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Definitions and meanings of "Macarthur"

What do we mean by macarthur?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word macarthur. Define macarthur, macarthur synonyms, macarthur pronunciation, macarthur translation, English dictionary definition of macarthur.

A Famous General during WW2 who was commander in cheif of Allied forces in the pacific, also Commander during the Korean War. He was the one who got the idea to launch an amphibious assault on inchon which pushed the koreans back to their own country. Noticable items he wore were sunglasses, a pipe ,and his militiry hat. Urban Dictionary

Most possibly the most badass name of all time, anyone who wields this name must be a complete bad ass if not they are obligated to change their last name or else another MacArthur will come, an actual badass, and repeatedly kick their ass Urban Dictionary

The Filipino slang for human feces that comes back up after flushing the toilet. "I shall return" Urban Dictionary

Possibly the most American son of a bitch to ever live this god damn fucker is so fucking American he has got a fucking corn pipe permanently implanted strait to his mouth hes so fucking merican' he ain't afraid to nuke China with the power of a thousand suns hes the man that wore sunglasses before it was even cool this strait son of a bitch is so full of American that's hes the son to George Washington and a bald eagle whom feathers were forged in the flames of patriotism hes so goddamn American to the point were hes got the words MERICA' ingrained on his left peck hes the most goddamn god loving patriot to ever live and that hes the a level 4 field marshal of the United States of America with the trait brilliant strategist attached Urban Dictionary

A park in Los Angeles, also the title of one of the most awful songs ever, where the parks 'melts in the dark', like a cake left out in the rain. Urban Dictionary

Verb: To defecate into a urinal. noun: A pile of human feces in a urinal. Etymology: References the line "someone left the cake out in the rain" of the famous Jimmy Webb song. First known use: 2010 Urban Dictionary

A US army general, known for the Korean war, who is extremely based. One of his most admirable suggestions was nuking China, which was definitely not unethical/ un-called for/ would not cause all-out nuclear warfare between the superpowers. Urban Dictionary

The high school that is only known for having bleachers that middle schoolers and 9th graders hang out at after school and vape. The only other thing that makes this place relevant is how many 516 BikeLife kids ride on the track. Urban Dictionary

A mid-sized regional airport, a little bigger than La Guardia, located in Ronkonkoma NY, the center of Long Island. Southwest Airlines is the most busy there, with non-stop flights to Chicago, Las Vegas, Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, Baltimore, and Nashville. American Airlines is the second most busiest, with non-stop flights to Cleveland and Atlanta. Delta has non-stop flights to Cincinatti and Atlanta. Continental flys non-stop to Boston, and US-Air flys non-stop to Philadelphia. Other small airlines come and go. There is also a flight school there, with LOTS AND LOTS of small planes (cessna, piper, beechcraft ect.), which are also rentable. Urban Dictionary

To crap your pants so hard while wearing shorts that your excrement runs down your legs. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Macarthur

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The word "macarthur" in example sentences

I wish you would do the bike nation a service and interview the phenoms who brought us these great machines they all deserve a macarthur grant, of course. ❋ BikeSnobNYC (2010)

LAPD brutally attacked thousands of families celebrating international workers 'day in downtown macarthur park, using rubber bullets, batons, motorcycles and chemical spray. ❋ Unknown (2007)

September 23rd, 2008 @ 10:58 AM news, university of washington photo via macarthur foundation ❋ Unknown (2008)

In February 2005, Dame Ellen macarthur stole the record from Joyon, bettering it by 1 day, 8 hours, 35 minutes, 49 seconds aboard her boat, B ❋ Admin (2010)

Noble loses patience and pulls out of macarthur deal HONG Kong's Noble Group last night pulled out of the fierce battle for Australia's Macarthur Coal, furious at its treatment during the international bidding war. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It may be his legal right to appeal but it is hardly his legal right to disregard an order of the Court - at least in my Canada which is governed by the Rule of Law. jack macarthur from Canada writes: Since when does an unelected judge demand that an elected member of government follow his decree? ❋ Unknown (2009)

Speed limit -??? alas - dares of any sort are beyond me now. after exposing myself to "macarthur park" i suffer from chord shock ... ❋ Unknown (2009)

Here is the lead researcher, Mizuko Ito: technorati tags: teens teensonline macarthur mitzukoito ❋ Unknown (2008)

(chuck out a number, any number) * how much and what kind of literariness do you have to have in a piece before you can get a macarthur? ❋ Unknown (2006)

"zone_info": "huffpost. world/blog; daily-brief = 1; featured-posts = 1; world = 1; nickname = michael-brenner; entry_id = 332655; afghanistan = 1; afghanistan-war = 1; afpak = 1; barack-obama = 1; douglas-macarthur = 1; stanley-mcchrystal = 1", ❋ Unknown (2009)

"zone_info": "huffpost. politics/blog; politics = 1; nickname = mark-joseph; entry_id = 357017; constitution = 1; islam = 1; macarthur = 1; obama = 1; ozawa-christianity = 1; religion = 1", ❋ Unknown (2009)

"zone_info": "huffpost. living/blog; featured-posts = 1; living = 1; media = 1; nickname = tom-roston; entry_id = 294567; genius-grant = 1; macarthur-foundation = 1; macarthur-genius-grant = 1; who-won-genius-grant = 1", ❋ Unknown (2009)

"zone_info": "huffpost. politics/blog; politics = 1; nickname = phyllis-bennis; entry_id = 373556; afghanistan-war = 1; obama = 1; truman-macarthur = 1; viet-nam = 1", ❋ Unknown (2009)

"zone_info": "huffpost. living/blog; living = 1; nickname = julia-moulden; entry_id = 265123; anne-lamott = 1; careers = 1; julia-moulden = 1; macarthur = 1; new-radicals = 1; nobel = 1; oprah = 1; paul-simon = 1; the-inner-life = 1; wisdom = 1; wise = 1; wise-latina = 1; wise-owl = 1", ❋ Unknown (2009)

"zone_info": "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = tamar-abrams; entry_id = 207533; birth = 1; childbirth = 1; family-planning = 1; india = 1; life-wrap = 1; macarthur-foundation = 1; maternal-mortality = 1; nigeria = 1; pathfinder-international = 1; pregnancy = 1", ❋ Unknown (2009)

"zone_info": "huffpost. living/blog; living = 1; nickname = lucy-bernholz; entry_id = 102442; change = 1; digitalmedia = 1; games = 1; gamesforchange = 1; gamesforhealth = 1; health = 1; kaiserfamilyfoundation = 1; macarthur = 1; nintendo-wii = 1; philanthropy = 1; robertwoodjohnson = 1", ❋ Unknown (2008)

"zone_info": "huffpost. living/blog; featured-posts = 1; living = 1; nickname = marilyn-m-machlowitz; entry_id = 103028; @ylifestyle = 1; charity = 1; donating-to-charity = 1; macarthur-genius-grant = 1; non-profits = 1; volunteers = 1", ❋ Unknown (2008)

sweet macarthur park mural #1 note our hero's ak-47 ❋ Tannaz (2008)

Quotes " I shall return" " Old soldiers never die; they just [fade away]. And like the old soldier in that [ballad], I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his [duty] as God gave him the sight to see that duty." ❋ Thats All I Got To Say (2005)

Guy: dude see that guy [right there] he's a MacArthur Guy 2: i can see, he makes [Chuck Norris] look [like a little] bitch ❋ Reidthecoolguy (2011)

Maybe the toilet is broken [that's why] there's a [macarthur] [floating] there. ❋ Cheesesticks (2008)

[Bro] 1: who are they bringing in? Bro 2: Douglas MacArthur Bro 1: [RUN] ❋ Crafty_YT (2021)

MacArthur Park is melting in the dark, all the sweet green icing flowing down. [Someone left the cake out in the rain]. I don't think that [I can take it], 'cause it took so long to [bake it], and I'll never have that recipe again! Oh noooooooooo! ❋ Cake Wrecker (2003)

Who [MacArthur] [Parked in] [the bathroom]? ❋ Ektorp (2010)

You hear about that [fella] [Douglas Macarthur], what a cool guy with a massive [schlong]. I wish I was him. ❋ Douglas MacArthur Fan (2022)

Yo [pu] to Macarthur High School if u [tryna] ride and do some wheelies on [the turf]. ❋ Mrbatwithgat (2020)

It cost less to use [LI] [MacArthur] rather than [JFK] or La Guardia. ❋ Ferrywizzler (2004)

Man! [Kevin] [sneezed] so hard he Tom MacArthured in front of the hot Spelker [twins]! ❋ El Paso Gunner (2018)

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