors sought two years of prison for Donna Wilcox, 42, who they described as insensitive and unconcerned about the crash victims. ❋ Unknown (2009)

At the very least, we can call it "insensitive" - sure, we'll give the chattering mob of bloggers, netizens and lip-poking pundits that much. ❋ Charles D. Ellison (2010)

And the horses -- riding through town shooting, hootin '& hollerin' on camels are probably your lost students. yea -- i'm "insensitive" -- but so were the plane flyers on 9-11. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Also, he writes, liberals call the conservative majority names: '' 'Racist,' 'homophobe,' 'sexist,' 'mean-spirited,' 'insensitive' -- it has become an ugly habit of left-liberal political argument to dismiss conservative ideas as if they don't deserve a hearing.'' ❋ Mumon (2005)

But Dr. Bose, believing in continuity of responsive phenomena, used the same experimental devices, with which he had already succeeded in obtaining the _electric response_ of inorganic substances, to test whether ordinary plants also -- meaning those usually regarded as 'insensitive' -- would or would not exhibit excitatory _electrical response_ to stimulus. ❋ Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose (N/A)

Mr. Lee refers to insensitive oil exploration in Nigeria's primary producing region, the Niger Delta, over the last five decades. ❋ Angela Henshall (2011)

if your being insensitive then you seem to put [your opinion] across without thinking about the other [persons] [feelings] on the matter. ❋ Numptie (2006)

Friend: why does [Macky] always [fuck me up]? You: because he's an [insensitive prick] babe ❋ Insensitive (2018)

Tommy: hey, [i’m sick] of you always calling me a baby back bitch. [Cady]: it's [insensiticing]. ❋ Tmhusky69 (2018)

Comment: If the Windows [emulator] for Linux is Wine, I guess the Mac emulator for Linux would be [Mace]? Response: It's a "[compatibility] layer", you insensitive clod! ❋ Verlorenes Metallgeld (2008)

[Donald Trump] is an [insensitive prick]. ❋ DagnyNYC (2014)

[Heather] is a [insensitive bitch], All she wants to do is get you [in trouble]. ❋ Flarping (2014)

man [jimmy] is being an insensitive prick to me about what [i’m] [going] through! ❋ Guesswhotho (2023)

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