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Definitions and meanings of "Poetasters"

What do we mean by poetasters?

An unskilled poet.

An amateurish poet. Usually teenagers prone to angst. Additionally, most poetasters believe that they are incredibly talented and that they are the only ones who understand their emo-ness and tendencies toward self-injury. Urban Dictionary

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The word "poetasters" in example sentences

And no doubt this is true as a general saying, otherwise what would become of certain English poetasters who are such a joy to the many and such a source of laughter to the few? ❋ Theodore Watts-Dunton (1873)

Lord Carlisle, and, as an erased MS. addition to 'British Bards' testifies, he was to have been excepted from the roll of titled poetasters -- ❋ George Gordon Byron Byron (1806)

Bierce facetiously ascribes the dictionary's cracked etymologies and glosses to such ludicrously named poetasters as Naramy Oof, Pobeter Dunk, Bogul S. ❋ Bill Kauffman (2011)

The biographer's suggestive vigilance attends to the same quality in Keats, as when Plumly draws out the double sense of the word before (place and time) in Keats's scorn of poetasters in "The Fall of Hyperion": ❋ Ricks, Christopher (2009)

How it warms the cockles of ones heart to see a group of over-paid Ivy League poetasters flayed by an equally ruthless bunch of Ivy Leaguers. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Under such permissive conditions, even the most amateurish poetasters can pass themselves off as noteworthy innovators simply by admitting with ironic aplomb that, yes, their work may have failed by the official criteria of success, but because such work has already preempted any criticism with a shameless admission of guilt in advance, such work can evade the cruel brunt of any dismissive judgements. ❋ Unknown (2007)

But if the angry poetasters of the Group of 88 are anything to judge by, no professor need fear discipline for mere incompetence or lack of civility. ❋ Unknown (2007)

With its preposterous inns full of belated characters from Italian storybooks and its preposterous mountains teeming with lovelorn poetasters disguised as Arcadian shepherds, the picture Cervantes paints of the country is about as true and typical of seventeenth-century Spain as Santa Claus is true and typical of the twentieth-century North Pole. ❋ Unknown (2005)

You, I am sure, will no more recommend your poetasters to my civility and good offices. ❋ Unknown (2006)

She had numberless works dedicated to her, and sonnets without end addressed to her by all the poetasters of Europe, under the name of Lindonira or ❋ Unknown (2006)

TRex nailed it with “opinionati,” as in literati & poetasters, buggy whip salesman & telegraphers. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Here's Clive James discussing its effects on the British literary scene in the 1970s: Lowell, in particular, through his landmark book Imitations, gave a generation of poetasters an unrestricted hunting licence to go merrily mistranslating through languages with which they were barely familiar, and often could not read at all... ❋ Unknown (2005)

Various balladeers, poetasters, Portuguese, Frenchmen, or the male nobility of England could rarely tempt her from her studies for more than an hour. ❋ Larry McMurtry (2004)

For which reason, a host of modern poetasters can attract the public ear, which is deaf to the voices of the ❋ Unknown (2003)

To deny that many corruptions and interpolations disfigure them, and that the intrusive hand of the poetasters may here and there have inflicted a wound more serious than the negligence of the copyist, would be an absurd and captious assumption, but it is to a higher criticism that we must appeal, if we would either understand or enjoy these poems. ❋ Unknown (2003)

To deny that many corruptions and interpolations disfigure them, and that the intrusive hand of the poetasters may here and there have inflicted a wound more serious than the negligence of the copyist, would be an absurd and captious assumption; but it is to a higher criticism that we must appeal, if we would either understand or enjoy these poems. ❋ Unknown (2003)

This is an example of a class of writing which may be passed over too lightly by those whom poetasters have made distrustful of poetry. ❋ Unknown (2001)

Dude, I hate [Writer's] [Workshop]. It's really just a big Poetasters Anonymous meeting in there. And the instructor [sucks ass]. ❋ Sparky (2005)

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