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Definitions and meanings of "Publishers"

What do we mean by publishers?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word publishers. Define publishers, publishers synonyms, publishers pronunciation, publishers translation, English dictionary definition of publishers.

Something that's very common to see now because Urban Dictionary clearly uses some weird algorithm that impedes definitions from getting published when there was a time when they used to publish EVERYTHING! The site is a piece of shit now. Even if it's a G-rated definition, it's still unlikely to get published. Urban Dictionary

A phrase commonly seen when receiving a verification e-mail from Urban Dictionary. It sucks so bad because you never, ever have any idea why they didn't publish it because they never, ever give you reasons why. Urban Dictionary

Something you wouldn't see in your email after publishing an Urban Dictionary Definition and waiting for review. But it's really common to see "Not published", Believe it or not, Urban Dictionary Doesn't like Inappropriate stuff, or should i say, Urban Dick-tionary. Of course, this is not getting published, and if you're reading this off the site That means Urban Dictionary Got pissed off to prove me wrong. Urban Dictionary

When Urban Dictionary tells you that your word has been approved by the editors and published to the site, but you find out that it really hasn't. It leaves you wondering whether it's due to a bug or a bit of good ol' censorship. Urban Dictionary

'______' was not published: the title of a cruel, mocking email you will inevitably receive from Urban Dictionary after spending 30 minutes or more typing up a brilliant definition. They claim other users voted and decided not to publish your word, but really it was a shitty algorithm that only publishes acronyms (eg. 'SIUYA' - 'stick it up your ass') Urban Dictionary

The sickening feeling that your entries were rejected from Urban Dictionary. Often confused with anxiety and hunger. Urban Dictionary

This will not be published Urban Dictionary

To make content available to the public by any means, either for a cost, or for free. Urban Dictionary

Every definition on Urban Dictionary was written by a user like you. About a thousand definitions are sent to Urban Dictionary every day, but only half enter the hallowed ranks beside ratchet, Harlem Shake, and Cleveland Steamer. People often email and ask, why didn’t my definition get published? Well, we’d like to know too. The truth is, we don’t decide. Sometimes we’re just as puzzled. Some rejected definitions seem perfectly good to us. Sometimes we wouldn’t vote for a definition, but we can’t really say why. Urban Dictionary’s users get to edit the content, so they get to decide. However, since this is a frequent question, we thought we’d look into how users make the decision to publish or not publish a particular definition. We wanted to understand what matters in a definition, what helps it get accepted. To do this, we started by asking users to just describe a list of eight random submissions. We gave people one line of text to describe the submission. For example, one of the words was “phil collins.” Urban Dictionary

An email that is commonly taken personally by people when their definition on Urban Dictionary is not published. It goes like: Thanks for your definition of ________! A few volunteer editors read your definition and decided to not publish it. Don't take it personally! To understand what definitions we publish and reject, check out this blog post: (definitions can't contain links) Try rewriting your definition so that it's easier for others to understand, then try again. Thanks, Urban Dictionary Then follows the rejected definition. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Publishers

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The word "publishers" in example sentences

In responses to Dolamore, and some references to Healy and Jemisin's posts, I've seen this underlying assumption that the authors should be speaking up against their publishers in public; one comment was that they should "have the readers' backs" and not "side with" the publishers**. ❋ Shweta_narayan (2010)

"I have evidence that Viking Penguin publishers is deliberately removing my name from books on the Beat generation and Jack Kerouac," said Nicosia, 57, who lives in Corte Madera with his wife and two children. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Jan Harp Domene, national president of the Parent Teacher Association, decries what she calls publishers '"shock tactics" to reach young males. ❋ Unknown (2008)

(Where are the publishers is a completely different question!) ❋ Sharon Bakar (2004)

Its therefore no secret that certain publishers attempt to meet the whims of their readers by only accepting formulaic plots, plot devises and stock characters. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Perhaps it could be argued that there is a heirarchy among publishers of poetry, certain publishers on whose list many poets would like to be included, but this is a heirarchy of community esteem, as Silliman might put it, not a heirarchy based on "marketing budgets" and "clout" with bookstores or newspaper book reviews. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I agree wholeheartedly that in the “collect everything” era, back catalogs can quickly become unwieldy; maybe what we need to see from publishers is more recognition that “this is important, this is not” and then have those books perennially in print. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It also hopes to bring in publishers of books, comic books, and blogs. ❋ Unknown (2009)

When will publishers learn that trying to force customers to act contrary to their interests in order to benefit publishers is not a smart strategy? ❋ Unknown (2009)

Because Diamond also distributes certain publishers to the book and library trade. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Perhaps it also has to do with how certain publishers are able to have their books selved at the mega-bookstores. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Certain publishers thought the idea of teenagers being heroes was only good for sidekicks! ❋ Unknown (2009)

Man, I am glad my relationship with my publishers is not that adversarial. ❋ Matociquala (2010)

Taking care of old creators who got conned by evil publishers is one thing - but these new guys working for slave wages, paycheck to paycheck, are ruining the industry. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Besides poor concepts and queries, I think the main reason that beginning authors get repeatedly rejected by publishers is because they (incorrectly) think that they only need to build an audience once they get published. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Certain publishers will have to go away because they had no business publishing graphic novels, they just wanted to join the bandwagon. ❋ Unknown (2009)

One thing to keep in mind re full-time lecture agencies vs the in-house agencies set up by publishers is that the in-house publisher agencies are more reactive than proactive – they basically follow up on inquiries, whereas the full-time agencies like mine APB have extensive data bases of lecture sponsors and aggressively call, mail, and email out to these organizations on a regular basis. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Your relationship with publishers is dictated by your audience. ❋ Unknown (2009)

However, what I think would scare away publishers is that the synopsis gives the impression that the girl possessed by a cat demon is a catgirl. ❋ Unknown (2009)

[Not published]? Fuck you, [Urban Dictionary]. You're [useless] now. ❋ SirFartyFartsalot (2020)

Receives [e-mail] from UD: "Your definition was not published." You: "WHY??!?!" [E-mail] says: "You can choose to sign up as editor for Urban Dictionary." You: "NO!!! I WANNA KNOW WHY YOU DIDN'T [PUBLISH] MY DEFINITION!" ❋ DarthXanax (2013)

Published [was not published]. - [Urban Dictionary] ❋ Notpublished (2017)

[My definition] of [Ziocon] was "[published]" by Urban Dictionary. ❋ El Oaxuco (2007)

Me: *[painstakingly] and eloquently defines 'the meaning of life' Urban Dictionary: "'the meaning of life'...[was not published]" Me: "[SIUYA], Urban Dictionary. You've sucked since 2010" ❋ Squiggular (2020)

"Your [entry] was [rejected]" "[Thats what she said].." "Not Published" "WHY?~!" ❋ SpaceAnt(s) (2009)

this will not be published ❋ BlueStripes (2019)

Far too much pure nonsense is [published] on [the World Wide Web], and especially on []. ❋ Downstrike (2004)

Not Published People described this definition as “Somewhat biased”, “opinionated”, or “NO! [PHIL COLLINS] IS THE SHIT”. We collected 69 responses for each word, grouped them together and tried to find the main idea in the description. We continued to group things together until we ended up with eight categories. funny hilarious pun/play on words amusing clever/smart clearly and correctly written complicated/too long bad grammar capitalized/[formatting] confused [specificity] personal too specific about a celebrity slander biased opinionated offensive degrading slander sexist racist usage redundant original makes sense helpful lame strange weird quality of the definition informative true wrong accurate stupid/dumb graphic disgusting [visceral] dirty provocative sexual improper ❋ Gpetriz (2017)

Mark: Mate, my definition on Urban Dictionary [was not published] [Josiah]: Those savage [volunteer editors]. ❋ Grounds Keeper Niel (2019)

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