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Definitions and meanings of "Insurable"

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A business that involves selling people promises to pay later that are never fulfilled. Urban Dictionary

Particularly auto insurance. One of the biggest rackets to exist, insurance allegedly offers money to cover for accidents. The way this works is that they take a monthly premium. Many people pay this premium, it collects into a big pool, and anyone who has an accident gets a share of this money to fix his car. Sounds simple right? What actually happens is one pays the insurance monthly for years without having an accident. When one does get into an accident, their insurance premium goes up (almost doubles in some cases). People argue that this is to cover the cost of damage. What then, about the previous years of insurance one paid? What was the point of all the accident free driving if the company increases the client's monthly premium to cover the accident? As one can tell, insurance has evolved from what was supposed to be a welfare concept to one of the biggest scams, preventing young drivers and students who are just starting to drive on a tight budget from ever driving again, using public transport for ever. Urban Dictionary

A form of gambling. A way to get free money. Urban Dictionary

The thing your wife and two kids wish you bought before you stepped in front of that commuter train while listening to metal music on your headphones. Urban Dictionary

Insurance is a big international industry employing thousands of people. It has a turnover of billions of dollars. Urban Dictionary

A female friend you put on 'back-burner' when you are dating someone or getting close to, so if that the relationship ends, you still have her to go to. Urban Dictionary

The act of preemptively cheating on your significant other *just in case* they cheat/are cheating on you. That way if they ever cheat, you have an ace in the hole. Very similar to the well documented Prisoner's Dilemma. Urban Dictionary

A system in which massive multi billion dollar companies “insure” people and subsequently spy on them without their express knowledge or consent. Hence the “nce” stands for, “and see everything.” Urban Dictionary

The act of getting fucked by an insurance company who declines to pay an injured victim for the sake of its profit margin. Urban Dictionary

A medication used to help ease the pain and frustration of .....that time. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Insurable

The word "insurable" in example sentences

Trillions of $US in insurable assets would be at risk with a 0.5 meter rise. ❋ Unknown (2010)

As Gaylin asks, “Should ‘inability to play tennis’ be classified as an insurable disease?” ❋ Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier (2000)

At least the State of California limits its total liability to a paltry $5K in exchange for a prohibitively expensive premium, that even if a person chose to insure herself against would not pay the bulldozers pushing the debris to one side or the other, as no amount of money makes these liabilities "insurable" to even the most profligage premium payer. ❋ Unknown (2006)

But Epstein said physical examinations concluded that Beckett is "insurable," indicating that his arm is structurally sound enough for a policy to be placed on it. ❋ Unknown (2010)

And there are millions of others experiencing the same problem either due to a job loss or because they are not "insurable" as determined by the insurance companies. ❋ Unknown (2009)

High inflation will inflate insurable assets and thus drive prices higher. ❋ Vitaliy N. Katsenelson (2011)

The whole idea of the health care reform plan is to make everyone insurable, by eliminating exclusions and providing subsidies to make it affordable. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Instead, at issue is the age-old divide between risk (guessable, measurable, insurable) and uncertainty (unpredictable, unfathomable, unbeatable). ❋ Joseph Sternberg (2011)

Saint Hayek was unequivocal in arguing for universal health care in Road to Serfdom, as it is a “genuinely insurable risk,” ie, no moral hazard. ❋ Unknown (2010)

U.S. District Judge Christopher Conner wrote that Pennsylvania's "insurable interest" law is "unambiguous" in not referencing the "intent of the parties" or requiring that a subsequent transfer of a policy must be in "good faith." ❋ Leslie Scism (2011)

She realizes, however, that the second goal won't be achievable until she can convince filmmakers and casting directors that she's insurable again. ❋ Unknown (2011)

With initial estimates of the insurable cost of the damage put at US$12 billion, Christchurch and New Zealand will need every penny they can get from the event to help their fragile economy. ❋ Lucy Craymer (2011)

You are still basically insurable for your life because you are still young (or at least young enough). ❋ Unknown (2009)

Also, I am routinely rejected as "un-insurable" because I have migraines (more women suffer than men from these) and, 15 years ago, had an eating disorder (a result of over-valuing our society's version of beauty?). ❋ Unknown (2009)

At the same time, in a ruling favorable to AIG, Judge Barker concluded that Indiana law allows insurers to raise questions about "insurable interest" even after the standard two-year period for contesting a policy has passed. ❋ Leslie Scism (2010)

State insurable-interest laws require a buyer to be a relative, employer or someone else more interested in having the insured person alive than dead. ❋ Leslie Scism (2010)

[Gomer] paid [flood insurance] premium for years, but then the insurer decided to go out of business when the flood came because management had spent all the premium on hookers and private [jets]. ❋ Cunningest Linguist (2008)

"[Auto] insurance is the biggest [scam] ever" "[Preach]" ❋ Deadbunny97 (2016)

1) I might get an [accident] and get insurance [money]! 2) [I'm going to] cause an accident and get insurance money! ❋ Flibby (2005)

[loser] [death Insurance] broke [welfare] ❋ Axmeaq (2011)

The Insurance Industry started at Edward [Lloyd's] coffee house in London in the late 1680s. Edward Lloyd's was a popular meeting spot for master [mariners], merchants and ship owners. All the news about the departures of ships, their estimated time of arrival at the port to which they were sailing ,and the cargoes being carried was discussed over coffee and something to eat. Lloyds rapidly became the place where ships and their cargoes were [insured] against loss at sea. Today Lloyds of London is still the leading marine and specialist insurance market in the world. ❋ St. Ias (2005)

That bitch girl [dumped] me, but her best friend was my [insurance], so [I won] in the end. ❋ Anonymousstudent12345678901234 (2014)

Guy 1: You [hooked up] with Emily? Thought you had a girlfriend Guy 2: It was just insurance, nothing serious Guy 1: You don't trust your girl? Guy 2: She went on [Spring Break] with a bunch of dudes, WTF am I supposed to think? Guy 1: Yeah [I feel you] ❋ DatBoyCrazy (2011)

Thank god I had insurance when I drowned in the bathtub with the [hairdryer] inside of my mussy while overdosing on methamphetamines made available by the Drug Enforcement Agency. There was no need to panic since the private insurance companies spy on our activities through our cell phones, televisions, lightbulbs, and appliances. Thankfully, the Air [space Force] took me right up and fixed the chip in the back of my head, gave me a fake cock, and even [fist fucked] me through the ass for my charm and wit. I’d say I didn’t enjoy it, but that would be almost as great a lie as insurance in the first place. ❋ Scottgregorybanghart (2019)

Ed was injured in an accident when he was [T-boned] by Frank who ran a red light at the intersection. Ed was then [insured] by Mercury Insurance ([Frank's] insurance) who offered him $250 to get lost. ❋ Maddog (2014)

[Hey] [Aubrey], [do u] have any insurance with you? ❋ ChelsE Alex (2003)

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