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Definitions and meanings of "Problematics"

What do we mean by problematics?

(chiefly in the plural) A problem or difficulty in a particular field of study.

Secular wokespeak for "blasphemous" Urban Dictionary

Used by University lecturers to say they disagree with a piece of literature while not outwardly expressing that fact. There is often a long pause before this line is delivered often with pointless hand gestures. Urban Dictionary

A catch-all insult used to negatively describe something you don't like, but can't describe why. Urban Dictionary

A tired and passive aggressive word used by sociology majors when they are too afraid to call someone racist, sexist, or homophobic. Urban Dictionary

The go-to adjective for propagators of cancel culture to describe when someone has crossed the proverbial line. It sounds scary enough to spook corporate entities away, yet vague enough to simply be thrown around without adequate explanation. Most often used by white 5th wave feminists on Twitter with an unchecked white savior complex. Said demographic is also commonly associated with festering daddy issues, thinly-veiled sexual deprivation, the glorification of mental illness, a sad addiction to performative activism, and the compulsive need to search for racist undertones in anything and everything. Urban Dictionary

A word used by young progressives when they don't like certain facts, but have no counter argument. Urban Dictionary

The ridiculous act of having things so good in society that one must make up reasons for conflicts or problems. Urban Dictionary

Used mainly by the woke group of people. 99% of the time it is used to call out a non-existent problem in society, or by antis to complain about fiction they don't like. Urban Dictionary

Being of extreme difficulty and just overall being extra for no reason. Causing problems for everyone because it's all they know how to do. Urban Dictionary

A failing or inoperative automatic transmission. Urban Dictionary

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The word "problematics" in example sentences

It would also be difficult to dissociate these Kantian problematics from the political history of modernity, including as the history of parliamentarity, from the ❋ Unknown (2005)

In this case, the "problematics" that the uprising represented have been silenced anew, with important consequences for the completeness of the story and for setting a pattern of old and new silences and exclusion. ❋ Unknown (2005)

She encouraged the creation of what its guest exhibition curator, Nada Shabout, describes as a space "to unravel, confront and interrogate the various problematics about what it means to be an Arab artist." ❋ Richard Holledge (2011)

Another interesting religious story problematics is that the post apocalypse world interpreted religion as the cause of the war and burned the Bible - but what was the fate of other religious texts? ❋ Unknown (2010)

Marx's notion of social "contradictions" that are the motor of history, but it also goes beyond the humanism of Marx's concept to include the non-human problematics within which we are embedded. ❋ Unknown (2008)

This paper explores the drafting of the 1954 PRC Constitution, upon which China's current 1982 Constitution was based, with the aim of restoring historical context to contemporary issues in Chinese constitutional law and connecting them to longitudinal trends and problematics in Chinese social and political development. ❋ Dan Ernst (2009)

If Ayers had provided any substantive theoretical discussion pertinent to the themes of my book or to the problematics that my co-authors and I were addressing I might take him seriously. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Gradation addresses one of the key problematics of metaphysics that arise from Aristotelianism: “being is predicated in many ways” (Aristotle, Met. 1028a10). ❋ Rizvi, Sajjad (2009)

But Ayers does not reference any of the theoretical arguments or identify any of the problematics dealt with in the book. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Look, honestly, all feminist problematics aside, submission can be very rewarding. ❋ Unknown (2007)

While it's gratifying to have his support -- and necessary since Tom probably knows my poems/poetics better than anyone including moiself -- I've been fully aware and wise Tom has, too of the problematics to a Filipina woman artist being "introduced" by a white male critic. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Beyond that, Clinton ducked the dynasty issue and the problematics of a co-presidency. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And in that sense, I see no difference to what ultimately manifests: A fully coded, self organizing environment created by someone with an awareness of the visual problematics involved tends to be vastly different from the creation of someone who does not operate with those considerations in mind. ❋ Alpha Auer (2009)

Pavig: To what extent can innocence converge with the fundamental tenets of visual expression, which at least from where I like to consider it's problematics would be all about metaphor? ❋ Bettina Tizzy (2009)

Chava Tidhar and Dafna Lemish found that unique conflict situations, such as the uprising in the occupied Palestinian territories, sharpen the problematics of the images of women in television news. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But these papers are free, and offer a different set of problematics than newspapers that have seen their subscription base reduced. ❋ Unknown (2009)

"At times, [Abderrahmane] Sissako's films seem to simply appear, processing the problematics of return without ever establishing a home base they are traveling from," writes Michael Sicinski. ❋ Unknown (2006)

[The language] you're [using] is problematic. ❋ MorRight (2022)

[Lecturer]: I find David [Starkey's] work...................[problematic]. ❋ NagarPhunga (2017)

"That TV show is so [problematic]" "Really? What problems does it cause?" "umm... It's just problematic okay?! [Don't ask] me to give actual evidence [and stuff]..." ❋ L'appelDuVoid (2021)

Janet: I learned in [Sociology] 101 that [David Duke] is problematic. Me: I think you mean racist. Janet: Now you’re being problematic with your [mansplaining]. Me: Just shut up. ❋ HM2013 (2019)

Meg💛🍒🦋(she/her): "John Mulaney seems pretty problematic but like i couldn't tell you why, probably because he's a cis [wh*te] [m*n] [sksksksksksksks]. My paypal is in my bio :)" ❋ Forsenbased (2021)

Someone: You know, only 3% of [Latinos] use [Latinx], and many find Latinx offensive. Progressive: What you just said is so [problematic]. how can you be so racist, sexist and transphobic? ❋ 1325386 (2022)

We must problematize the fact that the sky is blue, it's unfair to the other colors of the [visible light] spectrum. It's called [ROYGBIV] Karen not Blue [Supremacy]! ❋ DeezNutz)) (2018)

Bob: hey dude I just saw the dumbest [vice] article. they are claiming losing weight is "problematic" and "[fatphobic]" Steve: I fucking hate vice, it's like they are entirely [staffed] by a bunch of 14 year old white girls that get offended by everything ❋ P.p. Erect (2022)

Nick,[Gavin],and [Ronnie] are the most [problematic] squad at school. ❋ Thrasher Bitch (2017)

When asked by the service [technician] at [the garage] if his automobile transmission was a stick shift, Bubba, having just attained a [GED], replied, "No, problematic." ❋ Harry Flashman (2003)

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