
Character 8
Hyphenation mil li ner
Pronunciations /ˈmɪlɪnɚ/

Definitions and meanings of "Milliner"

What do we mean by milliner?

One that makes, trims, designs, or sells hats. noun

Formerly, a man who dealt in articles for women's wear; according to Johnson, “one who sells ribands and dresses for women”; now, in common usage, a woman who makes and sells bonnets and other head-gear for women; also, in England, one who furnishes both bonnets and dresses, or complete outfits. noun

Formerly, one who made or sold armor of Milan; hence, a dealer in armor. noun

Formerly, a man who imported and dealt in small articles of a miscellaneous kind, especially such as please the fancy of women. noun

A person who designs, makes, trims, or deals in hats, bonnets, headdresses, etc., for women. noun

A man who makes or deals in millinery, that occupation having been at one time predominantly performed by women; hence, contemptuously, a man who is busied with trifling occupations or embellishments. noun

A person who is involved in the manufacture, design, or sale of hats for women. noun

Someone who makes and sells hats noun

A person who is involved in the manufacture, design, or sale of hats for women.

-verb, mill, millin 1. The act of walking anywhere while under the influence of marijuana. Urban Dictionary

On Mondays, the act of going to the best bar is St.Charles, Missouri (The old millstream) Urban Dictionary

1. A Samurai that acts like a ranger Urban Dictionary

A handle commonly used in the video game: Final Fantasy XI. People who choose this handle tend to party with excellent White Mages, however they have poor taste in Bards and Tanks. Urban Dictionary

When someone either acts shamelessly cheap around his friends, or asks for his significant other to back him up in a fight, and pay for all of their dates. Basically, a broke ass bitch. Urban Dictionary

A phrase first coined by the rapper, Ean Griffiths, is now a popular term for someone who is idle/ doing nothing. Urban Dictionary

The art of chilling Urban Dictionary

When someone is chilling Urban Dictionary

The act of chilling so hard to the point where you are "millin" Urban Dictionary

2., the act of owning stuff, also refered to as "teh pwn" Urban Dictionary

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The word "milliner" in example sentences

"The term milliner covered a wide variety of skills, including making cloaks, muffs, hoops, gloves, riding habits and petticoats" Miriam Moss, Women and Business (London: Wayland ❋ Unknown (2000)

Well, this milliner is inspired – by the writing, the ideas, and the hat. ❋ Unknown (2006)

She might have been a prosperous milliner from the Commercial Road, and she had a meek man along who wore the husband's air of depressed responsibility. ❋ Unknown (1907)

The word "milliner" - a women's hat maker-first appeared in 1529 and is a reference to Milan, Italy, which was renowned for the straw from which hats were made.

I owe the butcher, grocer, furniture dealer, photographer -- and the milliner is the worst of all. ❋ Harriet Stark (N/A)

A point of the first importance to the girl who means to be a milliner is the fact that millinery is a seasonal trade. ❋ Marjory MacMurchy Willison (N/A)

"riddle-diddle-dow," Furlong wondered what a milliner could have to do in such an establishment, and his wonder was not lessened when his guide added, "The milliner is a queer chap, and maybe he'll tell us something funny." ❋ Samuel Lover (1832)

The milliner’s intentions on the subject of this dress — the milliner was a Frenchwoman, and greatly resembled Mrs Skewton — were so chaste and elegant, that Mrs Skewton bespoke one like it for herself. ❋ Unknown (2007)

The hoarse grating sound of the saw, the whistling of the plane, and the stroke of the mallet denoted the presence of the carpenter; and the sharper clink of a hammer told of old Fogy, the family "milliner," being at work; but it was not on millinery Fogy was now employed, though neither was it legitimate tinker's work. ❋ Samuel Lover (1832)

This is Fogy, the milliner, sir, "said he to Furlong, whose surprise was further increased, when, in the person of the man called the milliner, he beheld a tinker. ❋ Samuel Lover (1832)

She has the cares of her household besides -- to make both ends meet; to make the girls 'milliner's bills appear not too dreadful to the father and paymaster of the family; to snip off, in secret, a little extra article of expenditure here and there, and convey it, in the shape of a bank-note, to the boys at college or at sea; to check the encroachments of tradesmen and housekeepers' financial fallacies; to keep upper and lower servants from jangling with one another, and the household in order. ❋ William Makepeace Thackeray (1837)

While working for the milliner, she began to think of leaving her life: “I grew more and more tired of all work and no play, and more and more anxious to go to America.” ❋ Thaddeus Russell (2010)

French-born Lilly Daché was the most celebrated milliner in the United States during the 1930s and '40s -- a time when hats were the centerpieces of a woman's wardrobe. ❋ Lesley M. M. Blume (2010)

My dad and I were always arguing about this, and George said to my dad: What do you want her to be, a milliner? ❋ Unknown (2010)

You know, as if there were only two things in life, a milliner and an actress. ❋ Unknown (2010)

He studied design at Central St. Martin's in London and then spent several years working for celebrity milliner Phillip Treacy , where he noticed clients' shoes often failed to match the fashion amperage of their headwear. ❋ Christina Binkley (2011)

After visiting the butcher, a milliner, and a flag seller—he asked how long I'd be staying in Paris I only learned later I was supposed to be playing a hick from the provinces—we finally made our way to Ms. Feiwel's cart just in time to freeze. ❋ Ralph Gardner Jr. (2011)

His example started a trend for megastar interns – Lady Gaga is going to work with Phillip Treacy, the milliner behind Princess Beatrice's pretzel hat. ❋ Unknown (2011)

A. They were millin through [the mall], while eating a [soft pretzel]. B. Lets go [mill] after this bowl. ❋ Anannon (2011)

Who's [millin] today? There was [a bunch] of people millin last [Monday]. I'll be millin around 5. ❋ Darkness842013 (2013)

[Millin] uses [Sidewinder] The Bee takes [3812] damage. ❋ An Awesome Warrior. (2005)

Dumbbard>> Is [Millin] going to be on tonight? ExtremelySmartAndTalentedWhiteMage>> [nah], i think he is [busy] with sports ❋ PhillGuyThePillowSky (2005)

"[Bruhhh], you see Jerome?" "Yeah man, he Meek Millin' it at the strip club, picking up money [from the ground] after someone [make it rain]." ❋ LTtheCreator (2016)

[Bran06]: YO, whats John doing. Philip06: [John Doe] be [chillin] like a mac millin Bran06: He always be chillin tho ❋ JMS FANPAGE (2021)

[Damn] he is [millin] ❋ Certifiedmiller (2022)

[Damn] [look at] him, he's millin ❋ AdrianNewsom (2022)

They're [millin] ❋ 16ozwaterbottle (2022)

millin [readies] [tachi]: [gekko] The million eyes takes 1050 damage. ❋ Bob (2005)

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