
Character 6
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Definitions and meanings of "Moloch"

What do we mean by moloch?

The chief god of the Phenicians, frequently mentioned in Scripture as the god of the Ammonites, whose worship consisted chiefly of human sacrifices, ordeals by fire, mutilation, etc.: also identified with the god of the Carthaginians called by classical writers Kronos or Saturn. noun

NL. The typical genus of Molochinæ. noun

lowercase A lizard of this genus: as, the spiny moloch. noun

The fire god of the Ammonites in Canaan, to whom human sacrifices were offered; Molech. Also applied figuratively. proper noun

A spiny Australian lizard (Moloch horridus). The horns on the head and numerous spines on the body give it a most formidable appearance. proper noun

Moloch horridus, an Australian lizard thought to be the sole member of the genus Moloch. noun

Any lizard of the genus Moloch noun

A tyrannical power to be propitiated by human subservience or sacrifice noun

God of the Canaanites and Phoenicians to whom parents sacrificed their children noun

Moloch horridus, an Australian lizard thought to be the sole member of the genus Moloch.

Moloch is the personification of terrible systems or situations in society that everyone hates but don't get fixed. Originally the name of a Canaanite god which received child sacrifices, Allen Ginsberg used Moloch to symbolize the state of industrial civilization in his poem "Howl". The blogger Scott Alexander popularized the term as it is commonly used by many rationalists, although it was already in occasional use by historians and economics to describe systemic issues within or caused by their respective fields. The term is often used by particularly condescending rationalists to talk down to public servants, academics, and occasionally founders of startups who are trying their best to change the world for the better but likely have no real power to do so. Urban Dictionary

Demon robot from the popular TV series "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer". Season 1, episode 8. Urban Dictionary

The demon inside Skid and Pump's attic Urban Dictionary

Literally: The vengeance of death More accurately: The Avenger Of Deaths Urban Dictionary

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The word "moloch" in example sentences

The squirrel monkey with naked ears (Saimiri ustus) and dusty titi (Callicebus moloch) are endemic to the south-central Amazon. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The tiny titi monkey (Callicebus moloch) also occurs here, and the gray-necked night monkey (Aotus infulatus) and spider monkey (Ateles marginatus) are endemic to this and the interfluve to the east. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Using such words as “catenae” (connected series), “timeous” (early), “moloch” (an object of sacrifice), and “corban” (an offering to God), Madame railed at the ethics of the press, which she continued to accuse of underplaying the dangers of communism. ❋ Hannah Pakula (2009)

Of the primates, the endemic species Javan gibbon Hylobates moloch (CR) and Javan leaf monkey Presbytis comata (EN) occur locally along with the endemic silvered leaf monkey P. cristata, while crab-eating macaque Macaca fascicularis (LR) is found throughout the park. ❋ Unknown (2009)

January 28, 2008 at 7:47 pm moloch be weepin? braek out teh ginsberg! ❋ Unknown (2008)

Eight primates are found here including the bearded saki (Chiropotes albinasus), red-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas), and tiny titi monkey (Callicebus moloch), which is found in few other places. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Of the latter, the Javan or surili leaf monkey (Presbytis comata) and the Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) are the most endangered primates in Indonesia. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) is also critically endangered. ❋ Unknown (2008)

What a worse than moloch deity is that, which expects an offering of reason, duty, and discretion, to be made to its shrine! ❋ Unknown (2006)

Indeed, if it were only on this account, the national education of women is of the utmost consequence, for what a number of human sacrifices are made to that moloch prejudice! ❋ Unknown (2002)

If my feeble appeal but reaches the hearts of any who are now slumbering in iniquity; if it shall have power given it to shake down one stone from that foul temple where the blood of human victims is offered to the moloch of slavery; if, under Providence, it can break one fetter from off the image of ❋ Unknown (N/A)

Thus busy with the frightful labour among the stones in the heart of the mountains, where no green thing has ever grown or even a bird built her nest, where in summer the sun looks down like some enormous moloch, and in winter the frost and the cold scourge them to their labour in the horrid ghostly twilight, the people work. ❋ Edward Hutton (1922)

On the death of the king or other great eree, and in times of war, human sacrifices are frequently offered at the shrine of this moloch. ❋ Unknown (1913)

What chance had a poor man against such a moloch as the railroad, even with a lawyer of such ability as had been exhibited by ❋ Winston Churchill (1909)

What chance had a poor man against such a moloch as the railroad, even with a lawyer of such ability as had been exhibited by Hermann Krebs? ❋ Winston Churchill (1909)

It's making out that I'd like to go back on my word, and refuse to give Marcel up to the moloch of Unaga. ❋ Ridgwell Cullum (1905)

Capitalism's only aim was the accumulation of profits, of wealth and power, and to this moloch everything else was ruthlessly sacrificed. ❋ Various (1904)

"Aw, him -- that murderin 'moloch at Tralee!" exclaimed Patsy when the button was pressed. ❋ Gilbert Parker (1897)

Very often with [capitalism], business practices are set by Moloch: No one person has any influence over the matter. Oh, you're in [welfare] [policy] research? I thought Moloch had already eaten all the value there. ❋ Dptimessmallconstant (2019)

- Dude, d'ya see [BtvS]? - Yeah [Alyson] was totally [ridin'] Moloch bro! ❋ Zorpidus (2004)

Skid: Let's do a prank call! (Teleport to the [attic]) (They summon Moloch) Pump: It's [Spooky Month]! (Moloch starts doing the [spooky dance]) ❋ TheCandyDealer (2021)

[De] [saan] [Moloch Sa'sun]. ❋ Anonymous (2003)

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