
Character 6
Hyphenation pierce
Pronunciations /pɪəs/

Definitions and meanings of "Pierce"

What do we mean by pierce?

To cut or pass through with or as if with a sharp instrument; stab or penetrate. intransitive verb

To make a hole or opening in; perforate. intransitive verb

To make a way through. intransitive verb

To sound sharply through. intransitive verb

To succeed in penetrating (something) with the eyes or the intellect. intransitive verb

To penetrate into or through something. intransitive verb

To thrust through with a sharp or pointed instrument; stab; prick.

To cut into or through; make a hole or opening in.

To penetrate; enter into or through; force a way into or through: as, to pierce the enemy's center.

To penetrate with pain, grief, or other emotion; wound or affect keenly; touch or move deeply.

Synonyms and Perforate, Transfix, etc. See penetrate.

To enter or penetrate; force a way.

To enter; to penetrate; to make a way into or through something, as a pointed instrument does; -- used literally and figuratively. intransitive verb

To thrust into, penetrate, or transfix, with a pointed instrument. transitive verb

To penetrate; to enter; to force a way into or through; to pass into or through transitive verb

Fig.: To penetrate; to affect deeply. transitive verb

To puncture; to break through verb

To create a hole in the skin for the purpose of inserting jewelry verb

To break or interrupt abruptly verb

Cut or make a way through verb

To puncture; to break through

To create a hole in the skin for the purpose of inserting jewelry

To break or interrupt abruptly

To get to the heart or crux of (a matter).

To penetrate; to affect deeply.

Someone who usually has a girlfriend named meghan. its really bad at math. Urban Dictionary

Surgical decoration of the body, esp. the ears, nostrils, eyebrows and navel; sometimes the tongue, nipples, or genitalia. Considered attractive by some, disgusting by others Urban Dictionary

A name generally given to extremely lucky males. People graced with this name are very talented and are exceptional in everything they do, and are generally noticed for it. Sports and arts abilities come easily to them due to their extraordinary minds and very capable bodies. People with this name get along with others very well, particularly females; this trait is also attributed to the fact that a Pierce is usually good looking. If a person has this name the chances are that they are an extremely smart individual, and are probably better at everything than you. If you are defeated at a task by a Pierce then don't bother trying again, you will never ever win, ever. Don't be ashamed though, there are those out there who would give there first born son just to know a legendary Pierce. Urban Dictionary

Usually a powerful and popular male. Urban Dictionary

An art that requires puncturing of the skin. Can alter your looks depending on how much you get or where you get it at on the body. Urban Dictionary

The most awesome person you know. Urban Dictionary

The general idea of copying someone elses idea. When you search far and wide for great ideas that have already been done, and you copy them and call them yours. See; plagiarism. Urban Dictionary

1. (noun) A perfect male who excells at everything; academic, athletic, artistic and sexual endeavors especially. Pierces are very socially graced and intellectually gifted. A Pierce doesn't have to try at anything, it all comes naturally to him. He is very goodlooking. Girls love him, guys wish they could be him. 2. (adjective) A way to describe anyone who, while is unfortunately not lucky enough to have this name, is worthy of the honor. These individuals are extremely rare. 3. (verb) To affect sharply. Can be a result of meeting a Pierce (see definition 1). Urban Dictionary

The art of of shoving metal through different parts of the body. Often done by people who couldn't care less about what others think, and do it to express their individuality through body art. Others do it because they like the appearance, such as bellybutton, as its very overdone. Either way its a form of art. Urban Dictionary

An adorment inserted through ones skin in order to differentiate oneself from the crowd; Empowering form of self expression, a way to take control of your life and your own body. Urban Dictionary

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The word "pierce" in example sentences

July 25, 2005 at 4: 08 pm tony pierce is a Great American, so I hesitate to contradict him. ❋ Unknown (2005)

In fact, the tenor Peter Pears pronounced his name pierce as well. ❋ Unknown (2004)

For what Simeon foretold in the temple is come to pass today: a sword pierce my heart, but do Thou change my grief to gladness by Thy Ressurrection. ' ❋ Unknown (2009)

Rodolphe is startled; he plunge, and my sword pierce his arm. ❋ Unknown (1910)

I think I heard the ref cry after he HAD to call pierce on that foul ❋ Unknown (2009)

But did Eumenes 'fword pierce deep t The wound Was dcfperate. — ❋ Hugh Downman (1792)

I'd like to introduce "pierce", the verb, as street slang for the weekend. ❋ BikeSnobNYC (2009)

I'm not 100 certain on Peter Pears--when I was studying jazz at IU, sometimes the classical folks would remark on seeing my name, "You know, Peter Pears pronounced it 'pierce'." ❋ Unknown (2004)

"external cause" refers to how the injury took place, although CDC uses (to this epidemiologist's eyes) at least one strange category as "cause": cut or pierce, which is an effect, not a cause. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This may be done with what is called a "pierce"; but a good stiletto, or even a very large needle, will answer the purpose. ❋ Mary Buckle (1877)

Very different is the other word for "pierce" in Ps ❋ Unknown (1871)

Common law countries usually uphold this principle of separate personhood, but in exceptional situations may "pierce" or "lift" the corporate veil. ❋ Matt Jones (2010)

"He …" she looked down at her chest, unable to remember the word for 'pierce' in Japanese, if she had ever known it at all. ❋ Remittance Girl (2009)

Lunging, the Rifleman felt his own sword pierce the Dragoon’s left thigh. ❋ Cornwell, Bernard (1988)

"On Friday, August 12th, finding his body covered with spots, I so far understood them as to feel a sword pierce through my soul. ❋ Brigadier Margaret Allen (N/A)

The larvae feed on the tree and the adults 'pierce' important commercial fruits such as oranges, guava, papaya, banana and grapes, causing serious economic losses (Muniappan, ❋ Unknown (1996)

The larvae feed on the tree and the adults 'pierce' important commercial fruits such as oranges, guava, papaya. banana and grapes, causing serious economic losses (Muniappan, ❋ Unknown (1996)

The larvae feed on the tree and the adults 'pierce' important commercial fruits such as oranges, guava, papaya. banana and grapes. causmg serious economic losses (Muniappan, ❋ Unknown (1990)

Since anything sharp and pointed may pierce and cross the boundary of your skin, all these names of physical objects are used to refer to that which delivers either sickness or medicine. ❋ PhD Bradford Keeney (2010)

The spiritual harpoons are flying in every direction; let one of them pierce you. ❋ PhD Bradford Keeney (2010)

"hey pierce how did you do on [that math] [test]" "i [failed] it" ❋ Playerhater1234 (2009)

At my [elementary school], they [frowned] on navel-piercing until [the principal] had it done. ❋ Cornholio (2003)

"Damn, Pierce [beat me] again today." "Well, he is a Pierce." Example 2 "Damn, I saw my girlfriend with Pierce today" "Dude, [it's over] between [you too] now. Don't even try." ❋ Masterchiefisjealousofme (2008)

That [guys] such a [legend]. Yeah, [what a] Pierce. ❋ Gareth HBN (2007)

I am getting piercings because [I like] the [style] of it, and the [jewlery] looks nice too. ❋ Poohder (2011)

[student] 1 "oh [dam] did you see Pierce!" student 2 " [ya] i did he is so awesome!" ❋ Lvl 34 Wizard 4 Life (2011)

"Dude, did you do the [essay] that's due [tomorrow]?" "Nah, I'm thinking about just piercing it." "[Good call]." ❋ Designismypassion (2017)

1. Shannon: "I think I'm in love with Pierce." Mary: "[Well yeah], everybody is; what's one reason you wouldn't be?" 2. Jack: "Tony was [bench pressing] so much weight the other day I almost thought he was Pierce." 3. Chelsea: "I met this guy at a party last week, and I can't get him out of my head....it's like he [pierced] my heart...." ❋ FuegoItllBurnYou (2010)

I want an Anti-Eyebrow [piercing], because its so [rarely] [done]. ❋ Holly The Smartass (2005)

My [septum piercing] [rocks], depending on how I feel I can show it or [hide] it. ❋ Painless Phil (2004)

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