
Character 5
Hyphenation N/A
Pronunciations /kwɑːk/

Definitions and meanings of "Quark"

What do we mean by quark?

A soft, creamy, usually unsalted cheese traditional to central Europe and made from cow's milk that is coagulated by the lactic acid produced by bacteria rather than by the use of rennet. noun

Any of a class of six fundamental fermions, two in each of the three generations, one having an electric charge of − 1/3 , the other, + 2/3 , comprising the down, up, strange, charm, bottom, and top quarks. Quarks are the basic components of all hadrons. noun

Any of the six quarks' associated antiparticles, the antiquarks. noun

Same as quawk. noun

A soft creamy cheese. The Russian quark and Finnish quark are somewhat different. The Russian version is firmer in consistency and contains about 15% milk fat, whereas the Finnish quark often contains less than 1% milk fat. noun

In the Standard Model, an elementary subatomic particle which forms matter. Quarks are never found alone in nature and combine to form hadrons, such as protons and neutrons. noun

Fresh unripened cheese of a smooth texture made from pasteurized milk, a starter, and rennet noun

(physics) hypothetical truly fundamental particle in mesons and baryons; there are supposed to be six flavors of quarks (and their antiquarks), which come in pairs; each has an electric charge of +2/3 or -1/3 noun

In the Standard Model, an elementary subatomic particle that forms matter. They combine to form hadrons, such as protons and neutrons.

(X Window System) An integer that uniquely identifies a text string.

A quark is a fundemental constituant of matter Observed in 1968 through deep elastic scatter We found that protons aren't as simple as we thought We thought they were solid particles but they are not Protons in fact are made up of three separate pieces It just gets more confusing as our knowledge increases But that is what a quark is; It's a piece of a proton And they also make up other things including the neutron And with leptons and bosons, unless something's amiss, They make up everything that we can see and that we know exists Things made up of quarks including protons and neutrons Are composite particles that physicists call hadrons Many types of hadrons are theoretically described, But most exist for only very brief amounts of time Quarks have electric charge, color charge, mass and spin, And having color charge means they exist solely inside of Other kinds of particles and cannot exist alone Which is why quarks have never been studied on their own Quarks can join together in two different ways, Baryons and Mesons, but most instantly decay If a particle has three quarks, then it's a baryon, And if there's one quark and and anti-quark, then it is a meson Urban Dictionary

The mysterious quark is one of the two basic constituents of matter that make up protons and neutrons, with there being exactly three quarks within each kind of particle. It is often stated that the word was originally coined by Murray Gell-Mann who found it in James Joyce's book Finnegans Wake. However, Joyce himself had probably found the word in a German dictionary. Urban Dictionary

A small bird that you have to creep up on in order to catch. Urban Dictionary

The smallest known building blocks of matter. Protons and neutrons are each made of 3 quarks. Quarks are never found alone, only in groups of two or more. An attempt to separate two quarks generates enough energy to create two more. Urban Dictionary

The sound a duck makes when it is confused, asking a question or surprised. Also used as an empathised alternative to the word 'what?' Urban Dictionary

According to string theory, the smallest bit of matter above strings, tiny vibrating strings that make up the universe. Urban Dictionary

To give a blow job. Urban Dictionary

Ginger ale with a splash of bitters in a beer mug (preferably frosted). Served with NO ice and NO straw. It's supposed to look like a beer. Good for a bellyache, good for looking like you're drinkin' a beer when you don't want to stomach the real thing. Named after the character Quark, who owns Quark's Bar on Deep Space 9. Urban Dictionary

A multi-purpose tool under GPL for the games using engines similar to or based on the Quake series game engine by id Software. Urban Dictionary

The action of rolling up in a tiny ball...sometimes to fit in small cardboard boxes sometimes as to conserve body heat and othertimes to avoid being caught while stalking the hot girl next door. Urban Dictionary

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The word "quark" in example sentences

Seeing the word "quark" in James Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake" induced him to make the spelling change. ❋ Erin McKean (2012)

The “beauty” quark is particularly good for probing this question because b-quarks and anti-b-quarks behave “more differently” than other particles and their antimatter counterparts. ❋ Peggy (2008)

The heaviest known elementary particle, the top quark is one of the fundamental building blocks of nature and understood to be an ingredient of the nuclear soup just after the Big Bang. ❋ Unknown (2006)

When the neutrino beam method was invented by the Columbia team at the beginning of the 1960s the quark concept was still unknown, and the method has only later become important in quark research. ❋ Unknown (1988)

But to understand the structure of the new psi particle a fourth quark is very likely necessary, in the opinion of many researchers. ❋ Unknown (1976)

The result is what researchers call a quark-gluon plasma QGP, which hasn't been present in significant quantities since shortly after the origin of the Universe. ❋ John Timmer (2010)

In both cases, the top quark is short-lived and decays, for example, into a bottom quark, a lepton (such as a muon) and a neutrino. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Actually, the word quark is in the OED as a verb meaning ` croak, 'with 19th-century references to frogs, rooks, and herons. ❋ Unknown (1989)

He is perhaps best known for borrowing the word quark from James Joyce's Finnegans Wake ( "Three quarks for Muster Mark") and giving it a radically new meaning. ❋ Unknown (1986)

Had Gell-Mann been a Lewis Carroll enthusiast, he might have named his hypothetical particles snarks; but instead he borrowed the word quark from James Joyce's Finnegans Wake. ❋ Unknown (1976)

For those of you who don’t get all giggly at slightly lower error bars for their own sake, the top quark is the heaviest of the six flavors of quarks, and was first measured with certainty around 1994-5. ❋ Unknown (2008)

This comes from a German word meaning "curds" and is not related to the subatomic particle called a quark, a name coined by Murray Gell-Mann, who originally pronounced it as "quork." ❋ Erin McKean (2012)

What Mr. Gell-Mann omitted from his explanation was that, though forever jealous of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Joyce couldn't resist borrowing the ripe word "quark" from the wager scene in the opening of Goethe's "Faust" where Mephisto speaks contemptuously of humankind as insolent grasshoppers who try to leap toward heaven but always fall down and plunk their noses in the "quark." ❋ Unknown (2012)

The goal is to study lots of processes, but most significantly to create really hot, dense conditions where we may be able to observe a phase transition in QCD to something called the quark-gluon plasma. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Desserts include a pleasant apple strudel with walnuts and “topfen” rum ice cream, made from a curd cheese called quark, and a rich Sacher torte made with thin layers of sponge cake, chocolate and apricot preserve. ❋ Unknown (2007)

But what if we said instead that a quark was a bit of data telling Consciousness what to see, what picture to make up, just as a bit of data or pixel on a computer screen creates an image on the screen. ❋ Tusar N Mohapatra (2006)

This quark was a missing link in the systematics of the elementary particles and Burton and ❋ Unknown (2000)

Man did you hear that [Hank Green] song about quarks? Strange Charm? Yeah! It totally got me into [atoms] [and stuff]! ❋ ♥Nerdfighter♥ (2011)

"Three quarks for Muster Mark! Sure he has not got much of a bark And sure any he has it's all beside the mark" (James Augustine Aloysius Joyce) "Getretener [Quark] wird [breit], nicht stark" (Johann Wolfgang von [Goethe]) ❋ Clittary Hilton (2007)

"what's quark?" "a [small bird] that you have to [creep] up on in order to catch." "[oh, okay]." ❋ Waaanger (2011)

Quarks, wordgluons, wordelectrons, [damn] [physics] is [hot]! ❋ Zachwolff (2003)

1. [Quark]??!?!?! 2. Person A: I [developed] [the power] to fly today. Person B: Quark?!?! ❋ Fwoabp (2011)

[The four] kinds of quarks are top, [bottom], [charm], and strange. ❋ Scienfabuloso (2009)

[Yo], [Kulveer], [I heard] you quark. ❋ Absence Of Hope (2009)

"Yo [bizzle], [serve] me up a [frosty] quark." ❋ Llij (2004)

[QuArK] is an abbreviation for [Quake] Army [Knife]. ❋ Someone Cool (2005)

"Dude, i was stalking [the girl next door] but it was so freaking cold I had to [quark]; it was a good thing though, because i needed to quark anyways when the [neighbours] walked by!" ❋ Vivelamexico (2008)

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