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Definitions and meanings of "Petted"

What do we mean by petted?

To stroke or fondle (an animal).

To stroke or fondle (another person) amorously.

Of two or more people, to stroke and fondle one another amorously.

To treat as a pet; to fondle; to indulge.

To be a pet.

To be peevish; to sulk.

1. Pussy in cantonese 2. Someone that is irritating enough 3. A fool Urban Dictionary

A pet is usually described as someone who is submissive, willing to take orders, and appreciate a sense of ownership. Whilst this is mostly true, what people don’t realise is that pets are very self-aware, and they can use their status in a positive way, often retaining a significant amount of power in the relationship. Urban Dictionary

The only member of your family that you actually like Urban Dictionary

In BDSM, usually describes a sub who wants to take orders from a master or mistress. A Master/pet relationship generally a more affectionate or loving than with a Master/slave relationship. Urban Dictionary

Someone who is very compassionate and caring for you. They will do literally anything for you no matter what. Just like a dog, they are very loyal and will always come back even if you've hurt them. Pets are a great friend to have and will do everything to make you smile and won't give up until they have. If your a pet you are pretty determined for people who are worth the time. If you have a pet they are better than a best friend, they are great companions for everything. If you need anything your pet will be there with you through your ups and downs. If you are sad, just call over your pet and they will be a shoulder for you to cry on. Urban Dictionary

Phrase used in old-fashioned teen sex manuals for foreplay without intercourse. Urban Dictionary

An animal that belongs to another animal. def 2: a person who belongs to another person Urban Dictionary

Petting is an action you perform on your domesticated animal when they’re being an extra good boy, by rubbing their head and/or body in a pleasant way. You’re doing it correctly if they make little happy noises Urban Dictionary

Petting: A sexual act typically found in the 1920's to mid-1900's that involves the caressing of a woman's breasts/Stimulation of clitoris, or the stimulation of a man's penis. This act is often used as preparation for intercourse, but may or may not always be acted out before intercourse. Urban Dictionary

A BDSM term used by switches for the partner when that partner is playing the submissive role. Not as harsh as calling a person a slave. Urban Dictionary

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The word "petted" in example sentences

He did not fancy occupying the back bedroom while Chip reigned in his sunny south room, waited on, petted (Dunk applied the term petted) and amused indefatigably by the Little Doctor. ❋ B. M. Bower (1905)

Yet Mrs Adams had not been brought up in petted indolence, or shut from the sun and air, for fear of injury to her beauty, or her gracefulness. ❋ Unknown (1831)

They want to feel petted, which is in their nature and you cannot blame them for it. ❋ Gochengdoo (2010)

In fact, the device just repeated pre-recorded phrases more or less often depending on how often it was "petted". ❋ Michael Noer (2006)

Our young ones, they've kind of petted them and brought them along, and our young ones … well, the all-tournament team was two seventh-graders and an eighth-grader (and a senior), and the all-county tournament was about the same thing. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I considered drafting a pattern, but decided against it (it was a very small piece of felt), and just kind of petted it for a while, hoping it would turn into a bunny. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I had thought, bound up in him as she was, accustomed to his daily sight, his daily fondness – for he was more with her, and "petted" her more than any other of the children – I had thought to have seen some reluctance, some grieved entreaty – but no! Not even when, gaining her consent, the boy looked up as if her allowing him to quit her was the greatest kindness she had ever in his life bestowed. ❋ Unknown (1897)

I had thought, bound up in him as she was, accustomed to his daily sight, his daily fondness -- for he was more with her, and "petted" her more than any other of the children -- I had thought to have seen some reluctance, some grieved entreaty -- but no! Not even when, gaining her consent, the boy looked up as if her allowing him to quit her was the greatest kindness she had ever in his life bestowed. ❋ Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (1856)

"petted" bears, and to direct disobedience of fixed orders. ❋ William Temple Hornaday (1895)

Moorlands Totilas, an 11-year-old ebony stallion with rippling muscles and 11,800 Facebook fans, pricked up his ears and tilted his nose to be petted, as his admirers cooed. ❋ Mary M. Lane (2011)

I imagine that an acupuncture session is fairly relaxing for the pet - the article indicates that the animal isthe center of attention during these exercises – they are petted, nuzzled, spoken to in calming adult-cooing baby language, placed on warm blankets with candle light and soft music, perhaps? ❋ Unknown (2010)

"Obviously, women and moms are a big part of this campaign," Ehrlich said, as he petted the Larkin family dog. ❋ John Wagner (2010)

The difference between the Obama and Bush approaches has been that the former assumes all dogs will be friendly if petted and offered treats, whereas the latter assumed that all pitbulls are rabid until proven otherwise. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And then I'd be stuck getting pawed and petted and pinched for who knew how long. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And as a reward, Palace Eunuch FCC got to go every year to the Big Media Baron Convention in Las Vegas to get praised and petted -- which the FCC would reward by relaxing ownership rules further, rolling over on mergers, and rubber-stamping license renewals. ❋ Harold Feld (2010)

Jackson stopped dead in front of her and sat like an angel -- just begging to be petted. ❋ Juanita MORE! (2012)

If humans would let dogs approach them at their own pace and even make treats magically appear on the ground around them without pressuring the dog to allow being petted, they would experience many good dog greetings and help Fido experience good greetings, too. ❋ Sophia Yin (2010)

eg. See [Shio's] [pet pet] face. He is disturbing the female dog again. another eg. Stop being so pet pet. Act properly please. another eg on pussy. [Aiyoo].. how come her pet pet smell like sardine? ❋ Gonezilla (2007)

Hey John, it [seems like] you’ve got yourself a real [sub] there. No, she knows what she’s doing, she’s a [pet]. ❋ Elwhummingbird (2018)

I [hate all] of my [family members] except for my [pet] ❋ IWillEatYourMemes (2017)

My [pet] loves to be ordered but we both love eachother [like a dog] and it's master. I order her to suck my cock every night and we cuddle together as we sleep <3 "I love you pet <3" "[I love you too] Master <3" ❋ Shadowstar78 (2012)

I'll be [your pet] [whenever] [you need] me ❋ Everyonelovescats (2015)

They used to [engage] in [heavy petting] down at Lovers' [Lane]. ❋ Cornholio (2003)

[Timmy's] my [little] [pet] ❋ ConorMackGeGoryator (2018)

David: My [dukey] is [such a good boy] I’m always [petting] him he loves it. (Duke) *pant pant tongue noises* David: Aww see ❋ DoubleMobius (2019)

Do you want to [plan] on doing some [petting] later tonight, [doll]? ❋ Gay Squared (2018)

My pet [brushed] [against me] and looked with longing eyes knowing only I would give her what she wanted most once I had found [my pleasure]. ❋ Sang Deesse (2007)

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