
Character 5
Hyphenation mixed
Pronunciations /mɪkst/

Definitions and meanings of "Mixed"

What do we mean by mixed?

Blended together into one unit or mass. adjective

Consisting or made up of a variety of different entities: synonym: miscellaneous. adjective

Both favorable and unfavorable. adjective

Relating to or made up of people of different races or social classes. adjective

Made up of, intended for, or open to people of different sexes. adjective

Crossbred. adjective

Filthy; vile.

In geology, technically applied to those igneous rocks which under the microscope are found to consist of both crystalline and glassy matter, the two being intimately involved.

Consisting of different elements or parts; mingled: as, a mixed feeling of pleasure and grief.

Promiscuous; indiscriminate; not comprised in one class or kind.

Confused; befogged mentally. Colloq. Also spelled mixt.

Plural In metaphysics See mode.

Formed by mixing; united; mingled; blended. See mix, v. t. & i. adjective

A suit combining the properties of a real and a personal action. adjective

A mixtilineal angle. adjective

A textile fabric composed of two or more kinds of fiber, as a poplin. adjective

A marriage between persons of different races or religions; specifically, one between a Roman Catholic and a Protestant. adjective

A whole number and a fraction taken together. adjective

To stir together.

To combine (items from two or more sources normally kept separate).

To form by mingling; to produce by the stirring together of ingredients; to concoct from different parts.

To blend by the use of a mixer (machine).

To combine (several tracks).

To produce a finished version of (a recording).

To unite with in company; to join; to associate.

A person of more than one racial background; usually looks quite distinctive from monoracial people see also eurasian blasian biracial hapa etc. Urban Dictionary

In the state of being juked or crossed up by somebody in a sport such as basketball. Urban Dictionary

A person of more than race, and alwzy hella sexy. Urban Dictionary

The sexiest people in america!! usually refers to a person who is black/white, black/hispanic, black/asian; basically anyone who is half black and half something else. Based on my scientific calculations & experiments by going to the mall and to school I predict by 2018 half of america will be a mixed race. Urban Dictionary

Also known as " shook def. 2 " To Confuse or outwit someone, trick. Urban Dictionary

An urban slang term derived from a bunch of Brooklyn desperados (Motion, Stew, Juan, Sar, and Co.). The term mixed, or ‘mixed up’ was taken from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ‘Pumping Iron’ DVD to describe a mental or physical state of confusion. Urban Dictionary

The term “mixed” is used to refer to a person of multi-ethnic origin. “Mixed” is commonly used to refer to bi-racial or tri-racial people; however, a mixed person is really just anyone with more than 2 races in their ethnic background (e.g. African, Asian, European, Indigenous American, Indigenous Australian, and/or Pacific Islander etc.) Urban Dictionary

It simply means “included” Urban Dictionary

Fighting Slang word used in Philly Urban Dictionary

It has been reported that the phrase "in the mix" has been causing a stir in the world of tennis. The originators of this catchy terminology are none other than the esteemed tennis pundits, Catherine Whitaker, David Law, and Matt Roberts, of The Tennis Podcast. They employ this phrase to identify players who exhibit a high probability of emerging victorious in upcoming tournaments, with a keen focus on analyzing various factors including form, match-ups, and precise shot predictions, all forgotten once the first serve is hit! However, one must not be overly optimistic, for being "in the mix" does not automatically guarantee a spot in the picks in these expert analysts' weekly newsletter. Rather, this coveted position is reserved for those players who offer the greatest potential for these experts to accumulate points in their ongoing prediction game. Despite the hype surrounding being "in the mix," it is important to note that this designation does not provide any significant advantages for the players themselves. Nevertheless, it has become a popular catchphrase that lends itself well to adorning trendy apparel. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Mixed

The word "mixed" in example sentences

First off, the term mixed extraction is hardly a slur or an uncommon way to describe a person by way of race. ❋ Unknown (2009)

By the term mixed mineral manures is meant a mixture of mineral fertilisers, not including phosphates. ❋ Charles Morton Aikman (N/A)

The term mixed-mode is commonly used to describe a blend of face to face and distance education that does not necessarily have a high technology component. ❋ Jasdhillo (2010)

Economists continue to use the euphemism "mixed" in meaningless reports based on artificially improved data. ❋ Al Lewis (2011)

Despite the show of unity, however, Senate Republicans expressed deep skepticism of the White House's management of the war effort, particularly of what they described as mixed messages over how fast a drawdown would begin next July. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Another response to his argument is to claim that, even if it does apply to evaluations, it would only apply to very basic ones and would leave room for substantial disagreements beyond these (if this were the case, then Davidson would have established only what I call a mixed position in section 6 below). ❋ Gowans, Chris (2008)

Thus drunkenness, or lying, signify such or such a collection of simple ideas, which I call mixed modes: and in this sense they are as much positive absolute ideas, as the drinking of ❋ Unknown (2007)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi touched off a political firestorm in W.shington when she touched down in Syria, drawing a strong rebuke from President George W. Bush, who lashed out at what he calls the mixed signals a visit by such a high-ranking U.S. official sends to the Syrian leadership, a state sponsor of terror. ❋ Unknown (2007)

And we should also point out that when HANO, the Housing Authority of New Orleans, and HUD plans to do this, they want to put there what they call mixed income housing -- basically low income, medium income and high income. ❋ Unknown (2007)

All that is requisite to my present design, is to show what sort of ideas those are which I call mixed modes; how the mind comes by them; and that they are compositions made up of simple ideas got from sensation and reflection; which I suppose I have done. ❋ Unknown (2007)

It was what they called a mixed train, mixed that is of freight and passengers -- third-class in front, second next, then first, and a dozen little iron freight cars of two kinds in front. ❋ Mundy, Talbot, 1879-1940 (1920)

Juniper's latest financials show that it has been hit hard by what it called "mixed signals in the macro economy." ❋ Unknown (2011)

Bill Crocker, a Texas committeeman who also opposed Steele, focused on the upside of what he called a mixed record. ❋ Unknown (2010)

[real-life] [examples] are everywhere, [just look] around. ❋ BlasianSensation (2004)

"Bro [Ferg] got mixed so hard by [Ray] that [he fell] on his ass" ❋ Capketchup (2017)

1. damn!!! look at dat mixed [bitch bitch] she hell [fyne]!!! 2. i get my light skinnedness from my [whyte] daddy, and my ass and tits frm my black mama. ❋ Mixedmami (2005)

-Damn girl you see that fine ass mixed boy in [the shoe] store? -That hoe think she all dat just cause she mixed and got dat good ole hair. -I'm gonna get wit me a [whyte] boy so i can have some sexy ass mixed kids with [long soft] hair and green eyes. ❋ St.pete-gurl (2006)

-He got [mixed]. -He mixed [your ass]. Joe [Mixed] steve with a [pump fake]. ❋ Dj Saturn (2006)

“Yo … [My man] … you got [MIXED UP]” “I’m so [MIXED]” ❋ Greg Sirico (2005)

“Bro guess what?! I just got my DNA results from [23andMe]. I thought I was just Saudi Arabian but it turns out I’m kind of mixed: 70% Middle Eastern, 15% European, 10% African, and 5% Asian!” “5% Asian? Bro what if your ancestors knew my ancestors in China a long time ago?!” “Brooo!!!” ———————— “You don’t look mixed because you don’t have light skin, light eyes, or light-colored hair...and your hair is too curly.” “Actually, my biological father is [Afro-Caribbean] and my biological mother is Indo-Fijian. Being mixed doesn’t mean a person has to have light-colored features or look partly European.” ———————— “Oh my god your kids are so cute, I love mixed babies! I would marry outside my race too so I can have exotic [bi-racial] kids! They’ll have perfect hair, pretty eyes, and the best skin color...I wish I was bi-racial so I could be hot AND help to end racism!” “Okay, no. First of all, don’t [objectify] mixed children like that. Secondly, [Bi-racial] people are still human beings, not some ethnic fetish or a racial fantasy.” ❋ BallFloatingInSpace2019 (2019)

Was you in the mix? ❋ Anonymous Yes Anonymous (2009)

Yo bro they [mixing] We mixing [after school] [real rap] ❋ Tamia18 (2013)

[Rafa] [Nadal] is [in the mix] for the French Open ❋ TheTennisWordsmith (2023)

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