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Definitions and meanings of "Preexistence"

What do we mean by preexistence?

The condition of having existed prior to the current time.

The existence of a soul in a previous embodiment.

Synonyms and Antonyms for Preexistence

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The word "preexistence" in example sentences

Your link indicates that physical phenomenon can be cited to support the position that preexistence is a rational rather than a whimsical argument. ❋ Unknown (2009)

It is the place in which we come closest, in the Pauline corpus, to the idea of preexistence and incarnation. ❋ Papabear (2008)

Hogg and Shelley had been reading Plato and struggling with the idea of preexistence. ❋ Michael Grosso (2004)

All concepts of life implied by the idea of preexistence, -- all those beliefs which, however sympathetically studied, must at first have seemed more than strange to you, -- finally lose that curious or fantastic character with which novelty once invested them, and present themselves under a perfectly normal aspect. ❋ Lafcadio Hearn (1877)

All collaborative models in genetics are based on the preexistence of IP rights: open source uses IP as a platform; licensing clearinghouses; patent pools. ❋ Rebecca Tushnet (2009)

They caused a shift in the point of departure of Christological thinking—away from the historical Christ and onto the issue of preexistence. ❋ James F. McGrath (2009)

The result is the loss of substance of key truths of the Christian faith like the preexistence of the Word, the divinity of Jesus, the Trinity, the salvific value of the death of Jesus, the unicity and universality of the salvific mediation of Jesus and of the Church, the resurrection of Jesus. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Can you briefly list a few scholars off the top of your head who question Pauline preexistence? ❋ James F. McGrath (2009)

Yet he argues that "sending" language is to be read in light of the prophets/angels who are commishioned by God nothing or preexistence here. ❋ James F. McGrath (2009)

This is in contrast to St. John, for whom the starting point and the epicenter of attention is precisely the Son's preexistence and incarnation. ❋ Papabear (2008)

Despite these passages, it must be admitted that in Paul preexistence and incarnation are truths that are still germinating; they have not yet been fully formulated. ❋ Papabear (2008)

The idea of Christ's preexistence is implicit in the Pauline texts, which speak of Christ's role in the creation of the world (1 Corinthians 8:6; Colossians 1:15-16), and when Paul says that the rock that followed the people in the desert was Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4). ❋ Papabear (2008)

One, that of Paul, begins from humanity to reach divinity, from the flesh to reach the Spirit, from the history of Christ to arrive at the preexistence of Christ. ❋ Papabear (2008)

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