
Character 11
Hyphenation N/A
Pronunciations /ˈpleɪsˌhoʊldɚ/

Definitions and meanings of "Placeholder"

What do we mean by placeholder?

One who holds an office or place, especially as a deputy, proxy, or appointed government official. noun

In a mathematical or logical expression, a symbol that may be replaced by the name of any element of a set. noun

In the decimal form of a number, a digit that is not significant. noun

Something used or included temporarily or as a substitute for something that is not known or must remain generic; that which holds, denotes or reserves a place for something to come later. noun

A person authorized to act for another noun

A symbol in a logical or mathematical expression that can be replaced by the name of any member of specified set noun

Something used or included temporarily or as a substitute for something that is not known or must remain generic; that which holds, denotes or reserves a place for something to come later.

What I am Urban Dictionary

A word used to avoid a question you don't want to answer. A universal word. They're not very specificand leave you in doubt. Urban Dictionary

A non-smoker who is left to guard a table and/or chairs in a busy environment while the smokers go outside for a cigarette. Urban Dictionary

The person one dates, makes out with, or sleeps with while waiting or actively searching for the love of one's life - who is quite often found during or immediately after relationship with said placeholder. Though also viable, cute, and longing for a longterm relationship, there is often some unknown 'thing' in the placeholder's manner, ambition, world view, or timing that often prevents the placeholder from being "the one." Urban Dictionary

A title for something, that is called "placeholder" to hold words, or just something to start with. Example: Type your definition here... Urban Dictionary

Placeholder Text is when one is being used as a fake partner. Often being cheated on or is not good enough for their partner. Urban Dictionary

A boyfriend who is just there to satisfy the need for having a boyfriend. i.e. someone who is fulfilling short-term needs in your life, but for whom you don't see a long-term purpose. Urban Dictionary

A girfriend (or boyfriend) that you date with the plan to ditch them as soon as something better comes along. Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary

A condition in which technological equipment either software or hardware detects that you are Placeholder dip and simply refuses to function by throwing crashes, BSODs, freezes, etc. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Placeholder

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The word "placeholder" in example sentences

The default WordPress Theme features a blue "header" at the top with the title placeholder of your site. ❋ Opay51 (2009)

What the heck are the Goobermen made of? backtrack a little in the archives, you'll see that the title placeholder for the Clayin Saga has finally been filled. ❋ Unknown (2008)

• Insert a new slide with a title placeholder and a bulleted list placeholder (Title and Text). ❋ Vbdotnetnrew (2009)

Now all they needed was a long-term placeholder, and everything had been arranged. ❋ The Corner At National Review (2010)

The political machine already had a short-term placeholder in the Senate. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Every girl's favorite part of the tea was that they each had a small silver bell, which served as their name placeholder, which they were instructed to ring when they needed anything. ❋ Unknown (2008)

So, again, I don't want to use the word placeholder but we obviously need to plan for additional environmental assuming environmental regulations. ❋ Unknown (2008)

But then, she told Bob and Mark that, "It is certainly a possibility to consider that kind of strategy there," where she would appoint someone as a "placeholder" - someone who would NOT run for the office in a special election, so that other people could get out there and "duke it out" and fight for the seat without anyone having the advantage of having kept the seat warm. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Huddleston’s site is still in placeholder mode, so if you’re interested check back on it later. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And I read to him from the Normal Book, telling him all the broad and wide and far-reaching definitions of the word normal, the way people use it as a placeholder, a code word, a Band-Aid. ❋ Jael McHenry (2011)

In the days before players started conflating the word "avatar" with "character", this would have been much more apparent - you couldn't call a placeholder your character. ❋ Unknown (2009)

One users tells us this portion of the website has always been there, while another believes the placeholder is a website glitch created from fusing wireless and wireline brands. ❋ Unknown (2010)

- Added "all" option to the / sources parameter to select all available sources (/ sources all) - Added \% type\% placeholder, which is substituted by "Front", "Back", ❋ Unknown (2009)

"[I am] just a placeholder before you [find] [someone else]" ❋ Catnipcatweed (2021)

"I have to do SOMETHING [afterschool]." "[Theres] this thing I have to do." "Theres a lot of stuff [in my head]." Those are placeholders.. ❋ Yepyeahyesss (2009)

Tom : "It's busy, we could lose [the table]." Dick : "Don't worry, [Harry's] our placeholder." Harry : "[Thanks a bunch]." ❋ Flynnbarr (2010)

"I just found out Chris married the woman he started dating when he was still sleeping with me. He told [me he] didn't want a [serious relationship]. I feel like such a [placeholder]." ❋ 50_dates (2012)

[Placeholder]. ❋ BiII Cipher (2023)

I can’t [belive] john is [sydni]’s Placeholder Text. She [sent me] nudes last night ❋ Thiccboi12349 (2018)

Eh, he's just a placeholder boyfriend in my life. I hate sleeping alone. -- I don't get [fazed] when I'm into a girl who has [a boyfriend]. I always just assume that he's a placeholder boyfriend, and that she'll [dump him] once she finds someone real. ❋ Philosophistry (2009)

"Yeah, [Amanda's] [not great] but she's just my [placeholder girlfriend]." ❋ Writeon (2012)

Person 1: What the hell does "placeholder]="Word" type="text" name=definitionword" mean? Person 2: Some [dumb fuck] pressed submit with [a blank] entry Person 3: "",y.noCloneChecked=!!ce.cloneNode(!0).lastChild.defaultValue,ce.innerHTML="",y.option=!!ce.lastChild;var ge={thead:[1,"

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