
Character 10
Hyphenation plas ter ing
Pronunciations N/A

Definitions and meanings of "Plastering"

What do we mean by plastering?

A layer or coating of plaster. noun

A resounding defeat; a beating. noun

The act or operation of overlaying with plaster. noun

The plaster-work of a building; a covering of plaster noun

The treatment of wines by the addition of gypsum or plaster of Paris. See plaster, v., 5. noun

Same as plaster, n., 2. noun

The act or process of overlaying with plaster. noun

A covering of plaster; plasterwork. noun

Present participle of plaster. verb

The act or process of overlaying with plaster. noun

A covering of plaster; plasterwork. noun

The application of plaster noun

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word plastering. Define plastering, plastering synonyms, plastering pronunciation, plastering translation, English dictionary definition of plastering.

Where one lays upside down on a sofa/chair and cums in his own face. Urban Dictionary

Heavily under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Urban Dictionary

Drunk: when you drink a shitload of booze Urban Dictionary

Being heavily f-cked up due to a horribly enormous consumption of alchohol. Can be fun, but be sure to carefully pick out which clothes to throw up on. Urban Dictionary

Plaster is just another word for Band-Aid. They are used to protect a small cuts and wounds from infection. Urban Dictionary

To be so completely shitfaced drunk that you are barely even able to have a good time. This is the final stage before alcohol poisoning. Urban Dictionary

When u drank too much ,, yea that feeling Urban Dictionary

When one pulls out his penis to ejaculate all over the girls face. also see sperm spackle. Urban Dictionary

Where a guy's balls are so sweaty, that his sack is "plastered" to his legs. Having ones balls "plastered" usually results in having to peel the nut sack off of the inside of the leg when one itches his nuts or pisses. Urban Dictionary

Noun. Arse (mainly UK and Australia, slang, vulgar). A rare example of triple rhyming slang: Plaster = Plaster of Paris = Aris; Aris = Aristotle = bottle; bottle = bottle and glass = arse. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Plastering

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The word "plastering" in example sentences

Gary Mihoces, 2: 30 p.m. No safe haven: Patriots safety Rodney Harrison on his team's tight pass coverage: We call it plastering the receiver. ❋ Unknown (2005)

She calls the act of artistic vandalism "yarn bombing," adapting a term for plastering an area with graffiti tags. ❋ By MALIA WOLLAN (2011)

The plastering was the most physically demanding and time consuming part of the entire construction project and I did at least ninety percent of the work solo. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The side wall, which has been less exposed to the elements, still retains the plastering, which is likewise found on the inner walls where it is quite smooth in places. ❋ Jesse Walter Fewkes (1890)

: The new immigrants to America and Mexico did not have these elite skills, casting rather than modelling became the norm, and stucco became to mean any 'plastering' on the outside of buildings - which of course meant cement rather than gypsum plaster. ❋ Unknown (2002)

The new immigrants to America and Mexico did not have these elite skills, casting rather than modelling became the norm, and stucco became to mean any 'plastering' on the outside of buildings - which of course meant cement rather than gypsum plaster. ❋ Unknown (2002)

He adopted a particular way of dressing his hair, "plastering" a part of it down in a kind of semi-circle over the forehead; and the new style "catching on" among young Parisians, the ❋ Ernest Alfred Vizetelly (1887)

The Jets' defensive backs are working on "plastering" themselves to receivers because Steelers quarterback ❋ By DAVE CALDWELL (2011)

She explained the manner in which fossils are preserved, called "plastering," which is the process of putting a cast-like jacket that hardens over the specimens. ❋ Unknown (2010)

"The rooms had a single coat of what was then called plastering, composed of frozen mud, and a very thin coating at that. ❋ Unknown (1902)

I can but be pleased to learn and I make no doubt but, that as the Winter approaches, the prospects are brightening about the University for that Institutions going into opperation; I also rejoice to see a continuation of good Weather which at this season of the year is like giving you more time to accomplish the repairs and improvements on, and about the Buildings; such as plastering leveling the yards and Gardens conducting or draining of the water &c; which labour cannot be done so well after winter. ❋ Unknown (1824)

Holgado has gone to great lengths to keep his mission in the public eye, throwing himself on rail tracks to block Madrid-bound trains, plastering the city with posters and graffiti, and twice interrupting football games, dodging security guards on the field with a banner and a bouquet of white carnations, winning standing ovations. ❋ AP (2011)

And yet I wonder about the wording on the signs that are supposed to keep drivers from plastering the cyclists using the lanes. ❋ John Kelly (2011)

Raised on the tough streets of East Cleveland, Eugene decided that mob life offered more money and excitement than the lathing and plastering trades he had learned from his uncles. ❋ Rick Porrello (2011)

No one knows, or tries very hard to find out, who has been plastering the capital city with hearts annually since 2002, the Associated Press reports. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Fred leaned over me, plastering his groin against my backside. ❋ Jill Myles (2011)

"[John] [gave] himself a [good] plastering last night" ❋ Jerry Pearson (2013)

[Rick] couldn't [handle] drinking; he was [plastered] in under an hour. ❋ Sub Zenyth (2005)

[That chick] was so [plastered]. ❋ Ames Hill (2007)

person 1. ey buudy i fuckn [luv u] man.... person 2. but bud... u dont even [relly] kno me... person 1. Im gonna puke.... person 2. wait fer me man.... both: [shit guy], wer f-ckin plastered. ❋ Aaron#66756 (2005)

Pass me a [plaster] I [cut] my [finger]. ❋ Logansmorf (2004)

"Dude, [Adam] was totally [plastered] last night, we almost had to take him to the [hospital]." ❋ Chronus Pseudonymous (2018)

man im [soooo] plastered ,, [lets go] home and drink more,,, [hehehe] ❋ Diamond (2003)

"By the time i [got done] [pounding] that chick, [I left] plaster all over her. ❋ Ttboy (2004)

"Dude, it's like a damn sauna in here, my nuts are [plastered]." "Want me to get the [spatula] to help [peel it] off? ❋ Domesapp (2013)

"[Nice] plaster!!" ❋ Lexeme The Wordsmith (2008)

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